Most likely- that gravestone has already appeared twice in Falst’s flashbacks, I bet you it’s hers.
On another note, I’m very eager to learn what a voidhammer is
“Voidhammer” makes me think of hydraulic presses/hammers. Converting void energy into kinetic or something. Maybe for engraving spells into lacrimas? Kinda like a CNC, but powered by *evil goop*?
Nevermind oopsie daisy I’m pretty sure panel 6 is a flashback actually ā the lighting is WILDLY different and it seems like Falst’s hands are smaller. Also gravestone vibes. Yeah.
Did you notice that the hands in panel six seems to be slightly smaller compared to panel four as well? As well Panel six text is vertical as compared to horizonal text in panel four and in darkness compared to sun lit Panel six (which looks larger as well).
(Sigh) After re-reading @cat’s comment I feel redundant (and obsolete) as I only added that panel six was horizontal and larger than panel four. (Kowtow in apology to fellow postors/commentators in embarrassment!)
I don’t think it was actually there. I think that might’ve been in falst’s head. The colours, textures and lighting is very different from the other panels
Smashing the control panels OPENS the door? The Ancients had access to the evil overlord list it seems.
On one hand, Dainix’s point is valid as they’ve been doing little else but descend this whole time; the opposite way they should be going. On the other hand, we don’t know the exact mentality behind Ancient architecture; they might build exits this far down.
I just know that’s Falst’s mother’s gravestone in panel 6; she is Emira, dispelling a previous hypothesis I had that Emira was Falst’s real name. It also helps explain why this ancient text was superimposed on Falst’s blurry vision in 1-15-1; the memory of his mother’s gravestone is something he’ll never forget. Though, it still doesn’t explain why her grave was inscribed with the Ancient language; that, and Falst seeming like an Ancient to their machines, are mysteries for later.
Destroying that panel forces them to not linger in that room, which is smart; they’re safe from monsters in there, but the cave corruption would set in if they stayed too long. They need to keep moving, following the fresh air, and hopefully meet Erin and Alinua halfway.
Good points.
I wonder if Falst can read Ancient, or if he just recognizes the text from his youth. Could his parents read Ancient? Who made the choice to inscribe the gravestone and why that language?
So, the ancients have joined the list of people who design locks the open doors when destroyed(as opposed to sealing it), maybe they were evil after all…
For a room with no other exit, if it gets destroyed from the inside, it may be better to have it open as a failsafe.
Now if you destroy it from the outside, then it may be better to seal it as a failsafe. It’s just that you gotta think about what happens to the people who destroy the switch…
Also this is a research lab, not a military fortress, so there was probably no protocol along the line of “if the door control is destroyed, it’s by enemies trying to kill us, keep the door closed” for this installation.
True, but wouldn’t they b concerned that mutations and cave sickness could occur this deep underground? would it not make sense to have the facility seal up to prevent any accidental monsters from escaping?
Considering humans and elves dwelt in the caves during the time of the ancients, is it possible cave sickness was not yet a thing? Or something like that
You know, electronic locks opening when there’s a fault is good safety. Especially pure electronic. You’d only really want it to fail closed if you might need to contain whats on the other side of the door.
Falst is a survivor to the bitter end, a fitting scion his father’s toughness and his mother’s perseverance. Since Erin’s message birb is still working I presume between Erin’s ingenuity and Alinua’s connection to Primal Life they can and will get to our dungeon bois. The fun part (for us at least) is how they will meet and how they all get out.
i had this thought a while ago but i mma share it anyway the aurora characters as pokemon types
kendal: fairy
Aliumi(i deffinaly fucked the plelling up):grass
erin: fairy/dragon
falst: normal
tess: electric
daniax: fighting/fire
I can’t believe we’re almost to the end of the first arc! I wonder how it will end. We’re still missing the mysterious seventh ranger, but we might encounter them next arc. I had originally theorized that the first arc would end with their introduction, but it seems like we’re a bit preoccupied with the murder dungeon…
So Falst did, at least, get to visit his mother’s grave before he was abandoned… unless that happened immediately after his abandonment.
Considering how vertical this bunker is, and considering that it’s likely covering an entrance to The Singing Caves (based on the anti-“cave-folk” security bots, the high concentration of cave crawlers, and Void mentioning an entrance is somewhere nearby), it would make sense for there to be an exit from the lower floors for a speedy evacuation in case of attack; an exit likely sealed by one or more of these scanning doors.
