I think a more Deep South (U.S.A.) expression might be used to express it- ‘Get your cotton picking hands OUT of my mind!’ or. ‘Don’t touch me with your vile hands !’ feel. As if the mere presences leaves a person stained or ill. Apologize to Southerners or other people feel offended. Let Jeff Foxworth & Dave Chappell (both comedians of minorities bend) guide your words! {Please!}
well the mark on his chest is just a connection to void, as he is still trapped in those caves
his whole plan is to connect to erin and control him so that he can come and free void
Aurora Question #54: Pfft, Erin’s expression in the 6th pannel… Uhm.. Out of the many primordials and gods haunting the group atm, which one would you want to have?
Ilia sounds nice. Spending time by the lake and river… And if you ever get bored of her company (although I don’t see why would you), you just walk far enough away from her.
Tahraim, definitely. It’s not even a contest. I mean, a god that provides deus ex machina emotional support? Have you SEEN how much therapists charge for that sort of thing?
I would choose Vash if I just wanted to hang out with a friend, Primordial Life if I wanted heal the world or Lady Huracan if I had to fight off an eternal foe of life on the planet…
Definitely Vash. He is very, very similar in personality to my first and favorite D&D character, a brazen viking warrior who fights to protect people, and uses what looks like raw confidence to scare enemies and draw fire off his buddies. He’s strong because he feels like he has to be.
The first time Erin said “And stay out” was the 21st page of the 5th chapter; now he says it again on the 5th page of the 21st chapter. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.
Yeah V.D., I don’t think Erin is any less willing to die to foil you; he just has more assets to prevent such an outcome being necessary. I get the feeling V.D. said this mostly to unsettle Erin and get the last word in their conversation.
V.D.’s gone away, Erin has some peace for a moment, and his shirt is still intact; despite the sour end note I guess this is a victory. Still, we’re no closer to the gang realising a third of their number is unaccounted for, and I suspect we’ll be changing scene to them on Friday, making it even less likely.
Oh my goodness, thank you! I saw people in the comments calling this a “callback” but had no idea what it was calling back to, haha. Your specific page reference is very much appreciated!
@ Testing commented first but @EvilTree in more precise detail (and with eloquence) as that guesses might come next.(bows to @Evil whose ‘word’ Kung Fu is better).
Which three are you talking about? Tess, who plunges herself head first in danger on a whim? Erin who is gambling his life with a self-center monster that only wants to eat everything out of existence? Dainix might be getting better but has spent his adult life trying to protect his people including from himself? Falst who doesn’t like himself? Kendal who is willing to sacrifice himself for any half-decent sort? Aliuna who found herself willing to sacrifice herself for one good person and then hung out with said fool who taught her to care for other? Really only V.D.and Shrike have a sense of self preservation and I am not so sure Shrike if she really gets enthused with the Hunt…
Void didn’t definitively answer whether or not he would stay put if when the Paladins catch up to Erin; methinks he will absolutely make a bad situation worse in that regard. He seems to be reckless and impulsive to match his towering hubris, so seeing his nemesis’s magic slung around is likely to drive him into fury.
That could be kinda funny actually. Like, the Paladins catch up to Erin and he’s cornered with no help, darkness swirls around him. And then he starts arguing with Dark Floof and the Paladins are just going “huh?”
But yeah, Void is more hubris filled than an ancient Greek hero, and that’s saying something.
Looks like he’s not quite as cornered as we thought
a) switch over to another character–
b) most likely Falst/Dainix for some baccstory >:)
c) could also be Alinua’s dream sequence again
d) or even more Kendal dream sequence and/or him waking up now, if he does it’s possible we’ll stay with Erin as he goes back and finds Kendal awake
does anyone else feel like Erin is the most profile-pictureable character on the internet
If we stick with Erin and return to Kendal waking up immediatly, it is possible we will not learn what Kendal’s reply was to the elf (the one urging him to live a peaceful life, in memory of them). At least, not his exact words. It’d be a very interesting cut, and either way the first time we see him and Erin seeing eye-to-eye. I do hope those two get some time alone, to vibe with the horrors they’re facing
I am sure you will get different answers from different people but the whole ensemble looks good to me. I am sure Paladin’s Champion will pick up fans in later episodes too!
