For mobile readers.
Alt-text: look I don’t make the rules. “thwip” is the only sound effect allowed for slinging web at things. take it up with stan lee
Image source: distracting
Falst snaps the strands that anchor the spider,
For a slow descent he tries;
The spider spots web, anchors Dainix to the wall,
Cast-off, “FALST!” he cries.
“Feel free to keep distracting me, it’s only
Your life in my hands,” he wisecracks.
The spider spits out a thick strand of web,
And onto Falst’s back it snaps!
Nahhh i think he’s been cocky a few times, especially during his intro. Maybe it’s because Dainix is a new person and he’s not into affection territory
Falst gets confident and snarky when he is in his element which I guess means here too, as well as in the wild. I wonder if the Foof squad will connect the dots of the Collector (Ever so fond of experimenting on unwilling subjects) is the creator of the Ferin. I think Erin might suspect but his too distracted by his very personal demon…
So Dainix did get the thing in the eye! He has really good aim.
They have reversed roles now too, I wonder how this will go. Falst does not seem like the type to enjoy being trapped…
God am I loving this buddy cop dynamic.
I don’t know what it is but something about Dainix and Falst, especially in this page just hits a spot for me, I am cackling
Out of the main protags, easily Erin, though there have been hints the life primordial is stronger than she seems, those are only hints, so far the strongest being is VD and Erin is stuck being possessed by it, also life is more morally good compared to the more malevolant VD so Erin has more of a responsibility to keep him in check
While my head says Erin, my heart cries out Alinua (and she does a good job of representing Heart Agent in Team Floof as well as Kendal). But the story (or any good long yarn) tends let the focus shift to different characters over the story. And I feel Tess elbowing me ribs telling me to tell Red she wants more of the limelight, greedy gypsy (or Rom to be more polite).
Kendal’s power is bringing these wackos together, Alinua’s is that she’s somehow kept them all alive. Then of course, Falst and Tess bring the Common Sense everyone else seems to lack.
As much as I’d like to say any other name, it’s clearly Erin. Not only is he the elemental magus, he is currently possessed by an OP evil dragon-god. 6 elements and the responsibility of a super-powered evil side.
Casual danger dialogue, fights above the ground, webs that go ‘THWIP”; yep, this is a Spider-Man fight. However it seems that while Falst has plenty of common sense, he is lacking in spider sense.
Honestly it’s nice to get some tangible, jokey action. The dream sequences have been amazing and very interesting, but it’s good to have a change from that into the more tactile and lighter (well as light as being attacked by giant spiders gets) gang antics.
Really love their dialogue here; the spider may be a threat, but between the two of them it’s a manageable threat. Falst’s grievances with Dainix seem to have been put aside until they get out. Who knows? Maybe this bonding session gets rid of them completely.
Prediction for next week: Dainix now has a bit of purchase with him now strung against a wall instead of the spider; he could get his spear free and get some momentum to attack and save Falst. Though it might cause them to have a second fall from a great height in as little hours.
Falst seems too cautious to dismiss ALL his suspicions surrounding Dainix over something as simple as a ‘life-changing field trip’, but I am expecting some sort of “eh, you’re alright, kid” from here on out. that said, I’m doubling down that these two will eventually become best friends/teammates in the Floof Squad, the other best friend/teammate pairings being: Erin & Tess, and Kendal & Alinua.
Welcome! Sit down, have drink (we have non alcholic varients available). Make youself at home. We got poets, we got crazed theorists, we got orb ponderig memes, we got ace as hell people. (Am I missing anyone)
Its a good time all around!
Its a good
Well then, welcome to the fandom! There’s lots of weirdos here (myself included), and I think I speak for all of us when I say that we all hope you enjoy the ride with us 🙂
We have a new nursery rhyme people! And maybe a new Mother Goose! (The land of stories interpretation of mother goose is awesome, and there is nothing you can do to change my mind)
OMG finally another Land Of Stories fan in this lonely world!!!
The Land Of Stories is literally why I write, it’s got such a special place in my heart, but I haven’t met another fan for years!
That monster is a giant insect disguised as a spider, It has six legs- spiders have eight, insects have six. It has only four eyes – OK some spiders have only four eyes too. It spits webbing from its mouth- spider make threads out of spinnerets out from their abdomen (back part). This is a fuax-spider.
Ohh now I’m just imagining Falst soaking wet huddled by a campfire and absolutely FUMING after the others tried to get the webs out of his fur with water
Also, I hadn’t really noticed before– but I think in all these pages their eyes have been wider to compensate for the darkness. Does it look like that to anyone else? If so, Red is a genius (not that we didn’t already know that.)
Notable: Falst clearly isn’t sticking to the supporting threads. This implies that either they have both sticky and non-sticky parts (entirely plausible), or that they stop being sticky once exposed to air for a bit. Either way, it raises a new possibility: Dainix might be able to use the blade edge of his spear point to cut through the webbing suspending him, in the middle of the strand. Certainly it is going to be under plenty of tension, although given what else we’ve seen Falst just do, it isn’t clear how tough the webbing actually is against cuts.