The final chapter cover for arc 1 looks amazing. I especially like how Kendal’s blade cuts down the center, bursting into starfire. It also seems that the danger isn’t over for the bunker boys, given that Dainix is once again violating his “no fire” rule in favor of self-defense. Additionally, there’s quite a bit of void energy at the edges of the cover; I hope Erin will be alright.
Ok, the next chapter cover looks amazing, but I’M GOING TO BE GONE ALL THAT MONTH! I’m leaving July second and I won’t have access to Aurora for a month! Also, this is a bit preemptive, but when we reach the second arc, and start going through it, isn’t the second arc the one with the darkest hour? That could be a problem.
Only in a factory-standard Three Act Structureā¢. We don’t yet know if Aurora will have three arcs, and even if it does, we don’t know if the emotional lowest point of the story will be in arc 2. Only Red knows at this point.
Red may mean “Act” as in “Part”. This isn’t necessarily 33% of the comic or 20% or whatever; this could just be the first ‘segment’ of the story, the way Red has organised it.
If memory serves, Red has mentioned on multiple occasions that she had 7 arcs in mind when writing Aurora. No clue how that pans out in the end, but it’s something to consider
Buddy Adventurers! Just pals doing neat stuff in dungeons together! If Falst had some medium armor, maybe some armored gloves, and BY THE TITANS PROTECTIVE HEAD GEAR, he’d be a monster in a fight. Just something to soften blows, give his already strong hands a real heavyduty punch and please protect his head I worry for the trauma so much….
I see multiple people referencing the evil overlord list, but unfortunately the evil overlord list actually says, “My door mechanisms will be designed so that blasting the control panel on the outside seals the door and blasting the control panel on the inside opens the door, not vice versa.” Sorry guys.
(Pat the back of @TheOneAndOolyFloof gently) I must point out my oopsie to @cat datestamped 6-22-23 10:28 AM. At least you are not an old fool like me! (And do not post if you are less than 63, I am trying to get you sympathy points to other commentators!)
On the topic of the next (and apparently final) chapter of this arc:
It’s funny how the night titled the “Long Night” lasted exactly all of one chapter, and now we’re about to be on the 7th, arguably 8th, chapter of the night after the “Long Night”.
Also, can you believe how little time has passed in-comic over the last two years? They arrived in Zuurith (not even 48 hours ago in-comic) over two years ago!
I think the seventh floof is the Light Dragon’s champion.
Looking at the 22nd chapter’s cover, I can tell that Erin being down there isn’t good. (Void Dragon) That might be why the champion would be there in the first place and looking at the chapter cover, I think it is. Everyone is fighting the darkness and only place that doesn’t have darkness is where the sword is. That is white-blue (Paladins’ color) not blue-white (Vash’s color).
Not until 3rd of July it seems, a week and a bit away.
Ah, well. It means Red can work on the page buffer and any other non-Aurora stuff on her schedule.
I just came to the same conclusion… Had hoped that comment about the 3rd of July was a teaser, not a “no more until then” announcement. š Ah well indeed, we’ll just have to speculate and wait.
Red being like: You FOOL! You thought (something like) THREE YEARS and TWENTY ONE chapters was going to be a significant chunk of my comic!!?? THIS IS JUST THE BEGINING!!!!
Assuming the numbers havenāt changed since the last tome she talked about them (unlikely) I think it amounts to about a seventh of the story? Of course I could also be completely wrong.
Apparently. If Snowfeather’s memory is still correct, then Aurora will likely be Red’s magnum opus in life. And to think I’ve been reading each new update since the very first page of chapter 5…
“noticed kind of a cool assumption going around from this chapter, wasnāt intentional but Iām looking forward to the knifetwist when itās disproven”
-Red on Tumblr
That’s worrying. Anyone have an idea what that’s about?
Okay I might be anti shipping Alinua and Kendall, but I am 1000% shipping these two. After all, a relationship is literally just a best friendship with physical aspects. (I would know, I’ve been with my man 8 years). And I would LOVE to watch these two fall for each other. Sorry, Red, I know you’re A and it’s a bit to ask for, but I wholeheartedly believe in the power of your imagination
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: uh oh, it’s falst’s turn to do the pep talk
Image source: waiting
Please, theyāre so sweet theyāre gonna kill me
THE duo of all time. truly
panel 6 – EMIRA
panel 9 – WELCOME
is Emira Falst’s mom?