To me the pacing seems like we need to hop to some antagonists now. Probably the paladins, but maybe someone else. I feel like we have basically gotten enough of everyone’s story to see what they were doing tonight, and the rest would best be explained via conversation the next morning.
Welp, replies aren’t working for me, so @EvilTree I agree that this parting shot didn’t hit the mark, but I’m worried about the day VD Walter realizes Erin might hesitate to sacrifice *Tess* even if the world is at stake…
@HermitThrush… oooh, good point. Right now it doesn’t occur to Voidy because he doesn’t have those kinds of family loyalties. But once he does figure it out….
Voidy, youāre being awfully optimistic, the first time Erin was going to die to halt your plans, it was when no other choice seemed to be on the table. You only get grace as far as heās got options, if you get too far into your plot, he will still pull the plug.
these two bitches really be those types of people when you start playing chess. you move like- *a* piece and then they’re like: HAHA YOU FOOL! I have already won!
So if the Void Dragon ever leaves Erin’s body both of them are going to insist “Actually I broke up with him.” right? Like neither will ever admit they were not ultimately the one in control in this relationship.
Y’know, I’ve been wondering. Why is Erin glowing? It was really obvious before VD blew up a couple pages ago. I don’t remember Erin glowing before (then again, we usually see him in daytime or around other glow effects, so it might’ve gotten drowned out). And I don’t think he’s using magic, or that VD trying to take control would make him glow. So why is there a glow effect around him?
Yup, Erinās totally not willing to die anymore to stop you, Voidy. Thatās why he immediately walked to the edge of the nearest cliff to talk to you.
I’m pretty sure he’d still be willing to die if he saw no alternative, Void will have to keep an extremely tight rein if they get him deep into the caves again. But since his first attempted sacrifice he’s learned of things which can oppose Void effectively, so now he has options. The situation has shifted from Lovecraftian horror to… closer how it works in most of Lovecraft’s actual books. The nightmare god can be subdued with the right knowledge or by calling in their enemies, and lesser horrors can be shot or mauled by a dog.
Also, it could be argued this is Void staying IN Erin. The exact opposite of “out”.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: good talk
Image source: good
Oh man the symmetry (5-21 and 21-5). How does Red keep lining these up?
And stay out.
Huh, it worked…
“…but in fact, *I* have the upper hand, muahahaha!”
Always entertaining to see two “I’m so clever you cannot fathom” meet and both pretend *they* are the one to have the upper hand!
Yeeeup =)
Wouldn’t it be Stay in!
I think a more Deep South (U.S.A.) expression might be used to express it- ‘Get your cotton picking hands OUT of my mind!’ or. ‘Don’t touch me with your vile hands !’ feel. As if the mere presences leaves a person stained or ill. Apologize to Southerners or other people feel offended. Let Jeff Foxworth & Dave Chappell (both comedians of minorities bend) guide your words! {Please!}
well the mark on his chest is just a connection to void, as he is still trapped in those caves
his whole plan is to connect to erin and control him so that he can come and free void
I love the call back to the first time he was possessed by Void. Ah, good times
Aurora Question #54: Pfft, Erin’s expression in the 6th pannel… Uhm.. Out of the many primordials and gods haunting the group atm, which one would you want to have?
My guy Caliban.
They’re the only one who I feel would actually be enjoy being around.
Ilia sounds nice. Spending time by the lake and river… And if you ever get bored of her company (although I don’t see why would you), you just walk far enough away from her.
