on August 26, 2019
at 4:00 am
Another double update, because not much is really happening here. It’s a big statue, okay? It takes big panels!
Another double update, because not much is really happening here. It’s a big statue, okay? It takes big panels!
TL;DR: You know how they say that if all you have is a hammer, all your problems look like nails? Not-Vash has the opposite going on. All of his problems need a crowbar, so all his tools look like crowbars.
I know this is a bit far back, but that sword is surprisingly good at breaking rocks.
Wait… is this about to become a cautionary tale of “don’t chop off the limb you’re standing on”?
the alt text
oh no it’s just the sound of more rocks breaking
He looks so tiny
Compared to the Sentinel, he is pretty tiny
This made me laugh
His sword causes a loud cracking sound
And the sentinel’s arm is going to the ground
Floofboi got big ole chibi eyes here