well good for you
you look happy and healthy, not me
if you ever cared to ask
good for you
you’re doin great out here without me, baby
god i wish that i could do that – dainix’ magic soul channels, probably
I think they are going to keep finding people BORN with elemental powers or endowed with it
And then become . . . THE NEW ELEMENTALS!
Kendal is the heart/leader, Erin is prince draconic darkness and the archive lady is his opposition (white dragon)
Alinua is the life goddess and Dainix is the fire god!
What’s more, the collector probably half triggered this by kick starting life, which could have set them off – apparently fire was the first to die to the dragon, so it makes sense that he’s the first to return – minus life of course.
I got absolutely BLASTED with nostalgia when I read the caption “Born this way”. My family blasted that song all the time when I was a kid, and I can still somewhat remember the chorus despite not having listened to it in YEEEARS.
well that certainly explains why he’s shirtless so often, dude’s showing off that designer chest and flexing in more ways than one
Now if you’ll all excuse me, i’m going to be daydreaming about fantasy top surgery bc apparently there weren’t enough characters in this comic giving me major gender envy
Erin: and did your family, seeing that you were bursting into flames whenever you got emotional, try to stop this from happening in case it harmed you?
Dainix: NAAAAAAH we already had plans for the weekend.
Dainix being trans was not mentioned in the comic until he said “as I transitioned” on this page, but people knew about it because Red mentioned it in response to questions from fans on Tumblr or Discord.
@storylineobsessed the word ‘transition’ lacking any other context can be assumed to mean gender transition. if Red hadn’t meant to write Dainix as a trans character, she wouldn’t have used that word. also, what else could it mean?
Gah, I love how Dainix does need to explain anything or defend himself. He just casually mentions the fact that he transitioned at once point, and Erin just acknowledges it no question asked, then they keep going. Love that
Hmm. The green glow faded between panels 1 and 2. Did Alinua stop, or at least slow down? Perhaps she ran out of ambient energy (though I’m beginning to doubt that’s a limiting factor for her, considering the tree she just grew; she might have a nigh-infinite internal well of life energy to call upon within her soul), or perhaps she wants to be more cautious with the magic so as to not corrupt Kendal’s body, or she’s assessing her progress without a bright green glow obfuscating him.
Also: very nice to finally see information on Dainix’s transition in the story itself and not just on Tumblr.
No funny first line today. Instead I’ll add my voice to the “Trans Rights” crowd.
I definitely think Dainix’s powers are related to primordial Fire, but not in the way Alinua’s are to Life. Life’s higher property is adaption, evolution, changing to survive in the current climate, and so Life has survived and changed with this new world in having a chosen vessel instead of her old body. Fire’s higher property is transmutation, a complete change from one form to another, Fire is no longer alive but he still exists, changed into whole new things and phenomena, of which Dainix is one of.
Maybe this is echoed in the characters themselves, Dainix transitioning from one gender to another and Alinua surviving falling off the flying islands, a decade in the wilderness, and Life’s magic surge.
Prediction for next week: More Erin questioning and pondering, and possibly Falst dropping in to join the campfire. Tess has been rather quiet as of late so maybe a few comments from her.
Finally! It was brought up organically in story! Good job Red!
Given what we know about Dainix, I suspect he transitioned young, so it makes sense that they thought any fire channels he had was sealed before they could properly manifest. I don’t know though.
@I Guess, given how Life magic works, I’d guess it goes something like “give a description of your ideal post-T body to your local life mage doctor and visit them once a week so they can slowly convince your body and soul to line up with what you want”. I think Red elaborated on Tumblr somewhere but I don’t remember if there even were details so that’s mostly my guess based on how the magic system seems to work though.
@I Guess, Wild Birb
It did come up on the Tumblr. You can use Life magic to do it, or potions made from special plants somebody asked the Twins for. Neither of them works immediately, but I think Life works quicker and the potions have less chance of complications.
