Getsuga Tensho! (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Wow, starfire really is something of its own, beating regular fire and soulfire in every instance so far. Granted the one user of soulfire is a relative novice and the starfire/metal part has been worked on by Vash for years; there could be instances where soulfire is better. This display also has me convinced that the glort knew the risk Kendal and starfire posed so tried to take him out asap.
The fact Kendal was able to take out the glort so easily when the other members of the gang could not also exposes their weakness that each individual is rather specialised. As a whole, I’m confident they could find a solution to almost anything owing to their individual talents and experiences. However, if separated and fighting a problem more suited for a member who’s elsewhere, they struggle.
Well, the gang’s back together now, the glort is no more, and maybe now they can get some rest. However no one, aside from the chipper Tess, seems that happy, and now Alinua can chew into Kendal for his “stab-self-to-summon-god” plan. Well, I guess Falst is going to escape from a similar treatment from Ali after all.
Alinua doesn’t look angry at all. She looks concerned and scared. I know, I know, it could turn to anger and a chewing-out in a moment, a classic comedy beat, but even though that prediction has been building meme strength since it became clear that the glort wasn’t going away until Kendal showed up, I don’t think we have as much right to expect it as we did the “Tess with the steel chair” meme.
Also, I didn’t know Alinua’s ears were articulated. I thought they were just, you know, pointy. But in the next-to-last panel…
Anonymous Aurora Question #31: Yessss he’s back, and we got the Trauma slime away from the floof!! Now, let’s have a weird question to celebrate: Who do you think, is the floofiest character Red has ever designed?
In the comic? I’d have to say the cotton-candy-haired Avatar of life about to royally lay into our human-shaped golden retriever.
In general? I mean… there’s a LOT of competition on the YouTube channel…
Now imagining all the characters getting into a floof-off, just standing around in a circle staring intensely at each other as their hairstyles each get steadily wider, softer, and poofier, all of them collapsing one by one under the weight of their hair until only one is left standing…I honestly can’t decide if it should be Kendall or Alinua. Maybe we can never know, because by the end of the fight the duo’s hair has each grown so large and poofy it completely eclipses both of them from view!
Life; her floof covers the planet. Both in her astral form in some panles, and by sheer volume of floof. as far as non primordials, I say it goes to Falst’s Dad.
I can’t think of one offhand, but I get the feeling that of all the characters Red has designed for all of her projects over the years, the Aurora Floof Squad don’t stand out particularly. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if deep in some trope talk video, there wasn’t a stick figure with floof to put even Alinua to shame.
Eh, it looks dramatic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also a case of “also, I’m too tired to move”. He’s had a hell of a day and I doubt he’s anywhere close to fully healed (and you can bet Alinua’s gonna tear him a new one if he’s reopened anything).
kendal’s about to receive the greatest tongue lashing of both of his lives, followed quickly by the greatest hug of both of his lives. let’s hope this brings alinua a little peace, because HOLY CRAP, she needs this…
I mean horrible eldritch fear monster in the dark crevices of ruins from a forgotten civilization, nearly one shots all the spell casters, a melee build overpowers it and one shots the thing at the end? i want a from soft game like that.
Interesting that Tess just said “he catches on quick”. Did she try to train him on how to use it on the way there? If so, that might indicate that the activation and/or use possibilities for starfire are similar to lightning magic, or at least chosen by the sky lightning magic (maybe because in both cases, it was caused by injury (stabbing and lightning), so using it is different to regular magic channeling?)
I think she’s just quipping. Either he catches on quick to Dainix and Erin using fire to harm the Glort OR he catches on quick to Vash using Starfire to defeat Tynan. I don’t see how she could have taught him.
Did he just one-shot it? I’m not disappointed but I wasn’t expecting things to wrap up quite so quickly. I wonder if we’ll get any more of a sure explanation than the one Erin cooked up midway through the fight. Maybe he was right after all.
Well, I guess this IS what Big Guys are for. And I’m always happy to see character development power-ups.
Whether you get it through fireball or lightning bolt, hot plasma is pretty much always the solution to the most recalcitrant problems. If hot plasma doesn’t work, it just means you haven’t made it hot enough. I don’t care how much magic you have, if you’re reduced to a cloud of quark-gluon plasma you will not be a problem anymore.
