(even if it might not work. But maybe it will! Maybe Kendal gets to arrive to a situation and NOT have to save everyone for a change, that honestly might work as well? Ehhh, unlikely)
Me: *sees a fellow How to train your dragon reader*
*walks over to them*
XD I haven’t seen a httyd reference for YEARS outside my close knit friend group, so I am ridiculously happy to see this comment
And yes I do see the correlation – it’s a perfect fit
& there we have it, the link between nerds & also nerds who watch football maybe?
It seems to be unrelated as to if your team wins or loses more with the individuals temperament maybe?
Special Ed was a jock & a football player (like a little to into it football guy) but also he was better at me into chopping big jobs into tasks & eating them like potato chips.
Also I did yoga, I still have a rotator cuff, but we should keep in mind that I started swinging my hammer ambidextrously to spare the left shoulder some hammering.
Well, the future is bright for the Aurora Space Program at least.
Good news: the boys are out of the hole. Bad news: looking at that tentacle behind Erin, so is the glort. Methinks that while Alinua’s vines allowed them to reach the boys in time, they also gave the glort the perfect vector to escape. You can even see it try and block the entrance before Dainix and Falst break through.
Just what the hell is the glort?! It has psychic damaging eyes, a gelatinous body with workable bones in it, soulfire seems ineffective, and can travel up and assimilate plant life astonishingly quickly. I can see Erin recognises it as a threat, but whether he knows anything beyond that I’m not sure. And it looks like he’s going to get well aquatinted in a moment.
Soooo… when is that big massive giant humongous rock gonna come back down? Is it gonna pulverize Jeff the Voidhammer Amalgamation on impact? Or did Erin send it into actual ORBIT?
These people really need to grow eyes in the back of their head. Though their flooffy manes would obscure their sight… Alright, then, they need to grow eyestalks in the back of their head!
To be honest I was giving up on this comic because of how long they were underground and how I didn’t expect Dainix and Falst to get even closer in their relationship but this new page is giving me hope but I’m still giving up on this comic because of they might never canonically be together but I ship them so much that they were on my phone wallpapers and I drew them several times but… Red give me a reason to hope for more of these two yknow
Anonymous Aurora Question #21: Whose power is most effective against our goopy friend in your opinion?
Bonus Question: How good/Bad are each of the floof Squad at school? What do they do in class? How reliable are they? Etc.
AAQ 21: I’m not sure. Possibly Tess might be able to do something when she gets here, but out of what we’ve seen, Dainix can do the most.
BQ: Erin is probably the best, Kendal tries his best but has no idea what to do, Falst is an average student but gets bullied a lot, Dainix is also an average student and protects Falst, Alinua is ok and just wants to learn about plants, and Tess is a good student who’s just along for the ride (and possibly the class clown).
It seems like the Glort can counter all of the elemental magic (which seems likely since it seems somehow connected to Void). So… nobody, really. Hopefully, Erin or Tess have some idea what the heck it is so it can be taken care of.
The “Floof Squad” seem to be a ragtag group of misfits, so they would all have trouble in a school system like the modern US. I am willing to bet that Erin’s hubris and desire to succeed is the only reason he managed to get out off fantasy-world school in one piece.
AAQ 21- I am sure the Power of Love can beat Jeff. That, or a slice of Soulfire…
BQ While it would be fun to compare Erin to Sheldon I am sure many could do better me. I would guess Erin would be a nerd who goofs off a lot in class but do well on written tests and into obscure and esoteric topics- and falls down a lot, only to be picked up by the ever present Tess. Tess would be polite and calm and kind but very boring(given Metal clan nature at birth until they spark ). Alinua would be a shy wall flower and look nervous and afraid all the time. Dainix would be a popular jock who would be nice to every one. Falst would be that troublesome outsider kid always getting in fights with kids. If you just have to have Kendal there he would be kind but clueless and inept but know a lot about history.
I bet Glort will use the Trauma Stare(â„¢) on Erin and we’ll get backstory hints. Then he’ll fall in right as Alinua seals it and he’ll be too discombobulated to resists Walter’s control.
Oh so we are going with the Arch Angel since he doesn’t have a name yet.I think it may have been a connection between Walter and the fair lady. Possibly her intervention through him, or each actually share an aspect of the other.
Aurora Question #94: How would crime in Aurora be impacted by Magic?
Pre-Emptive Aurora Question #95: What measures would law enforcement use to counteract Magic?
Ooh, the possibilities are endless! You could pickpocket someone with wind magic or rob a place by tearing the walls open with stone magic (provided they aren’t made with soul crystal). For the second question, we know that they use sealing cuffs to keep magical prisoners from escaping (Plus Shrike used one on Tess to keep her from lightning-ing herself away), but besides that you could pin someone down with wind magic or just straight up paralyze them.