Also: depending on how much webbing is in that room and how much like RL spider webbing it is, Dainix getting his flame on might be a Really Bad Ideaâ„¢. Or not — spider webs aren’t really “extra-combustible”, so it would depend on whether the silk is relatively solid or somehow has a lot of air captured in it. If solid, it would probably be akin to setting fire to, say, a rope of similar thickness. On the other hand, if it had a lot of air you might get a very fast flame front propagation (much like a RL spider web) but there would also be less actual fuel. Given that Red has already had them mention what a bad idea it would be to use up all of the oxygen, however, it seems unlikely that we’ll have a Rule of Cool *fwooomph* that just casually sets the whole room on fire.
For a moment, I read the sound effect as “Thwump” and the alt-text was complaining about how you couldn’t use “Thwip” because of Stan Lee and presumably IP law.
Then I read it properly.
Getting eaten by a giant spider is my favourite hobby too
Noob. The really kinky want to be wrapped up in webs and stored for few hours before being eaten.
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: look I don’t make the rules. “thwip” is the only sound effect allowed for slinging web at things. take it up with stan lee
Image source: distracting
tumblr text: well that didn’t take long
Falst attempts to lower the strange beast to the floor
In response, it ejects webs, and then some more!
Also that’s the spider (bug?) version of an ENORMOUS F*CK YOU DRAGON!
Falst snaps the strands that anchor the spider,
For a slow descent he tries;
The spider spots web, anchors Dainix to the wall,
Cast-off, “FALST!” he cries.
“Feel free to keep distracting me, it’s only
Your life in my hands,” he wisecracks.
The spider spits out a thick strand of web,
And onto Falst’s back it snaps!
Falst being overconfident is new.
Nahhh i think he’s been cocky a few times, especially during his intro. Maybe it’s because Dainix is a new person and he’s not into affection territory
Falst gets confident and snarky when he is in his element which I guess means here too, as well as in the wild. I wonder if the Foof squad will connect the dots of the Collector (Ever so fond of experimenting on unwilling subjects) is the creator of the Ferin. I think Erin might suspect but his too distracted by his very personal demon…
As Snababo has written before: thwip and flick.
God I love characters getting to be cool
So Dainix did get the thing in the eye! He has really good aim.
They have reversed roles now too, I wonder how this will go. Falst does not seem like the type to enjoy being trapped…
SNAP! Falst cuts the web.
As Dainix and spider fall,
Falst gets distracted.
Falst and Dainix shout
Trying to save eachother
Time for roast spider
God am I loving this buddy cop dynamic.
I don’t know what it is but something about Dainix and Falst, especially in this page just hits a spot for me, I am cackling
Aurora Question #41: Who has the greatest powers and greatest responsibility in Aurora?
Out of the main protags, easily Erin, though there have been hints the life primordial is stronger than she seems, those are only hints, so far the strongest being is VD and Erin is stuck being possessed by it, also life is more morally good compared to the more malevolant VD so Erin has more of a responsibility to keep him in check
i don’t know about power, but personally i think Life absolutely has the greatest level of responsibility
Erin. it’s Erin. can we all be honest here? command of not just six but SEVEN elements, and the vessel of primordial evil itself? it’s Erin.
While my head says Erin, my heart cries out Alinua (and she does a good job of representing Heart Agent in Team Floof as well as Kendal). But the story (or any good long yarn) tends let the focus shift to different characters over the story. And I feel Tess elbowing me ribs telling me to tell Red she wants more of the limelight, greedy gypsy (or Rom to be more polite).
Just say nomad. That’s the technical, in-universe term.
Alunia, she’s the team mom. That’s a massive responsibility with this group.
Kendal’s power is bringing these wackos together, Alinua’s is that she’s somehow kept them all alive. Then of course, Falst and Tess bring the Common Sense everyone else seems to lack.
And Erin brings the hubris to balance everyone else out
As much as I’d like to say any other name, it’s clearly Erin. Not only is he the elemental magus, he is currently possessed by an OP evil dragon-god. 6 elements and the responsibility of a super-powered evil side.
Casual danger dialogue, fights above the ground, webs that go ‘THWIP”; yep, this is a Spider-Man fight. However it seems that while Falst has plenty of common sense, he is lacking in spider sense.
Honestly it’s nice to get some tangible, jokey action. The dream sequences have been amazing and very interesting, but it’s good to have a change from that into the more tactile and lighter (well as light as being attacked by giant spiders gets) gang antics.
Really love their dialogue here; the spider may be a threat, but between the two of them it’s a manageable threat. Falst’s grievances with Dainix seem to have been put aside until they get out. Who knows? Maybe this bonding session gets rid of them completely.
Prediction for next week: Dainix now has a bit of purchase with him now strung against a wall instead of the spider; he could get his spear free and get some momentum to attack and save Falst. Though it might cause them to have a second fall from a great height in as little hours.