I mean, in fairness, an excess quantity of quark gluon plasma can be very much a problem in its own right. For example, consider the situation from Glort’s perspective…. P
Yea- a general idea of the centre of a neutron star (the closest thing to a black hole that hasn’t collapsed yet) is that it is a quark gluon plasma, which is still extremely dangerous in its own right. ESPECIALLY if it was once somehow a sentient entity.
Not meaning to nitpick, but this sort of science talk is totally my jam 🙂
My brother as DM loved that “wizard opens with fireball” habit. He would set the players up to expect a dragon. They’d be out in the mountains. He’d tell them of a distant rumbling sound. They’d draw their swords. The wizard readies the fireball. The sound would get closer… and louder… now it’s like thunder, a roaring sound right above them! The snow is thrown about and moving!
The wizard would throw the fireball.
It was an avalanche. The wizard just made it that much worse and they’d have to roll for damage, did they lose their swords, how much of their supplies were swept away….
That last panel is the face of everyone except Tess having just relived their greatest trauma (in several cases, literally!) and Tess bouncing through like joyous sheet lightning
Yes yes kendal did the thing and ali’s gonna chew him out. no one gonna mention that he stabbed yet another rock? do we have a running total of rocks he’s stabbed?
Everyone here is saying Alinua’s about to slap him but honestly? I don’t want to see that. Let her get emotional. Too emotional to say what she really wants to say. Where she doesn’t know whether to hit him or hug him. And then let Kendal say it for her in a way that shows he understands without having to be lectured. I think our boy has earned that kind of demonstration of his growth.
Did this destroy, or disperse the void energy? Because if this can truly destroy Primordial energy then they have a weapon which can genuinely harm Void. They probably can’t pull off the kind of asteroid-mining operations needed to scale this up to actually *kill* a Primordial, but permanent harm to an immortal of that scale would be an incredible (and existentially concerning) capability to have available.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: rip psychic torture slime, gone to that big dungeon in the sky
Image source: quick
Tumblr text: good work team
Kendal better be ready for one hell of a bitch slap and then one hell of a hug from Alinua lol
God I’ve missed him.
Oh, he is SO for it from Alinua XD she’s going to hug him because he’s alright and then kill him herself
djksjdjhskj omg dainix has his arm on falst. the tactical hugging is real
kind of obsessed that they’re besties(at very least~) after like 6? hours together
Yeah, but it was a really busy 6ish hours.
now please give them some time to rest. (Possibly including a bit of travelling, but nothing too major.)
Don’t worry, they’ve got a whole intercontinental sailing trip ahead.
Nothing goes wrong when you get on the boat!
you can ask Guts (from Berserk) about all the things that go wrong on boats
Guts? Just ask Oddyseus
Also Jason
Or almost any D&D party.
alinua is gonns slap him
Well, I hope she vine-binds him then slaps him until he begs for more…
Gonna go with no, but those restraints may be needed so he gets the point. Tbh I hope that Tess interferes a bit before Kendal gets too chewed out.
I hope Kendal’s recovered enough, because Alinua can hurt him more than Slimy ever could.
Psh, that was easy, why’d the other guys struggle so much? Just throw *mysterious fire unlike any seen on Earth* at it!
It was the True Fire of Samadhi
is that eldritch horror fire?
“mysterious fire, etc, etc…”
*to the wizard* why haven’t you guys tried radiant damage?
Crazy to think about, but the last time we saw Kendal up and moving was September 12th last year. It doesn’t feel like it’s been long at all.
Shame he got the fancy power up just as Alinua is about to kill him.
Getsuga Tensho! (sorry, couldn’t resist)
Wow, starfire really is something of its own, beating regular fire and soulfire in every instance so far. Granted the one user of soulfire is a relative novice and the starfire/metal part has been worked on by Vash for years; there could be instances where soulfire is better. This display also has me convinced that the glort knew the risk Kendal and starfire posed so tried to take him out asap.
The fact Kendal was able to take out the glort so easily when the other members of the gang could not also exposes their weakness that each individual is rather specialised. As a whole, I’m confident they could find a solution to almost anything owing to their individual talents and experiences. However, if separated and fighting a problem more suited for a member who’s elsewhere, they struggle.
Well, the gang’s back together now, the glort is no more, and maybe now they can get some rest. However no one, aside from the chipper Tess, seems that happy, and now Alinua can chew into Kendal for his “stab-self-to-summon-god” plan. Well, I guess Falst is going to escape from a similar treatment from Ali after all.