Most likely- that gravestone has already appeared twice in Falst’s flashbacks, I bet you it’s hers.
On another note, I’m very eager to learn what a voidhammer is
its whats used to ban people from life
I wish to observe the fashion by which it achieves that, I am thoroughly intruiged. Also I want one
“Voidhammer” makes me think of hydraulic presses/hammers. Converting void energy into kinetic or something. Maybe for engraving spells into lacrimas? Kinda like a CNC, but powered by *evil goop*?
Thank you for sharing @Juls! You a good Cypher-Friend!(smile warmly)
I know EMIRA showed up in Falst’s dream way back when… is that his mother’s name? Was his mother a (relatively pureblooded) Ancient?
Just what is going ON hereā½ā½ā½ Is Falst’s mom just straight up ā Iā I don’t even know! If Emira is his mom, WHY is her name hereā½ā½
…I mean, unless it just breaks the “no two Steves” rule. That still doesn’t explain the Ancient gravestone inscription though.
Nevermind oopsie daisy I’m pretty sure panel 6 is a flashback actually ā the lighting is WILDLY different and it seems like Falst’s hands are smaller. Also gravestone vibes. Yeah.
Did you notice that the hands in panel six seems to be slightly smaller compared to panel four as well? As well Panel six text is vertical as compared to horizonal text in panel four and in darkness compared to sun lit Panel six (which looks larger as well).
(Sigh) After re-reading @cat’s comment I feel redundant (and obsolete) as I only added that panel six was horizontal and larger than panel four. (Kowtow in apology to fellow postors/commentators in embarrassment!)
I don’t think it was actually there. I think that might’ve been in falst’s head. The colours, textures and lighting is very different from the other panels
What about friday-?
DAINIX SMILE??? they are friends!! unbelievable
a light at the end of the tunnel :)))
Smashing the control panels OPENS the door? The Ancients had access to the evil overlord list it seems.
On one hand, Dainix’s point is valid as they’ve been doing little else but descend this whole time; the opposite way they should be going. On the other hand, we don’t know the exact mentality behind Ancient architecture; they might build exits this far down.
I just know that’s Falst’s mother’s gravestone in panel 6; she is Emira, dispelling a previous hypothesis I had that Emira was Falst’s real name. It also helps explain why this ancient text was superimposed on Falst’s blurry vision in 1-15-1; the memory of his mother’s gravestone is something he’ll never forget. Though, it still doesn’t explain why her grave was inscribed with the Ancient language; that, and Falst seeming like an Ancient to their machines, are mysteries for later.
Destroying that panel forces them to not linger in that room, which is smart; they’re safe from monsters in there, but the cave corruption would set in if they stayed too long. They need to keep moving, following the fresh air, and hopefully meet Erin and Alinua halfway.
Good points.
I wonder if Falst can read Ancient, or if he just recognizes the text from his youth. Could his parents read Ancient? Who made the choice to inscribe the gravestone and why that language?
So, the ancients have joined the list of people who design locks the open doors when destroyed(as opposed to sealing it), maybe they were evil after all…
For a room with no other exit, if it gets destroyed from the inside, it may be better to have it open as a failsafe.
Now if you destroy it from the outside, then it may be better to seal it as a failsafe. It’s just that you gotta think about what happens to the people who destroy the switch…
Also this is a research lab, not a military fortress, so there was probably no protocol along the line of “if the door control is destroyed, it’s by enemies trying to kill us, keep the door closed” for this installation.
True, but wouldn’t they b concerned that mutations and cave sickness could occur this deep underground? would it not make sense to have the facility seal up to prevent any accidental monsters from escaping?
Considering humans and elves dwelt in the caves during the time of the ancients, is it possible cave sickness was not yet a thing? Or something like that
Falst obviously read that sign as, “In case of emergency, break lacrima.”
You know, electronic locks opening when there’s a fault is good safety. Especially pure electronic. You’d only really want it to fail closed if you might need to contain whats on the other side of the door.
