Am I the only one who, the further I read into the monologue, was hearing Lord Flashheart from Blackadder and is now convinced that this fellow needs a smashing handlebar mustache?
“My description of grandeur neither narcissistic nor egotistical. In fact, I never use purple prose, nor do I fill pages with flowery lexicon, for I am the epitome of conciseness. I do not repeat myself, nor do I fall into repetition! I… Wait, what was I writing about again?”
Well hello there smart guy! I bet he’s going to make it… but out of his life! Jaja Seriously dude get down from the stars! You probably have talent but let us judge that *whispers: they narcissus kid, he is going into a mess. BUDDY IM WARNING YOU YOU’LL END LIKE IRAS OR SOMETHING
Please tell me this means we will have an actual character struggling with writing a paper because that sort of uninerdy stuff needs an outlet in fantasy FAST.
They don’t like it when I used “phenomenal natural talent” last time
^- shouldn’t that read “They didn’t like it when I used “phenomenal natural talent” last time?
I wonder if he’ll be successful, his hubris will be his downfall or both.
He is saying that an Elemental Magus appears every few centuries, but he is neglecting to point out that not a single one of them has ever made it into the middle of the Elemental Chaos and survived the journey.
Are we gonna have our very own Icarus, flying a tad too close to the sun, or maybe he’ll transform into some sort of monster when he gets to the center, or maybe there’s like an until now unheard of element in the center, or he’s completely fine, gosh this is exciting
I feel the breeze on my face in expectance
Not very long before the storm reaches here
Off in the distance the lightning is flashing again
Feel something strong as the power draws near
Is it the rolling of thunder that scares you
Is it the crashing of clouds that hold fear
But all I know as I sit in a corner alone
It takes me back to my childhood again
And as I wait and I look for an answer
To all the things going round in my head
I ask myself could it be a disaster and when
It’s maybe threatening to happen again
As the ominous light draws near
There’s a lone dog howls in the park
All the people hurry inside
As a lightning flash lights dark
The storm is nearly here
Only God will know
You’re sitting alone you watch
As the wind is blowing treetops
And the swaying rustling leaves
Plenty of time to perceive
As you wait for rain to fall
Only God knows
The whole sky glows
Maybe lightning strikes twice
Maybe lightning strikes twice
TL;DR: Exposition-floof mcHubris is, in fact, the Avatar. He’s also a scholar, and his school wants to yet him into the void of the DangerStormâ„¢, presumably because of his “phenomenal natural talent”.
Tattoos Toots-His-Own-Horn Hubris McGee’s gonna die, or get possessed, or loss his powers, or fly to close to the sun, or learn a valuable lesson about hubris, or learn that the treasure was the friends we made along the way, or he’ll meet an eldritch entity that grants him knowledge that’s maddening to know and go insane, or he’ll meet some sort of magical creature that is 5000 years old and knows nothing about society and will show him around life, then they’ll meet Kendal and Allinua and spider man meme, or he’ll discover an ancient super weapon, or something won’t he?
fun fact: when he shows up later (spoilers I guess?), I genuinely didn’t recognize him w/out the goggles until I saw that somebody (possibly the alt text?) said “well if it isn’t sicktats mchubris”
Let’s make some predictions!
Will discount avatar was the Harry Potter glasses and the hubris of Icarus…
A. Die, and this journal will be found on him buy the protagonists
B. Go insane with knowledge that’s maddening to know
C. Get fucking lost and will be found by the protagonists all like “what year is it?”
D. Put an end to the storm then get yelled at by his professors for messing with a fundamental part of the ecosystem
E. Get knowledge, leave alive, then nobody believes he actually did it
F. Get trapped in there for thousands of years and it turns out this is a thousands of years old journal
G. Learn how to use a 7 element
H. Become a god
I. Fly to close to the sun
J. Meet mysterious colors unlike any seen on earth
K. Meet a giant Fuck you dragon
L. Play chess with the god of knowledge
M. Transition to the opposite gender (look I’m running out of ideas)
N. Get kidnapped by Chimera Mom
O. Get possessed
P. Be fine actually
Only people who bought the elite pass can answer
Q. Learn that the treasure was the friends we met along the way
R. French
S. Fire off an ancient super weapon
T. Loose his powers
V. Meet an elder god
W. Falls to hubris, don’t worry he gets better
X. Have a dance off with some supernatural entity
Y. Meet an alien
Am I the only one who, the further I read into the monologue, was hearing Lord Flashheart from Blackadder and is now convinced that this fellow needs a smashing handlebar mustache?
I definitely hear Flashheart now, but I picture Erin sounding similar to Sokka.
sokka is erin, erin is sokka
they are o n e
I believe there is a grammar error in the second panel. Don’t like and last time are different tenses.
I think I found my favorite character
“hey dude, that last line in your book is a tad narcissistic”
“My description of grandeur neither narcissistic nor egotistical. In fact, I never use purple prose, nor do I fill pages with flowery lexicon, for I am the epitome of conciseness. I do not repeat myself, nor do I fall into repetition! I… Wait, what was I writing about again?”
If I were ever to discover a lost journal in some spooky location, I hope it will read like that.
sooooooo…. number of pages till this backfires? I’m betting 3, maybe 4.
anyone else got another offer? XD
I’m going with 2, this dude is tempting fate
“Who’s got two thumbs and an ego bigger than the storm? This guy!”
Well hello there smart guy! I bet he’s going to make it… but out of his life! Jaja Seriously dude get down from the stars! You probably have talent but let us judge that *whispers: they narcissus kid, he is going into a mess. BUDDY IM WARNING YOU YOU’LL END LIKE IRAS OR SOMETHING
The humblest dude around.