Falst seems too cautious to dismiss ALL his suspicions surrounding Dainix over something as simple as a ‘life-changing field trip’, but I am expecting some sort of “eh, you’re alright, kid” from here on out. that said, I’m doubling down that these two will eventually become best friends/teammates in the Floof Squad, the other best friend/teammate pairings being: Erin & Tess, and Kendal & Alinua.
So, I just discovered this webcomic today and read the ENTIRE thing. Wow Red, is this an amazing story lol.
Welcome to the Aurora fandom!
Welcome 😀
Welcome! Sit down, have drink (we have non alcholic varients available). Make youself at home. We got poets, we got crazed theorists, we got orb ponderig memes, we got ace as hell people. (Am I missing anyone)
Its a good time all around!
Its a good
We’ve got questions on every page
You’re missing the Shippers
Bem vindo para os loucos!
Reminds me of how I first read it
Well then, welcome to the fandom! There’s lots of weirdos here (myself included), and I think I speak for all of us when I say that we all hope you enjoy the ride with us 🙂
Welcome! (can you tell that we don’t get a lot of new comers?)
I love this – the action, the byplay! But OMG can you imagine what it will take to get all that gross webbing out of Falst’s fur?!
So are they going to befriend the spider?
There once was a desert boy
Who doubted Falst’s new ploy.
It seemed to work,
But that spider’s a jerk.
Now Falst is in danger–oh joy!
You make me giddy with your rhymes, @Magic!
We have a new nursery rhyme people! And maybe a new Mother Goose! (The land of stories interpretation of mother goose is awesome, and there is nothing you can do to change my mind)
OMG finally another Land Of Stories fan in this lonely world!!!
The Land Of Stories is literally why I write, it’s got such a special place in my heart, but I haven’t met another fan for years!
I was confused for a second why the spider only had three eyes.
That monster is a giant insect disguised as a spider, It has six legs- spiders have eight, insects have six. It has only four eyes – OK some spiders have only four eyes too. It spits webbing from its mouth- spider make threads out of spinnerets out from their abdomen (back part). This is a fuax-spider.
It’s an aurora spooder
Feel free to keep ignoring Dainix, it’s only your life in his hands.
Ohh now I’m just imagining Falst soaking wet huddled by a campfire and absolutely FUMING after the others tried to get the webs out of his fur with water
Also, I hadn’t really noticed before– but I think in all these pages their eyes have been wider to compensate for the darkness. Does it look like that to anyone else? If so, Red is a genius (not that we didn’t already know that.)
Sarcastic Falst is best Falst.
All Falst is best Falst.
It’s not the “thwip” that concerns me; it’s that first-panel “snag.” I can’t find that one in the ‘Cap’n Lee’s Whiz Bang Compendium.’
Does anyone else feels like it’s going to turn out to be a mother and they are going to be swarmed with little baby spiders when they kill it?
TL;DR: Falst should apply for a spot on Overly Sarcastic Productions.
If he does… then the most important question must be… WHAT COLOUR IS HE?? Orange? Yellow? But they already have a yellow, don’t they? Any guesses?
Amber? (like his eyes)
“Ask me again in five minutes, though!” God, I love Dainix
that little eye-trail effect is really cool,it adds a lot to the frame.
Notable: Falst clearly isn’t sticking to the supporting threads. This implies that either they have both sticky and non-sticky parts (entirely plausible), or that they stop being sticky once exposed to air for a bit. Either way, it raises a new possibility: Dainix might be able to use the blade edge of his spear point to cut through the webbing suspending him, in the middle of the strand. Certainly it is going to be under plenty of tension, although given what else we’ve seen Falst just do, it isn’t clear how tough the webbing actually is against cuts.
Also: depending on how much webbing is in that room and how much like RL spider webbing it is, Dainix getting his flame on might be a Really Bad Ideaâ„¢. Or not — spider webs aren’t really “extra-combustible”, so it would depend on whether the silk is relatively solid or somehow has a lot of air captured in it. If solid, it would probably be akin to setting fire to, say, a rope of similar thickness. On the other hand, if it had a lot of air you might get a very fast flame front propagation (much like a RL spider web) but there would also be less actual fuel. Given that Red has already had them mention what a bad idea it would be to use up all of the oxygen, however, it seems unlikely that we’ll have a Rule of Cool *fwooomph* that just casually sets the whole room on fire.
I’m pretty sure Thwip is actually trademarked by marvel. Which might be something red should double check, in case Disney starts sniffing around
Marvel copyrighted a f*cking onomatopoeia!? Ugh… I’m so sick of capitalism.
Yup, it’s copyrighted. Hopefully this comic is too small for a big company like Disney to notice.
FALST! How are you SO COOL?!?! And how is Dainix so hysterically relatable! I love them so much oh my god, this update is platinum grade awesome.
Let the waiting commence
Welcome to the cult.
Yo, two people in one page! Welcome!
That’s rough buddy.
(Srsly tho, that does suck-)
Comical spider face
For a moment, I read the sound effect as “Thwump” and the alt-text was complaining about how you couldn’t use “Thwip” because of Stan Lee and presumably IP law.
Then I read it properly.