Dainix is going to tattle on Falst. Dainix knows you don’t keep that sort of information from the healer.
Alinua may not be up for scolding Falst but Erin- may not be up for scolding three people at once but he’s going to TRY dangit!!
Alinua doesn’t look angry at all. She looks concerned and scared. I know, I know, it could turn to anger and a chewing-out in a moment, a classic comedy beat, but even though that prediction has been building meme strength since it became clear that the glort wasn’t going away until Kendal showed up, I don’t think we have as much right to expect it as we did the “Tess with the steel chair” meme.
Also, I didn’t know Alinua’s ears were articulated. I thought they were just, you know, pointy. But in the next-to-last panel…
Anonymous Aurora Question #31: Yessss he’s back, and we got the Trauma slime away from the floof!! Now, let’s have a weird question to celebrate: Who do you think, is the floofiest character Red has ever designed?
On a scale of one to flooftastic? Tough choices – I’d say either Kendal or Dainix
We need a mini poll in the comments at some point exploring this exact question
Ooh, good question! Casting a vote for Alinua, for a combination of length and curly volume relative to body size.
They are so full of floofiness in their individual way that I can decide who is best. (shake head)
Zuurith is very floofy in body, but not in spirit.
This here … is peak comedy.
In the comic? I’d have to say the cotton-candy-haired Avatar of life about to royally lay into our human-shaped golden retriever.
In general? I mean… there’s a LOT of competition on the YouTube channel…
Certainly Alinua. Maybe it’s the curliness, but her hair just looks the most voluminous and therefore floofy.
Now imagining all the characters getting into a floof-off, just standing around in a circle staring intensely at each other as their hairstyles each get steadily wider, softer, and poofier, all of them collapsing one by one under the weight of their hair until only one is left standing…I honestly can’t decide if it should be Kendall or Alinua. Maybe we can never know, because by the end of the fight the duo’s hair has each grown so large and poofy it completely eclipses both of them from view!
Life; her floof covers the planet. Both in her astral form in some panles, and by sheer volume of floof. as far as non primordials, I say it goes to Falst’s Dad.
I’m not sure in terms of quality, but Tynan, with an entire large stormcloud for hair, clearly represents the most quantity of floof
In villain and hero alike there is floof
And of its great volume there is plenty proof
As for who floofes the best of them all
I’d measure floofiness, and wether they’re tall
The greatest floof per body volume
Is Alinua, who’s short but fills a room
i’m actually going to go out on a limb and say her original design for Achilles in her first Iliad video.
I can’t think of one offhand, but I get the feeling that of all the characters Red has designed for all of her projects over the years, the Aurora Floof Squad don’t stand out particularly. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if deep in some trope talk video, there wasn’t a stick figure with floof to put even Alinua to shame.
Whoa . . . This comment thread is ✨ A M A Z I N G ✨
( -ly flooftastic)
I like the WHAM coming from the side of the 6th panel. Just a little “What goes up must come down” before Tess appears in the final frame ^-^
I like that too. Tess is great :3
I like the little WHAM coming from the side in the 6th panel. Just a little “What goes up must come down” before Tess appears ^-^
…I love Tess.
An I love a good FWOOM
New Skill acquired: Starmetal Fire.
I love how dramatic Kendal is kneeling in the bottom panel. He is Him
Eh, it looks dramatic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s also a case of “also, I’m too tired to move”. He’s had a hell of a day and I doubt he’s anywhere close to fully healed (and you can bet Alinua’s gonna tear him a new one if he’s reopened anything).
If only glort absorbed the ability to create a barrier then he might have been able to survive the wind scar, alas it was not to be.
kendal’s about to receive the greatest tongue lashing of both of his lives, followed quickly by the greatest hug of both of his lives. let’s hope this brings alinua a little peace, because HOLY CRAP, she needs this…
Great Enemy Slain
ok fromsoft
I mean horrible eldritch fear monster in the dark crevices of ruins from a forgotten civilization, nearly one shots all the spell casters, a melee build overpowers it and one shots the thing at the end? i want a from soft game like that.
Incoming Aliuna missle!
As if Kendal wasn’t OP enough <3
Interesting that Tess just said “he catches on quick”. Did she try to train him on how to use it on the way there? If so, that might indicate that the activation and/or use possibilities for starfire are similar to lightning magic, or at least chosen by the sky lightning magic (maybe because in both cases, it was caused by injury (stabbing and lightning), so using it is different to regular magic channeling?)
