Behold, a cave entrance has appeared that you couldn’t get at before due to the storm which suddenly vanished without any known reason just as you get there so you don’t know when or if or when it’ll pop back up.
Nah it’s not a trap, they just unlocked the next stage by initiating the cutscene in the magistrate’s office. Though if they were in a rush they could’ve clipped through the storm to get to the cave without talking to anyone, but that would’ve softlocked the “earn Windcrest’s trust” side quest later on.
oh dear! Woe is me! The magistrate will think that I have caused the storm to stop (a storm that is extremely magical and has been going, and stationary, for centuries) with my Life Magic! My magic that effects living things!!
Oh, we can do a more contextually appropriate version if you like. “Hey, is your mill running?” “No! Nobody’s is! The eternal winds have stopped and everyone is panicking!” “… Oh… uh… Well, you better go catch it!”
A few things to consider:
How did Kendall know that a new entrance has opened?
Barring how he does know of a new entrance, is it really a good idea to approach the entrance to a cave system located in what was five minutes ago an impossibly large magical storm that has now disappeared for reasons unexplained?
There’s also the slightly immediate issue of what’s going to happen while they’re there in Windscrest, because I guarantee that things will happen, and not good things.
Oh and btw if we assume that Windscrest had to be fairly close to the standing storm in order to experience constant wind, we can determine that it is probably within a few tens of kilometres of the Southern side of the storm.
Just thought I’d let you know.
Kendal just saw an opening to the caves in the distance, not that it opened, no it’s not a good idea to approach the entrance but it is kinda what they’re looking for, and need right now
since I’ve come to the end of my binge read, it seems the universe is telling me to stop binge reading and do my homework. shame. Guess its something to do until the next upd8!
Me at 1-4-8: (theories how other towns use the storm to power their local economies)
Me now: Oh dear. This has ruined the Windscrest way of life and potentially many more towns. Will the town of Freshriver dry up without it’s constant water supply? Will Emberplain feel it’s first true winter without the fire sectors warmth? With no constant lightning why would people ever visit Everrave?
(I made up these place-names on the spot and I’m sticking to them)
TL;DR: Featherfloof town’s feathery denizens freak out about losing the scary magic storm. As Floof mcNicetats ponders her life choices, Vashn’t gets a notification on is Sword 5S pro, having gotten a location from Pantene god.
Behold, a cave entrance has appeared that you couldn’t get at before due to the storm which suddenly vanished without any known reason just as you get there so you don’t know when or if or when it’ll pop back up.
It’s totally not a trap, you guys.
Nah it’s not a trap, they just unlocked the next stage by initiating the cutscene in the magistrate’s office. Though if they were in a rush they could’ve clipped through the storm to get to the cave without talking to anyone, but that would’ve softlocked the “earn Windcrest’s trust” side quest later on.
Wow Vash is showing his proximity pretty well with a clear path
“Oh no! The eternal winds stopped! The magistrate is now going to blame me and my Life Magic!”
-Alinua 2019
oh dear! Woe is me! The magistrate will think that I have caused the storm to stop (a storm that is extremely magical and has been going, and stationary, for centuries) with my Life Magic! My magic that effects living things!!
But Kendal don’t you know With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Me pressing right: Hey is this page repeating or- ah shit it’s the newest one.
guess I read this a little too fast.
“Is your mill running?”
“Yes, of course its running??”
“Well you better go catch it!”
(yes i know they arent running but this is what my tired brain went “!!!” for)
Oh, we can do a more contextually appropriate version if you like. “Hey, is your mill running?” “No! Nobody’s is! The eternal winds have stopped and everyone is panicking!” “… Oh… uh… Well, you better go catch it!”
Just read through the archive. If there is one thing that’s throwing me off is that I keep expecting Alinua to be barefoot. Not sure why.
That may be b/c of her sketch.
Do any of y’all think that the storm disappeared because of that arrogant person with the lightning and the tattoos?
I think so, too.
Wait for a new character to emerge next update who turns the entire town against Kendal and Alinua and forces them to flee.
Karma decision time
his eyes are glowy ?
A few things to consider:
How did Kendall know that a new entrance has opened?
Barring how he does know of a new entrance, is it really a good idea to approach the entrance to a cave system located in what was five minutes ago an impossibly large magical storm that has now disappeared for reasons unexplained?
There’s also the slightly immediate issue of what’s going to happen while they’re there in Windscrest, because I guarantee that things will happen, and not good things.
Oh and btw if we assume that Windscrest had to be fairly close to the standing storm in order to experience constant wind, we can determine that it is probably within a few tens of kilometres of the Southern side of the storm.
Just thought I’d let you know.
Kendal just saw an opening to the caves in the distance, not that it opened, no it’s not a good idea to approach the entrance but it is kinda what they’re looking for, and need right now
since I’ve come to the end of my binge read, it seems the universe is telling me to stop binge reading and do my homework. shame. Guess its something to do until the next upd8!
You’ve had one, aye, but what about second binge-read?
by the aurora you’re so right
Shikkarasu here with the Bad Advice™️
Why… Why must I wait for tomorrow! Just publish a graphic novel and get it over with!
Me at 1-4-8: (theories how other towns use the storm to power their local economies)
Me now: Oh dear. This has ruined the Windscrest way of life and potentially many more towns. Will the town of Freshriver dry up without it’s constant water supply? Will Emberplain feel it’s first true winter without the fire sectors warmth? With no constant lightning why would people ever visit Everrave?
(I made up these place-names on the spot and I’m sticking to them)
TL;DR: Featherfloof town’s feathery denizens freak out about losing the scary magic storm. As Floof mcNicetats ponders her life choices, Vashn’t gets a notification on is Sword 5S pro, having gotten a location from Pantene god.
Oooh what the fourth appears
Kendal’s pupils are doing the glowy thing again… is that what happens when he sees where he needs to go to find Vash?
the alt text
wait, was that rhetorical? sorry I’m kinda new at this
Those names are wonderful and you should
So essentially everything’s going down
Except the cave opening, which is near the town