Falst is a survivor to the bitter end, a fitting scion his father’s toughness and his mother’s perseverance. Since Erin’s message birb is still working I presume between Erin’s ingenuity and Alinua’s connection to Primal Life they can and will get to our dungeon bois. The fun part (for us at least) is how they will meet and how they all get out.
Why he so angy
i had this thought a while ago but i mma share it anyway the aurora characters as pokemon types
kendal: fairy
Aliumi(i deffinaly fucked the plelling up):grass
erin: fairy/dragon
falst: normal
tess: electric
daniax: fighting/fire
this webcomic is so cool and i cannot wait to see how it unfolds over however long a time
THE LAST CHAPTER OF ARC 1 STARTS ON JULY 3! The cover is in the archive!
I can’t believe we’re almost to the end of the first arc! I wonder how it will end. We’re still missing the mysterious seventh ranger, but we might encounter them next arc. I had originally theorized that the first arc would end with their introduction, but it seems like we’re a bit preoccupied with the murder dungeon…
So Falst did, at least, get to visit his mother’s grave before he was abandoned… unless that happened immediately after his abandonment.
Considering how vertical this bunker is, and considering that it’s likely covering an entrance to The Singing Caves (based on the anti-“cave-folk” security bots, the high concentration of cave crawlers, and Void mentioning an entrance is somewhere nearby), it would make sense for there to be an exit from the lower floors for a speedy evacuation in case of attack; an exit likely sealed by one or more of these scanning doors.
The final chapter cover for arc 1 looks amazing. I especially like how Kendal’s blade cuts down the center, bursting into starfire. It also seems that the danger isn’t over for the bunker boys, given that Dainix is once again violating his “no fire” rule in favor of self-defense. Additionally, there’s quite a bit of void energy at the edges of the cover; I hope Erin will be alright.
Is that Kendal? I was worried that it might be the much-anticipated Champion, judging by the colour (more white than blue).
Oh, no; I’ve looked again. You are right, that’s Kendal’s dream-space dispersing as well.
Ok, the next chapter cover looks amazing, but I’M GOING TO BE GONE ALL THAT MONTH! I’m leaving July second and I won’t have access to Aurora for a month! Also, this is a bit preemptive, but when we reach the second arc, and start going through it, isn’t the second arc the one with the darkest hour? That could be a problem.
Only in a factory-standard Three Act Structureā¢. We don’t yet know if Aurora will have three arcs, and even if it does, we don’t know if the emotional lowest point of the story will be in arc 2. Only Red knows at this point.
Red may mean “Act” as in “Part”. This isn’t necessarily 33% of the comic or 20% or whatever; this could just be the first ‘segment’ of the story, the way Red has organised it.
If memory serves, Red has mentioned on multiple occasions that she had 7 arcs in mind when writing Aurora. No clue how that pans out in the end, but it’s something to consider
Buddy Adventurers! Just pals doing neat stuff in dungeons together! If Falst had some medium armor, maybe some armored gloves, and BY THE TITANS PROTECTIVE HEAD GEAR, he’d be a monster in a fight. Just something to soften blows, give his already strong hands a real heavyduty punch and please protect his head I worry for the trauma so much….
I see multiple people referencing the evil overlord list, but unfortunately the evil overlord list actually says, “My door mechanisms will be designed so that blasting the control panel on the outside seals the door and blasting the control panel on the inside opens the door, not vice versa.” Sorry guys.
Oh, wait, they ARE inside, aren’t they. Nvm I’m a total doof sometimes haha
Wait but aren’t you right then though?
(Pat the back of @TheOneAndOolyFloof gently) I must point out my oopsie to @cat datestamped 6-22-23 10:28 AM. At least you are not an old fool like me! (And do not post if you are less than 63, I am trying to get you sympathy points to other commentators!)
Does Danix ever go by Danny
I must know
On the topic of the next (and apparently final) chapter of this arc:
It’s funny how the night titled the “Long Night” lasted exactly all of one chapter, and now we’re about to be on the 7th, arguably 8th, chapter of the night after the “Long Night”.
Also, can you believe how little time has passed in-comic over the last two years? They arrived in Zuurith (not even 48 hours ago in-comic) over two years ago!
Fast: And how do you open a door?