Dainix as the vessel of Fire much as Alinua is of Life, and now we’ll be going on a journey to pick up all the others to re-imprison the Void Dragon, anyone?
my one question is how do they do it, do they have a spell or potion or is it just straight surgery. I’m just curious for worldbuilding purposes otherwise I love how this is handled
After a long delay I have a new Fun Fact of the Day:
A doughnut has approximately the same amount energy stored as stick of dynamite. The reason why no one explodes from a doughnut is unlike dynamite which releases all of its energy at once doughnuts are slowly broken down in the body not releasing the energy over time.
I decided to come back with the fact of the day but I had the idea to relate it to something on the page, in this case the alt text which joked that it was always Danix’s destiny to explode.
Evil Tree:
I guess we’ll just have to wait to hear fire form Danix exclaim “Finally!” to know for certain. Unless it was just Void and Life who do that.
@TheUnknownGame i wouldn’t expect alinua to be slowing down on the healing, but rather falst is just moving further away. in fact i can tell he’s moved quite a considerable distance between panels 1 and 2, because THE STARS ARE DIFFERENT WHAT IS HE IN ANOTHER PART OF THE UNIVERSE OR SOMETHING
no seriously i’m not criticising red’s efforts but that’s such a funny detail to me
@Monkey In A Shoe this is true. do not underestimate the chemical energy contained within food and drink
one of the most interesting things i learned in a level chemistry was that ethanol has an energy content similar to rocket fuel, which is why people who drink a lot might get a “beer belly”
I’m curious about how Dainix’ gender will change his character arc. Red doesn’t put things in her story for nothing. It’s not just a cheap publicity grab. *cough**cough**Eternals* So it has to do something that affects the narrative. Maybe Dainix is only the first of many trans characters we’ll see.
Took me a hot minute to realize Dainix probably meant gender transition in that 5th panel, since I don’t follow Red’s Tumblr and thus didn’t see this post about Dainix being trans that people keep mentioning. I feel like that could have been a little clearer, tbh.
Also, I will join in the chorus of people demanding some form of lore drop about what the hell FTM gender transition is like in the world of Aurora (and Dainix’s culture in particular, if that’s different)! Was there physical surgery involved, or a Life mage, or magic items, or some combination of those things? What about hormone therapy – that is to say, does Dainix taken testosterone, and if so, how?
All I can think of now is Teige’s testosterone-boosting spell from White Noise – not that I think that’s what Dainix is using, mind you, it’s just that’s the only other instance of well-thought-out gender transition I’ve seen in the fantasy genre.
Very interesting, elaboration received, at least some of it. So I guess Tumblr is once again where people learned information way ahead of its reveal in the comic?
Hell yeah Dainix said trans rights! I want to know how transition works in the aurora-verse. I’m guessing life magic since I think we’ve seen him shirtless right? And he didn’t have any surgical scars if I remember. And that would makes sense for why they’d think it messed with his own magic.
Did Alinua give up? The light on falst faded down in the second panel. Also, he’s angsting pretty hard. He and alinua got pretty close in the last arc. Is he feeling some type of way about her reaction to kendal being in critical condition? Maybe he just feels like he’s being treated like an outsider? Angsting about his complete uselessness in the last battle? When he joined he was tough and strong. Now there’s 3 people in the group that could swat him like a fly. And the other two could also feasibly take him on. That power shift has to be uncomfortable. He’s gone from worf to krillin. Strongest person you’ll ever meet. Except for his five friends who are all stronger than him.
I believe you misunderstand. A character can exist with an uncommon trait that does not serve the plot. If one assumes that an ‘abnormal’ trait must serve the plot to be justified, than they are assuming that anything other than your basic straight white dude is abnormal, and that you must justify a deviation from that. No person needs to justify their existence, nor any traits that come with it. Alinua didn’t have to be a woman, nor did she have to be purple. Neither of those traits have effected the plot, accept that she got mistaken for the collector for a total of two panels on one page. The junior archivist is a black woman, and no plot has happened from that. Dainix can be trans without any plot tie in, because it is perfectly normal for trans people to exist. Thank you for your time
soul channels sealed as you transitioned? being trans effects your magic? or removes your magic??
in a flip of what bigots usually say, i can suspend my disbelief for him being transgener (people are trans all the time) but not for top surgery removing your mage glands (what)
WOO!! THE REVEAL! Trans rights baby, trans rights. ???