Tahraim, definitely. It’s not even a contest. I mean, a god that provides deus ex machina emotional support? Have you SEEN how much therapists charge for that sort of thing?
I’m with veggiesnake on this one. Tharaim is awesome
i am with you both i love tahraim
Caliban seems fun to talk to, I second @storylineobsessed
I would choose Vash if I just wanted to hang out with a friend, Primordial Life if I wanted heal the world or Lady Huracan if I had to fight off an eternal foe of life on the planet…
Definitely Vash. He is very, very similar in personality to my first and favorite D&D character, a brazen viking warrior who fights to protect people, and uses what looks like raw confidence to scare enemies and draw fire off his buddies. He’s strong because he feels like he has to be.
You gotta love a callback to a similar situation with wildly different tones
hey that’s the thing he said that other time !!!!!!
Heheh. Callbacks. That’s nice.
The first time Erin said “And stay out” was the 21st page of the 5th chapter; now he says it again on the 5th page of the 21st chapter. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.
Yeah V.D., I don’t think Erin is any less willing to die to foil you; he just has more assets to prevent such an outcome being necessary. I get the feeling V.D. said this mostly to unsettle Erin and get the last word in their conversation.
V.D.’s gone away, Erin has some peace for a moment, and his shirt is still intact; despite the sour end note I guess this is a victory. Still, we’re no closer to the gang realising a third of their number is unaccounted for, and I suspect we’ll be changing scene to them on Friday, making it even less likely.
Oh my goodness, thank you! I saw people in the comments calling this a “callback” but had no idea what it was calling back to, haha. Your specific page reference is very much appreciated!
@ Testing commented first but @EvilTree in more precise detail (and with eloquence) as that guesses might come next.(bows to @Evil whose ‘word’ Kung Fu is better).
Not to mention Homestuck, but this is the most, “Dirk talks with Hal” conversation this comic has had yet.
What VD meant: so you don’t want to kill us to kill me anymore, phew. Light dragon’s magic is very painful.
…and STAY out! *crash*
“i knew your selfishness would serve me well”
BITCH it’s called self preservation
To Walter, a human doing ANYTHING other then releasing him from his prison is selfishness.
Little late to the new chapter. Can I just say the art on the last couple pages was Stunning
Erin’s face in the 6 & 7 panels are just the epitome of ‘Oh my god… that worked???’
Whoops just saw that @Rai626 said it first
NO worries! You comment give Red more feedback too!
At least 3 out of 6 of the floof squad has a sense of self preservation
Which three are you talking about? Tess, who plunges herself head first in danger on a whim? Erin who is gambling his life with a self-center monster that only wants to eat everything out of existence? Dainix might be getting better but has spent his adult life trying to protect his people including from himself? Falst who doesn’t like himself? Kendal who is willing to sacrifice himself for any half-decent sort? Aliuna who found herself willing to sacrifice herself for one good person and then hung out with said fool who taught her to care for other? Really only V.D.and Shrike have a sense of self preservation and I am not so sure Shrike if she really gets enthused with the Hunt…
I didnāt realize two days could feel so long and then I realized I just binge read the entire comic in a few days.
The great beast of the apocalypse is an optimist
At the very least we’ve talked Voidy down from attempting any more murder today, so that’s a win in my book.
Exactly like the first time he met Alinua and Kendal. Before collapsing.
Void didn’t definitively answer whether or not he would stay put
ifwhen the Paladins catch up to Erin; methinks he will absolutely make a bad situation worse in that regard. He seems to be reckless and impulsive to match his towering hubris, so seeing his nemesis’s magic slung around is likely to drive him into fury.That could be kinda funny actually. Like, the Paladins catch up to Erin and he’s cornered with no help, darkness swirls around him. And then he starts arguing with Dark Floof and the Paladins are just going “huh?”
But yeah, Void is more hubris filled than an ancient Greek hero, and that’s saying something.