Honestly, I feel like Shrike is a pretty good answer to both of those questions! Or just the entire Zuurith arc before Tynan shows up, really.
A more elaborate answer, though would go something like this: One key thing about magic in Aurora, in my view, is that is that it can be a convenient source of power for people without a lot of expensive resources, but it can be much much more powerful when you DO have expensive resources, and non-magic people can still easily kick the sh*t out of most mages if they’re well-trained and know what to expect. So for instance, stone mages like Shrike can probably pull off a lot of impressive crimes by just manipulating knives and/or coins and stuff, but they can do an even more impressive job enforcing the law by manipulating fancy chains, crossbows, and magic-sealing cuffs.
The answer to both questions is that it’s just a different method to the same madness. It may be fun to come up with a heist idea and check out the “Magic” page on this site and see how one would pull it off in this world.
Also an answer to the second question: more magic.
AQ #94- Magic crime requires a magic user to do. These are rarer and less varied and less powerful in Aurora then our heroes for the most part and more specialized.
AQ #95 To detect, track, or discover a magic crime would be another job a magic user could do. But a few tough Ferin might be useful too. And Shrike showed good techinques for hunting down and dealing with people too.
I worry that the opposite may be true: since the Ancients were aware of VD and actively took measures against him, I wonder if this is their failed attempt at a weapon to counteract Void Magic. “Voidhammer” as in a method of crushing the Void Dragon, or perhaps a device that somehow harnesses Void energy. Either way, VD would certainly think it was an abomination.
That opens up for some exciting possibilities. If the Voidhammer indeed is a weapon against Void, it might prove useful in Erin’s quest to free himself of Walter. If so be the case, we may yet hear more of Jeff after the arc is completed.
I’ll say about the same, but the more they interact the more that they interact the more they seem like siblings. Or a sort of found family thing I guess? Also Kendal being effectively weeks to months old doesn’t help much as he is just now growing int being his own person.
My admitted OBSESSION with “cannon” was in fact not a form of O.C.D….So, now I am no longer afraid that I will “fuck it up” and I hope to find an extra delicious peace;
I am ready for my dirt nap now.
NO I am in no rush…
P.S. I admit nothing, does that do me any good at this point?
P.P.S. I was going to post a song but the URL was too long or some such, it’s ok I will drive this new internet by feel, I’ll figure it out, I’m a slow learner but when I GROCK something…
Pedantic note: a cannon is large, usually smooth-bore device for firing (usually inert) projectiles.
Canon originally referred to canon law, the law of the Catholic Church, but has been expanded to reference anything that is “official” in various circumstances.
I’m going to assume that Tess and Kendal are arriving any minute now….
I’m going to hope they are anyway, cause it seems like Alinua just fed the blob and Erin is great an all, he just takes some setup to com online.
Weird question, what time zone does this comic update in? I’m asking because Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for you might be Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday for me
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: chapter over, we can all go home!
Image source: breach
They’re out the hole, now seal it tight!
Lest Jeff should flee or start a fight
Heck yeah!
(even if it might not work. But maybe it will! Maybe Kendal gets to arrive to a situation and NOT have to save everyone for a change, that honestly might work as well? Ehhh, unlikely)
Wait are we calling the glort Jeff now? That’s amazing, I love it.
We call it: Glort, Jeff, The Voidhammer, Evil Goop, Protagonist Torturer Supreme etc.
Really whatever you want.
Wait, JEFF? AKA Cheth??? Man, I knew Cheth had seen better days before the Fracture, but he’s REALLY let himself go! (reference to Phantomarine)
Oh hey, I know you!
Yep, AspiringWriter coined that one on page 1-22-14. I find it very funny.
Thanks! Funny was what I was going for. Btw, I really like your couplets
@Writer way to put the monster in its place! (smile and thumbs up)
So protective of him I can’T
Sure is nice, isn’t it? Just wrapped him up in a poncho hug like Toothless with his wings to Hiccup in HtTyD!
Me: *sees a fellow How to train your dragon reader*
*walks over to them*
XD I haven’t seen a httyd reference for YEARS outside my close knit friend group, so I am ridiculously happy to see this comment
And yes I do see the correlation – it’s a perfect fit
IKRRRR *flings a chair through the wall from excitement* FALST DESERVES SOME COMFORT
& there we have it, the link between nerds & also nerds who watch football maybe?
It seems to be unrelated as to if your team wins or loses more with the individuals temperament maybe?
Special Ed was a jock & a football player (like a little to into it football guy) but also he was better at me into chopping big jobs into tasks & eating them like potato chips.
Also I did yoga, I still have a rotator cuff, but we should keep in mind that I started swinging my hammer ambidextrously to spare the left shoulder some hammering.