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: it was always my destiny… to explode
Image source: rare
YESSSSS, it’s in there! Dainix being trans is officially on the page!
I request elaboration
YESSSS, it’s in there! Dainix being trans is officially on the page!
well good for you
you look happy and healthy, not me
if you ever cared to ask
good for you
you’re doin great out here without me, baby
god i wish that i could do that – dainix’ magic soul channels, probably
also dainix trans icon?
I think they are going to keep finding people BORN with elemental powers or endowed with it
And then become . . . THE NEW ELEMENTALS!
Kendal is the heart/leader, Erin is prince draconic darkness and the archive lady is his opposition (white dragon)
Alinua is the life goddess and Dainix is the fire god!
What’s more, the collector probably half triggered this by kick starting life, which could have set them off – apparently fire was the first to die to the dragon, so it makes sense that he’s the first to return – minus life of course.
can i add dainix literal transition goals like. girl
ah yes the three genders
boy, girl and EXPLOSION
I got absolutely BLASTED with nostalgia when I read the caption “Born this way”. My family blasted that song all the time when I was a kid, and I can still somewhat remember the chorus despite not having listened to it in YEEEARS.
Thanks for the nostalgia blast Red.
My boooooooooi
well that certainly explains why he’s shirtless so often, dude’s showing off that designer chest and flexing in more ways than one
Now if you’ll all excuse me, i’m going to be daydreaming about fantasy top surgery bc apparently there weren’t enough characters in this comic giving me major gender envy
Maybe he’s born with it. Maybe its Maybelline. And maybe the true treasure were the friends we met along the way.
Erin: and did your family, seeing that you were bursting into flames whenever you got emotional, try to stop this from happening in case it harmed you?
Dainix: NAAAAAAH we already had plans for the weekend.
Wait can someone explain where it said Dainix was trans I didn’t pick it up.
Dainix being trans was not mentioned in the comic until he said “as I transitioned” on this page, but people knew about it because Red mentioned it in response to questions from fans on Tumblr or Discord.
@storylineobsessed Tumblr ask. https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/654093009144659968/hey-red-i-cant-believe-i-have-never-asked-this
Bonus info. https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/662078773934653440/fire-has-transmutation-properties-dainix-is
@storylineobsessed the word ‘transition’ lacking any other context can be assumed to mean gender transition. if Red hadn’t meant to write Dainix as a trans character, she wouldn’t have used that word. also, what else could it mean?
Right now that I know what we’re all talking about here:
Oh yeah, I get it, man, T comes with a lot of changes and the hot flashes can be annoying–
[puts hand to earbud]
wait, that DOESN’T usually mean literally catching on fire? …huh
So Danix is closed off to the elements. But given he has so much fire, maybe it’s more like he is closed *in* with it. Just a thought.
Trans Rights baby
Oh my god, I can’t wrap my head around it…
Born This Way was 11 years ago?!
Gah, I love how Dainix does need to explain anything or defend himself. He just casually mentions the fact that he transitioned at once point, and Erin just acknowledges it no question asked, then they keep going. Love that
What would a fantasy transition entail? Just “Drink this potion, now you’re as masculine on the outside as the inside”? Sweet.
Hmm. The green glow faded between panels 1 and 2. Did Alinua stop, or at least slow down? Perhaps she ran out of ambient energy (though I’m beginning to doubt that’s a limiting factor for her, considering the tree she just grew; she might have a nigh-infinite internal well of life energy to call upon within her soul), or perhaps she wants to be more cautious with the magic so as to not corrupt Kendal’s body, or she’s assessing her progress without a bright green glow obfuscating him.
Also: very nice to finally see information on Dainix’s transition in the story itself and not just on Tumblr.
okay I can’t say anything funny about this page because I’m too busy wheezing at the alt text
Trans rights!