Please tell me this means we will have an actual character struggling with writing a paper because that sort of uninerdy stuff needs an outlet in fantasy FAST.
So this kid thinks he’s the Avatar or something?
YES! Magic tattoos!!
Yessssss he’s such a nerd and I love it
They don’t like it when I used “phenomenal natural talent” last time
^- shouldn’t that read “They didn’t like it when I used “phenomenal natural talent” last time?
I wonder if he’ll be successful, his hubris will be his downfall or both.
Ohhhhh I see! His tats map to the elemental magic he can use!
He is saying that an Elemental Magus appears every few centuries, but he is neglecting to point out that not a single one of them has ever made it into the middle of the Elemental Chaos and survived the journey.
He ded
This feels like a last letter that’s going to be found on his dead body
I bet they get distracted by the chance to monolog to our heros XD
Are we gonna have our very own Icarus, flying a tad too close to the sun, or maybe he’ll transform into some sort of monster when he gets to the center, or maybe there’s like an until now unheard of element in the center, or he’s completely fine, gosh this is exciting
this is the kind of dude who has his own quotes in his twitter bio
I feel the breeze on my face in expectance
Not very long before the storm reaches here
Off in the distance the lightning is flashing again
Feel something strong as the power draws near
Is it the rolling of thunder that scares you
Is it the crashing of clouds that hold fear
But all I know as I sit in a corner alone
It takes me back to my childhood again
And as I wait and I look for an answer
To all the things going round in my head
I ask myself could it be a disaster and when
It’s maybe threatening to happen again
As the ominous light draws near
There’s a lone dog howls in the park
All the people hurry inside
As a lightning flash lights dark
The storm is nearly here
Only God will know
You’re sitting alone you watch
As the wind is blowing treetops
And the swaying rustling leaves
Plenty of time to perceive
As you wait for rain to fall
Only God knows
The whole sky glows
Maybe lightning strikes twice
Maybe lightning strikes twice
Hubris killed the greek hero
Does anyone else gat FMA vibes with the dudes right hand being tattooed like Scar’s
a hundred years passed and we discovered the new avatar, a nerd named Goggles McHubris
23/10 ?
May I just comment on how absolutely gorgeous his hair is? I love it with all of my heart
So, none of the elemental magus that came before ever thought to do that. Yeah, I gonna bet it is not that easy.
I’m getting a bit of a Varian vibe from this guy.
It’s the goggles. The goggles and the overwhelming hubris. That’s why I love him.
“At their disposal FOR NOW”
TL;DR: Exposition-floof mcHubris is, in fact, the Avatar. He’s also a scholar, and his school wants to yet him into the void of the DangerStormâ„¢, presumably because of his “phenomenal natural talent”.
I can swear this is Red’s self-insert
You fool! You NEVER use first person in a technical paper!
Seriously, though, this is male!Rose Lalonde with different hair and goggles.
the alt text
whaaaaat? magic that isn’t GREEN? who do you think you are, sir?!
@mallow. YEEESSSSS!!! You had me laughing so hard my sister yelled at me?
Disguising his ego and ready to roll
He enters the storm where journeys take a toll
Oh my freaking primogems he has Kaeya sleeves
And Akademiya reveal!
Ooooh magic crackly tattoos
What a FANTASTIC way to introduce a character!!
Tattoos Toots-His-Own-Horn Hubris McGee’s gonna die, or get possessed, or loss his powers, or fly to close to the sun, or learn a valuable lesson about hubris, or learn that the treasure was the friends we made along the way, or he’ll meet an eldritch entity that grants him knowledge that’s maddening to know and go insane, or he’ll meet some sort of magical creature that is 5000 years old and knows nothing about society and will show him around life, then they’ll meet Kendal and Allinua and spider man meme, or he’ll discover an ancient super weapon, or something won’t he?
Correction on past me, he meets mysterious color unlike any seen on earth
fun fact: when he shows up later (spoilers I guess?), I genuinely didn’t recognize him w/out the goggles until I saw that somebody (possibly the alt text?) said “well if it isn’t sicktats mchubris”
Let’s make some predictions!
Will discount avatar was the Harry Potter glasses and the hubris of Icarus…
A. Die, and this journal will be found on him buy the protagonists
B. Go insane with knowledge that’s maddening to know
C. Get fucking lost and will be found by the protagonists all like “what year is it?”
D. Put an end to the storm then get yelled at by his professors for messing with a fundamental part of the ecosystem
E. Get knowledge, leave alive, then nobody believes he actually did it
F. Get trapped in there for thousands of years and it turns out this is a thousands of years old journal
G. Learn how to use a 7 element
H. Become a god
I. Fly to close to the sun
J. Meet mysterious colors unlike any seen on earth
K. Meet a giant Fuck you dragon
L. Play chess with the god of knowledge
M. Transition to the opposite gender (look I’m running out of ideas)
N. Get kidnapped by Chimera Mom
O. Get possessed
P. Be fine actually
Only people who bought the elite pass can answer
Q. Learn that the treasure was the friends we met along the way
R. French
S. Fire off an ancient super weapon
T. Loose his powers
V. Meet an elder god
W. Falls to hubris, don’t worry he gets better
X. Have a dance off with some supernatural entity
Y. Meet an alien
I really wonder why they didn’t like it the last time he mentioned his phenomenal natural talent…
i hope that journal is protected against all the lightning they’re about to experience
oh boy. the hubris is palpable