Good morning
Yay! They’re out!
NO ONE can catch a break and I, for one, LOVE it
Oh, I see. You’re a sadist too!
Join the club! (I founded it btw:) )
Well, the future is bright for the Aurora Space Program at least.
Good news: the boys are out of the hole. Bad news: looking at that tentacle behind Erin, so is the glort. Methinks that while Alinua’s vines allowed them to reach the boys in time, they also gave the glort the perfect vector to escape. You can even see it try and block the entrance before Dainix and Falst break through.
Just what the hell is the glort?! It has psychic damaging eyes, a gelatinous body with workable bones in it, soulfire seems ineffective, and can travel up and assimilate plant life astonishingly quickly. I can see Erin recognises it as a threat, but whether he knows anything beyond that I’m not sure. And it looks like he’s going to get well aquatinted in a moment.
Soooo… when is that big massive giant humongous rock gonna come back down? Is it gonna pulverize Jeff the Voidhammer Amalgamation on impact? Or did Erin send it into actual ORBIT?
it sound like it will meet the same fate as Perseverance’s Skycrane…
These people really need to grow eyes in the back of their head. Though their flooffy manes would obscure their sight… Alright, then, they need to grow eyestalks in the back of their head!
That sounds disturbing, but agree on some level…
Ahhhh; I believe you are referencing the evolutionary arms race, the genetic Cold War?
Yeah, I think I got M.V.P. or some nonsense I mean like;
Yeah, I think I got M.V.P. or some nonsense I mean like;
To be honest I was giving up on this comic because of how long they were underground and how I didn’t expect Dainix and Falst to get even closer in their relationship but this new page is giving me hope but I’m still giving up on this comic because of they might never canonically be together but I ship them so much that they were on my phone wallpapers and I drew them several times but… Red give me a reason to hope for more of these two yknow
Tess time 🙂 can’t wait to see Alinua’s reaction when she sees Kendal
also Erin’s reaction when he sees the two of them running towards them
I wonder how alinua is doing with glort…
goop in the last panel looks like it has plans uh oh
Okay! Crucible time!
crucible tired
crucible must cuddle catboy now
Is that a Tamora Pierce reference
Anonymous Aurora Question #21: Whose power is most effective against our goopy friend in your opinion?
Bonus Question: How good/Bad are each of the floof Squad at school? What do they do in class? How reliable are they? Etc.
AAQ 21: I’m not sure. Possibly Tess might be able to do something when she gets here, but out of what we’ve seen, Dainix can do the most.
BQ: Erin is probably the best, Kendal tries his best but has no idea what to do, Falst is an average student but gets bullied a lot, Dainix is also an average student and protects Falst, Alinua is ok and just wants to learn about plants, and Tess is a good student who’s just along for the ride (and possibly the class clown).
It seems like the Glort can counter all of the elemental magic (which seems likely since it seems somehow connected to Void). So… nobody, really. Hopefully, Erin or Tess have some idea what the heck it is so it can be taken care of.
The “Floof Squad” seem to be a ragtag group of misfits, so they would all have trouble in a school system like the modern US. I am willing to bet that Erin’s hubris and desire to succeed is the only reason he managed to get out off fantasy-world school in one piece.
(Slides into convo)
Maybe V.D. could deal with Jeff? If Jeff hurts Erin, V.D. will be ticked.
I know NOTHING about the public school system, so I’m not going to answer the secondary question, sorry.
AAQ 21- I am sure the Power of Love can beat Jeff. That, or a slice of Soulfire…
BQ While it would be fun to compare Erin to Sheldon I am sure many could do better me. I would guess Erin would be a nerd who goofs off a lot in class but do well on written tests and into obscure and esoteric topics- and falls down a lot, only to be picked up by the ever present Tess. Tess would be polite and calm and kind but very boring(given Metal clan nature at birth until they spark ). Alinua would be a shy wall flower and look nervous and afraid all the time. Dainix would be a popular jock who would be nice to every one. Falst would be that troublesome outsider kid always getting in fights with kids. If you just have to have Kendal there he would be kind but clueless and inept but know a lot about history.
they’re hugging :3
I bet Glort will use the Trauma Stare(â„¢) on Erin and we’ll get backstory hints. Then he’ll fall in right as Alinua seals it and he’ll be too discombobulated to resists Walter’s control.
Fun fact: it’s reaching for him ^^
Its possible, even probable. Maybe Michael will show up some time?
Oh so we are going with the Arch Angel since he doesn’t have a name yet.I think it may have been a connection between Walter and the fair lady. Possibly her intervention through him, or each actually share an aspect of the other.
Ooh, do I get to be the one who introduces you to the word? It means disoriented/ confused.