No funny first line today. Instead I’ll add my voice to the “Trans Rights” crowd.
I definitely think Dainix’s powers are related to primordial Fire, but not in the way Alinua’s are to Life. Life’s higher property is adaption, evolution, changing to survive in the current climate, and so Life has survived and changed with this new world in having a chosen vessel instead of her old body. Fire’s higher property is transmutation, a complete change from one form to another, Fire is no longer alive but he still exists, changed into whole new things and phenomena, of which Dainix is one of.
Maybe this is echoed in the characters themselves, Dainix transitioning from one gender to another and Alinua surviving falling off the flying islands, a decade in the wilderness, and Life’s magic surge.
Prediction for next week: More Erin questioning and pondering, and possibly Falst dropping in to join the campfire. Tess has been rather quiet as of late so maybe a few comments from her.
Finally! It was brought up organically in story! Good job Red!
Given what we know about Dainix, I suspect he transitioned young, so it makes sense that they thought any fire channels he had was sealed before they could properly manifest. I don’t know though.
Ya know, if I had a choice between my transition and having magic… yeah. Easy decision. I wouldn’t fight it either.
@I Guess, given how Life magic works, I’d guess it goes something like “give a description of your ideal post-T body to your local life mage doctor and visit them once a week so they can slowly convince your body and soul to line up with what you want”. I think Red elaborated on Tumblr somewhere but I don’t remember if there even were details so that’s mostly my guess based on how the magic system seems to work though.
@I Guess, Wild Birb
It did come up on the Tumblr. You can use Life magic to do it, or potions made from special plants somebody asked the Twins for. Neither of them works immediately, but I think Life works quicker and the potions have less chance of complications.
epic. trans rignts.
TL;DR: good timing, cat boy, back in time for all the juicy exposition.
I mean… explains why he never wears a shirt, if I was untitted I would do the same
“I think it was born with me.”
Dainix as the vessel of Fire much as Alinua is of Life, and now we’ll be going on a journey to pick up all the others to re-imprison the Void Dragon, anyone?
my one question is how do they do it, do they have a spell or potion or is it just straight surgery. I’m just curious for worldbuilding purposes otherwise I love how this is handled
After a long delay I have a new Fun Fact of the Day:
A doughnut has approximately the same amount energy stored as stick of dynamite. The reason why no one explodes from a doughnut is unlike dynamite which releases all of its energy at once doughnuts are slowly broken down in the body not releasing the energy over time.
I decided to come back with the fact of the day but I had the idea to relate it to something on the page, in this case the alt text which joked that it was always Danix’s destiny to explode.
Evil Tree:
I guess we’ll just have to wait to hear fire form Danix exclaim “Finally!” to know for certain. Unless it was just Void and Life who do that.
Did anyone notice that everyone in this room is a human? The ferin is on the wall and the elf is working on the construct in the other room.
I wonder if there are TERFs in this universe too?
You just can’t have a light dragon without a void dragon. It’s the law.
@TheUnknownGame i wouldn’t expect alinua to be slowing down on the healing, but rather falst is just moving further away. in fact i can tell he’s moved quite a considerable distance between panels 1 and 2, because THE STARS ARE DIFFERENT WHAT IS HE IN ANOTHER PART OF THE UNIVERSE OR SOMETHING
no seriously i’m not criticising red’s efforts but that’s such a funny detail to me
@Monkey In A Shoe this is true. do not underestimate the chemical energy contained within food and drink
one of the most interesting things i learned in a level chemistry was that ethanol has an energy content similar to rocket fuel, which is why people who drink a lot might get a “beer belly”
I’m curious about how Dainix’ gender will change his character arc. Red doesn’t put things in her story for nothing. It’s not just a cheap publicity grab. *cough**cough**Eternals* So it has to do something that affects the narrative. Maybe Dainix is only the first of many trans characters we’ll see.
Erin: Ah yes, exploding. Common side effect of transitioning.
But seriously tho, Trans Rights!
@Skystrike he’s not locked in with the fire, the fire’s locked in with him!