Dainix: Don’t?
this isn’t really that funny but I don’t care š brains work in mysterious ways
nothing like getting trapped in an underground bunker for character bonding
Alinua and Erin are about to accidentally mess things up aren’t they
Danix looks so happy
I think the seventh floof is the Light Dragon’s champion.
Looking at the 22nd chapter’s cover, I can tell that Erin being down there isn’t good. (Void Dragon) That might be why the champion would be there in the first place and looking at the chapter cover, I think it is. Everyone is fighting the darkness and only place that doesn’t have darkness is where the sword is. That is white-blue (Paladins’ color) not blue-white (Vash’s color).
TL;DR: I know you’re just stopping him from giving up, but you’ve gotta stop overexerting yourself, Catboy.
Okay, that’s it. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE AND AWESOMEā½ā½ā½
Can’t wait to see how the rest of the group responds to Dainix & Falst basically being best friends now, heh.
Gettin’ stuff DONE!
Bluntest, shortest pep talk I’ve ever seen lol. Pep sentence
Aurora Question #71: How many answers do you think this question will get?
None, of course!
…Wait, shitā
At least one.
At least two.
One, and two, and three I count
And hopefully to more they’ll amount
(Seeing as HelloHaiku set a standard of answering with your chosen form of poetry, I figured I’d try my hand at it.)
I have no chosen rhyming scheme ā it’s all a freeāform mess
But I like both four and thirteen, so be my hopeful guess (in jest?)
Oh me, oh my! Where will the answers fly?
“As always, Miss Swan, at least once more.”
Has some of the same energy as “what’s your favorite color of the alphabet” so I’m gonna answer with hyperpyramid
“If your waiting to die, your already dead.” THAT IS A RAW LINE! I love it!
Violence will get you the places you need
To go, but hope is important indeed
Ah wait, I guess that means no new page today…
Not until 3rd of July it seems, a week and a bit away.
Ah, well. It means Red can work on the page buffer and any other non-Aurora stuff on her schedule.
I just came to the same conclusion… Had hoped that comment about the 3rd of July was a teaser, not a “no more until then” announcement. š Ah well indeed, we’ll just have to speculate and wait.
I love that there will be so much more comic but on the other hand THERE WILL BE SO MUCH MORE COMIC!!
Red being like: You FOOL! You thought (something like) THREE YEARS and TWENTY ONE chapters was going to be a significant chunk of my comic!!?? THIS IS JUST THE BEGINING!!!!
Assuming the numbers havenāt changed since the last tome she talked about them (unlikely) I think it amounts to about a seventh of the story? Of course I could also be completely wrong.
Hang on, does she intend to keep this up for twentyone years?!!
Apparently. If Snowfeather’s memory is still correct, then Aurora will likely be Red’s magnum opus in life. And to think I’ve been reading each new update since the very first page of chapter 5…
“noticed kind of a cool assumption going around from this chapter, wasnāt intentional but Iām looking forward to the knifetwist when itās disproven”
-Red on Tumblr
That’s worrying. Anyone have an idea what that’s about?
hadn’t even heard of it until you mentioned it here, and now i am very, very afraid
If I had to guess, itās the assumption that the boys will be reunited with the rest of the squad in a reasonable amount of time.
Theory: Falst’s mom (well, her body, anyway) isn’t actually dead, and the “tombstone” is, at most, a memorial?
No particular reason for thinking this, it just seems like a good way to twist the knifeā¦
But didn’t Falst explicitly say that his dad killed his mom? “He must have known that. Or he couldn’t have killed her.” Or something.
Oh, oh No.
Anyone else absolutely LOSING IT at the next chapter cover?
I know I am.
Okay I might be anti shipping Alinua and Kendall, but I am 1000% shipping these two. After all, a relationship is literally just a best friendship with physical aspects. (I would know, I’ve been with my man 8 years). And I would LOVE to watch these two fall for each other. Sorry, Red, I know you’re A and it’s a bit to ask for, but I wholeheartedly believe in the power of your imagination
Welp. I just binged the entire comic in less then 24 hours. Guess it’s time to add it to my list of webcomics whose stories I’m deeply invested in!
One more day…
get hyped!!!
I love Falst and Danix so much. their dynamic is great. Angry traumatized dude and calm traumatized dude. I’m calling them the Oarnge boys
“If you’re waiting to die you’re already dead” is a phrase I am fermenting in my mind from now on