it’s a very tiny detail but the writing on the glowy fire-rock shelf in the first panel looks like a mix of Tolkien elvish and Irken, both of which I know, and it does not please my language brain lol. Also, the magistrate being half-elf explains why his eyes look suspiciously glowy and blue, so that’s nice to know OuO
The story loop from expected hijinx to sad retelling of fresh grief X|
the past 3 chapters will now be summarized.
Yes, please tell me your tragic backstory!
How did this tragic event take place?
“So I’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties-” (If nobody gets the reference I’m gonna be really sad…)
I saw that vine! AND I GET THE REFERENCE
Oddly specific trope of the day.
The entire story until this point was a flashback as the character explain the journey up until this point.
Guys look at the tapestry in the background
I’m almost crying, he looks so sad in the last panel
Time to find out how truthful Kendal wants to be about who/what he is.
Just caught up again, in time for the flashback of everything I just read. 😛
Will the magistrate join the crew?
I like you
Thank you!
I like your profile pic
I second that. I like you too.
Is it just me, or does the magistrate have hearts in his eyes in the second panel?
Well, first you need to know that there’s an enemy powerful enough to put a protective deity out of commission.
Hey guys!!! Look at that fire rock thingy! It says something in that language… Red is that something that the fire mages use perhaps?
Is that Vash in the tapes try in the background? Will the magistrate recognize Kendal this way?
You: …lacrima….
Me: *Tower of Heaven flashbacks* oh no oh no ohnoohnohonoohnoohnoohnohnohnohnonononononononononoo
oh boy
it’s a very tiny detail but the writing on the glowy fire-rock shelf in the first panel looks like a mix of Tolkien elvish and Irken, both of which I know, and it does not please my language brain lol. Also, the magistrate being half-elf explains why his eyes look suspiciously glowy and blue, so that’s nice to know OuO
ugh. the shadows are fabulous. they really add the emotion and drama here – especially on Kendal’s face in the last panel!
that is a cool lamp in the first panel
TL;DR: Magistrate-floof is friendly, to everyone’s surprise, but very to-the-point and triggers Blond-floof’s PTSD from yesterday.
Good eye. well done
Hmmm, Kindly old man in position of power, with long grey hair?
Don’t trust him.
for context, the alt text
*story loops back to chapter 1*
Lemme rephrase that alt text for ya: *story loops back to chapter 1 with better art style*
Surprisingly friendly he asks them to tell
What they know about Vash, though it doesn’t feel so swell
…hang on, what’s a lacrima? A fabrial?
I apologise for the references in every second comment
I just finished Words of Radiance and I saw this comment
I’m happy now