Took me a hot minute to realize Dainix probably meant gender transition in that 5th panel, since I don’t follow Red’s Tumblr and thus didn’t see this post about Dainix being trans that people keep mentioning. I feel like that could have been a little clearer, tbh.
Also, I will join in the chorus of people demanding some form of lore drop about what the hell FTM gender transition is like in the world of Aurora (and Dainix’s culture in particular, if that’s different)! Was there physical surgery involved, or a Life mage, or magic items, or some combination of those things? What about hormone therapy – that is to say, does Dainix taken testosterone, and if so, how?
All I can think of now is Teige’s testosterone-boosting spell from White Noise – not that I think that’s what Dainix is using, mind you, it’s just that’s the only other instance of well-thought-out gender transition I’ve seen in the fantasy genre.
Very interesting, elaboration received, at least some of it. So I guess Tumblr is once again where people learned information way ahead of its reveal in the comic?
@setras some legend of korra type shit there.
@Question bag, Tess is metal cast, I don’t think they’re technically human. But true that it’s more humans than we’re used to
@Mturtle7: Best I found was this: https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/662904577209794560/the-perpetual-question-what-methods-of-medical
I don’t know why, but I really like the fact that magical transition has possible side effects.
Hell yeah Dainix said trans rights! I want to know how transition works in the aurora-verse. I’m guessing life magic since I think we’ve seen him shirtless right? And he didn’t have any surgical scars if I remember. And that would makes sense for why they’d think it messed with his own magic.
Nvm just saw Stark9865’s post from Red’a tumblr about how transition works.
Trans rights! But also…
The expressions on Falst in the last few pages have just been *chef’s kiss*
Did Alinua give up? The light on falst faded down in the second panel. Also, he’s angsting pretty hard. He and alinua got pretty close in the last arc. Is he feeling some type of way about her reaction to kendal being in critical condition? Maybe he just feels like he’s being treated like an outsider? Angsting about his complete uselessness in the last battle? When he joined he was tough and strong. Now there’s 3 people in the group that could swat him like a fly. And the other two could also feasibly take him on. That power shift has to be uncomfortable. He’s gone from worf to krillin. Strongest person you’ll ever meet. Except for his five friends who are all stronger than him.
So are his powers biological, not magical? Is he a mutant?! Can someone draw him in a 2000’s X-men leather outfit?!
HECK YES!!! Trans character canon!
More details on Dainix: https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/697562378097836033/so-red-youve-mentioned-that-there-are-two
An elixir a day keeps the gender at bay!
Heyyo completely forgot, been busy
His case is different, yes indeed
A fire being born and bread
I believe you misunderstand. A character can exist with an uncommon trait that does not serve the plot. If one assumes that an ‘abnormal’ trait must serve the plot to be justified, than they are assuming that anything other than your basic straight white dude is abnormal, and that you must justify a deviation from that. No person needs to justify their existence, nor any traits that come with it. Alinua didn’t have to be a woman, nor did she have to be purple. Neither of those traits have effected the plot, accept that she got mistaken for the collector for a total of two panels on one page. The junior archivist is a black woman, and no plot has happened from that. Dainix can be trans without any plot tie in, because it is perfectly normal for trans people to exist. Thank you for your time
Why on the Characters page doe sit say that Danix is he/him
@Random Commenter because those are the pronouns he uses. Dainix is a trans man. He went from female to male.
Trans Rights!
Why does falst look like hes bout to kill a man? Erin dainix look out they be looking crazy! Wait is tess is there to arent they
thanks I was a little confused too
thanks I was a little confused as well
trans rights!
I knew it and I am happy :>
Okay, please, rereaders, tell me that I’m not crazy. The comment was not about lady gaga when this was first posted, right?
soul channels sealed as you transitioned? being trans effects your magic? or removes your magic??
in a flip of what bigots usually say, i can suspend my disbelief for him being transgener (people are trans all the time) but not for top surgery removing your mage glands (what)
Wha- I read this like three times! How did I mis this!?