I think she’s just quipping. Either he catches on quick to Dainix and Erin using fire to harm the Glort OR he catches on quick to Vash using Starfire to defeat Tynan. I don’t see how she could have taught him.
I agree. I think she’s just aware that he hasn’t tried to use that talent before.
That sense. Thanks for your input!
What if they hug and it’s a callback to the page after Alinua got control of her magic?
So fire WAS the solution eventually. They just needed magic blue fire, as opposed to normal boring fire.
Did he just one-shot it? I’m not disappointed but I wasn’t expecting things to wrap up quite so quickly. I wonder if we’ll get any more of a sure explanation than the one Erin cooked up midway through the fight. Maybe he was right after all.
Well, I guess this IS what Big Guys are for. And I’m always happy to see character development power-ups.
oh my god it’s finally over
Ah, hello again blue glow.
And here we are about to see the local healer commit a crime against the tank who attacked before his res-invulnerability was done
The Gort be like Perfect Cell.
incoming cute page in 3… 2…
the reaction panel was gorgeous i love it so much
Whether you get it through fireball or lightning bolt, hot plasma is pretty much always the solution to the most recalcitrant problems. If hot plasma doesn’t work, it just means you haven’t made it hot enough. I don’t care how much magic you have, if you’re reduced to a cloud of quark-gluon plasma you will not be a problem anymore.
I mean, in fairness, an excess quantity of quark gluon plasma can be very much a problem in its own right. For example, consider the situation from Glort’s perspective…. P
But what if you have ANTI PLASMA magic!
Sorry, I got spighettified by this Black Hole over here. What were you saying?
Yea- a general idea of the centre of a neutron star (the closest thing to a black hole that hasn’t collapsed yet) is that it is a quark gluon plasma, which is still extremely dangerous in its own right. ESPECIALLY if it was once somehow a sentient entity.
Not meaning to nitpick, but this sort of science talk is totally my jam 🙂
I toast your jam! (smile) Here, here!
Thank you, for toasting my jam 😀
There once was a boy of starfire.
To help was his only desire.
He disperses the gloom
With one big FWOOM!
Now a scolding’s about to transpire.
Love the limerick
Or, following the Crap Guides to D&D for playing a Wizard, lead off with the fireball 🙂
My brother as DM loved that “wizard opens with fireball” habit. He would set the players up to expect a dragon. They’d be out in the mountains. He’d tell them of a distant rumbling sound. They’d draw their swords. The wizard readies the fireball. The sound would get closer… and louder… now it’s like thunder, a roaring sound right above them! The snow is thrown about and moving!
The wizard would throw the fireball.
It was an avalanche. The wizard just made it that much worse and they’d have to roll for damage, did they lose their swords, how much of their supplies were swept away….
My brother was an evil DM. 🥲 I’m so proud….
That last panel is the face of everyone except Tess having just relived their greatest trauma (in several cases, literally!) and Tess bouncing through like joyous sheet lightning
And now the end is here
And so I face that final curtain
My friend, I’ll make it clear
I’ll state my case of which I’m certain…
looks like SOMEONE leveled up :‎)
Yes yes kendal did the thing and ali’s gonna chew him out. no one gonna mention that he stabbed yet another rock? do we have a running total of rocks he’s stabbed?
at least three, which is really just too many nickels at that point
I get the impression that Tess and Kendal are going to be great buddies very soon.
Everyone here is saying Alinua’s about to slap him but honestly? I don’t want to see that. Let her get emotional. Too emotional to say what she really wants to say. Where she doesn’t know whether to hit him or hug him. And then let Kendal say it for her in a way that shows he understands without having to be lectured. I think our boy has earned that kind of demonstration of his growth.
TL;DR: Sword guy used magic slash! It’s super effective! Enemy slime is blasting off again!
In the celestial fire of his sword
So ends Jeff, of terror a lord
Red & Blue I would love to see you high school
Love rack monster
Bye, Glort !!
Yessss more blue energy!
Did this destroy, or disperse the void energy? Because if this can truly destroy Primordial energy then they have a weapon which can genuinely harm Void. They probably can’t pull off the kind of asteroid-mining operations needed to scale this up to actually *kill* a Primordial, but permanent harm to an immortal of that scale would be an incredible (and existentially concerning) capability to have available.