Oh, wait. I missed that you were making a pun. Nevermind.
Erin behind you!!
Aurora Question #94: How would crime in Aurora be impacted by Magic?
Pre-Emptive Aurora Question #95: What measures would law enforcement use to counteract Magic?
Ooh, the possibilities are endless! You could pickpocket someone with wind magic or rob a place by tearing the walls open with stone magic (provided they aren’t made with soul crystal). For the second question, we know that they use sealing cuffs to keep magical prisoners from escaping (Plus Shrike used one on Tess to keep her from lightning-ing herself away), but besides that you could pin someone down with wind magic or just straight up paralyze them.
Honestly, I feel like Shrike is a pretty good answer to both of those questions! Or just the entire Zuurith arc before Tynan shows up, really.
A more elaborate answer, though would go something like this: One key thing about magic in Aurora, in my view, is that is that it can be a convenient source of power for people without a lot of expensive resources, but it can be much much more powerful when you DO have expensive resources, and non-magic people can still easily kick the sh*t out of most mages if they’re well-trained and know what to expect. So for instance, stone mages like Shrike can probably pull off a lot of impressive crimes by just manipulating knives and/or coins and stuff, but they can do an even more impressive job enforcing the law by manipulating fancy chains, crossbows, and magic-sealing cuffs.
The answer to both questions is that it’s just a different method to the same madness. It may be fun to come up with a heist idea and check out the “Magic” page on this site and see how one would pull it off in this world.
Also an answer to the second question: more magic.
AQ #94- Magic crime requires a magic user to do. These are rarer and less varied and less powerful in Aurora then our heroes for the most part and more specialized.
AQ #95 To detect, track, or discover a magic crime would be another job a magic user could do. But a few tough Ferin might be useful too. And Shrike showed good techinques for hunting down and dealing with people too.
That counts! That counts as a hug!
me thinking this would be done like 10 pages ago
if this is a thing from “voidhammer” would vd have a better time destroying it?
I worry that the opposite may be true: since the Ancients were aware of VD and actively took measures against him, I wonder if this is their failed attempt at a weapon to counteract Void Magic. “Voidhammer” as in a method of crushing the Void Dragon, or perhaps a device that somehow harnesses Void energy. Either way, VD would certainly think it was an abomination.
That opens up for some exciting possibilities. If the Voidhammer indeed is a weapon against Void, it might prove useful in Erin’s quest to free himself of Walter. If so be the case, we may yet hear more of Jeff after the arc is completed.
Guys this is the longest chapter yet, we’re at 40 pages :0
TL;DR: The feeling you get when a rollercoaster reaches its highest point and suddenly begins plummeting.
I don’t really ship that much, but man, I’m so here for Dainix and Falst
I get that. But I do ship kendel and alinua.
I’ll say about the same, but the more they interact the more that they interact the more they seem like siblings. Or a sort of found family thing I guess? Also Kendal being effectively weeks to months old doesn’t help much as he is just now growing int being his own person.
My admitted OBSESSION with “cannon” was in fact not a form of O.C.D….So, now I am no longer afraid that I will “fuck it up” and I hope to find an extra delicious peace;
I am ready for my dirt nap now.
NO I am in no rush…
P.S. I admit nothing, does that do me any good at this point?
P.P.S. I was going to post a song but the URL was too long or some such, it’s ok I will drive this new internet by feel, I’ll figure it out, I’m a slow learner but when I GROCK something…
Pedantic note: a cannon is large, usually smooth-bore device for firing (usually inert) projectiles.
Canon originally referred to canon law, the law of the Catholic Church, but has been expanded to reference anything that is “official” in various circumstances.
Ohhhh I’m scared to see Alinua’s face next page. Is she okay? Is she already entangled and fighting Glort?
the glort just wants to be friends with erin
I’m going to assume that Tess and Kendal are arriving any minute now….
I’m going to hope they are anyway, cause it seems like Alinua just fed the blob and Erin is great an all, he just takes some setup to com online.
Analogy Corner:
It’s a magical gust of wind, akin to a sigh of relief, that catches them.
Ye I know I’m late as heck, in my defense,.. I have no excuse, actually. Also, guess who literally just found out it’s not spelled “deFENCE”?
Erin: The away team is back! Close the iris! CLOSE THE IRIS!
… is that the sound of my crossover-loving brain kicking into overdrive? Maybe so.
Hey, clueless and neurodivergent ace here, are people shipping them now? Sorry.
Okay, one: the way Dainix curls protectively around Falst is so sweet I can’t—
Two: Excellent work Erin but WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU BRUH
Weird question, what time zone does this comic update in? I’m asking because Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for you might be Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday for me
Woo, we’re going to get Erin’s opinion on what the heck the beastie is!
Rescue mission squared