Looks like he’s not quite as cornered as we thought
a) switch over to another character–
b) most likely Falst/Dainix for some baccstory >:)
c) could also be Alinua’s dream sequence again
d) or even more Kendal dream sequence and/or him waking up now, if he does it’s possible we’ll stay with Erin as he goes back and finds Kendal awake
does anyone else feel like Erin is the most profile-pictureable character on the internet
If we stick with Erin and return to Kendal waking up immediatly, it is possible we will not learn what Kendal’s reply was to the elf (the one urging him to live a peaceful life, in memory of them). At least, not his exact words. It’d be a very interesting cut, and either way the first time we see him and Erin seeing eye-to-eye. I do hope those two get some time alone, to vibe with the horrors they’re facing
I am sure you will get different answers from different people but the whole ensemble looks good to me. I am sure Paladin’s Champion will pick up fans in later episodes too!
To me the pacing seems like we need to hop to some antagonists now. Probably the paladins, but maybe someone else. I feel like we have basically gotten enough of everyone’s story to see what they were doing tonight, and the rest would best be explained via conversation the next morning.
Yes, yes he is
Welp, replies aren’t working for me, so @EvilTree I agree that this parting shot didn’t hit the mark, but I’m worried about the day VD Walter realizes Erin might hesitate to sacrifice *Tess* even if the world is at stake…
@HermitThrush… oooh, good point. Right now it doesn’t occur to Voidy because he doesn’t have those kinds of family loyalties. But once he does figure it out….
Voidy, youāre being awfully optimistic, the first time Erin was going to die to halt your plans, it was when no other choice seemed to be on the table. You only get grace as far as heās got options, if you get too far into your plot, he will still pull the plug.
Heros are always hogging the power sockets. Itās so annoying when they unplug your stuff because your doing ābadā stuff with it
Like gosh, some of us need to charge our devices of evil, they’re not the only ones paying for this electrical bills
Once again, we find Erin being a living seagull meme
u know im curious what erin is looking at
TL;DR: You win, for now…
these two bitches really be those types of people when you start playing chess. you move like- *a* piece and then they’re like: HAHA YOU FOOL! I have already won!
but its two people in the same body
Quick, someone draw Erin and VD Walter playing chess with the same body!
I volunteer!
new erin reaction pic dropped. i love these two idiots. erin get more dialogue options bbg
I just love how using different magic changes the color in Erin’s eyes, and when the void energy is welling up, his eyes turn grey.
I just realized this is the same thing he said to VD on 1.5.21 when Kendal and Alinua first meet Erin.
Tiny little past reference.
Wait, other people already realized this. Nevermind.
Somehow, this move is enough to make it smile
Voidy sees this development as worth while
So if the Void Dragon ever leaves Erin’s body both of them are going to insist “Actually I broke up with him.” right? Like neither will ever admit they were not ultimately the one in control in this relationship.
Y’know, I’ve been wondering. Why is Erin glowing? It was really obvious before VD blew up a couple pages ago. I don’t remember Erin glowing before (then again, we usually see him in daytime or around other glow effects, so it might’ve gotten drowned out). And I don’t think he’s using magic, or that VD trying to take control would make him glow. So why is there a glow effect around him?
throwback to the first time the blorbo got possessed awwwwww
Yup, Erinās totally not willing to die anymore to stop you, Voidy. Thatās why he immediately walked to the edge of the nearest cliff to talk to you.
I’m pretty sure he’d still be willing to die if he saw no alternative, Void will have to keep an extremely tight rein if they get him deep into the caves again. But since his first attempted sacrifice he’s learned of things which can oppose Void effectively, so now he has options. The situation has shifted from Lovecraftian horror to… closer how it works in most of Lovecraft’s actual books. The nightmare god can be subdued with the right knowledge or by calling in their enemies, and lesser horrors can be shot or mauled by a dog.
Also, it could be argued this is Void staying IN Erin. The exact opposite of “out”.