Waitâ we’ve seen runes like these before. Page 1.15.1, first panel; they appear as text in Falst’s flashback(?). If this automaton is of Ancient design, then this could be an Ancient dialect (although we know from the runes on the pedestal that the Ancients used the runic alphabet).
I no longer think that’s the case, since they’re connected to Falst now as well, but you never know)
(Also, Red knows us well. I WILL attempt to decipher this,even if it takes me another three months)
“Do you think that doesn’t matter?” Dainix asks Falst
As the hidden robot scans their matter.
“Let me ask you something,” Falst hisses angrily.
“Do you really think you’re a monster?”
“You gave them every reason to think that way, right?
And then they trusted you anyway.
They’re kind. They’re generous. I’m so lucky. Or maybe they’re just naive.
If I don’t protect them, they’ll get themselves killed by monsters like me.”
Hoo boy, okay. We got the cipher broken over on the Discord.
This is apparently the Ancient script. It says the following:
Hey mate what if the weave is like the weave in D&D where its a backround formation of magic and the robot is figuring out falst and dainix’s magical make up by looking at the weave which forms the basic of magic. (I know red has played and likely still plays D&D so she likely knows of this idea of the weave. [she appeared in jocat’s guide to Dungeon Mastering, and she has made D&D references in other videos.) so the ideas might be similar.)
Sources: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANdG2DGm0CQ https://www.youtube.com/c/overlysarcasticproductionschannel
Sidebar:The Weave of Magic, pg.205 Part 3 of the PHB.
PS: this is a crack theory I thought of because I know to much about D&D and need outlets for it.
Replying quite late, but Iâm pretty sure it references back to something the Collector was talking about when questioning why Vash was suddenly so chatty.
In panel 2 of this page: https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-11-29/
She discusses how âeach severed filament unweaves part of your dâŠBut it always reweaves if I donât damage the suâŠâ
I honestly have no idea what the cut-off words are, but from context sheâs talking about Vashâs being, which is pure soul, as a âweaveâ.
This would make sense for the robot here – the weave pattern being their souls, and the robot is detecting that Dainix is highly attuned to *something*, most likely fire, while Falst has no attunement, being a Ferin.
As @Testingâtheâwaters says, we’ve seen these runes, or something similar, in 1.15.1 first panel. The runes in the background, say “Find your way if you are truly my son” according to @Painted Weasel. The runes are in a vertical, so for the translators, you should probably also test if it makes more sense when read from top to bottom.
The fact that they’re in 1.15.1 with the background text probably means that these robots had some connection to Falst’s father. It could be that he made them but that seems highly unlikely, because he was a Ferin (Falst’s mother was a human as shown in one of red’s tumbler posts where she holds him), and it seems unlikely that this robot can be made without magic.
Even when projecting, Falst hits some decent points about the gang.
So that’s why Falst has issues with Dainix; he sees too much of himself back in Gleicann’s forest in Dainix and this situation. That combined with just how powerful Dainix is, and their mutual hints of self-loathing, doesn’t paint a very safe picture for Falst.
Fortunately for Falst, Dainix knows a thing or two about letting emotions out so might be able to help him, or at least alleviate his concerns. Plus having another fighter here with a potential robot threat lurking about might drive the two closer together by force too.
Thank you @Mat for the speedy translation. This automaton certainly sounds like it’s geared for combat if it’s prepared to engage Dainix to … defend Falst? It registers Falst as possibly “of the people”, probably meaning Ancients, to protect and Dainix as a cave folk with a weapon (both marked in red) to defend against.
Now, why has it registered Falst as a possible Ancient? Is it his lack of elemental attunement that the robot can seemingly detect that gets him mistaken as an Ancient? Or could Falst, and other Ferin, have Ancient blood in them? Could it be the Ferin mage’s selections of who to curse were not as random as they appeared?
See that last line about the one who made the ferin having a more deliberate selection in subjects… These random afflictions don’t seem as random (could be paranoia or just wanting a connection to exist though).
My hero and saviour!!
I guess the robot thinks Falst needs help…? At least it’s not completely hostile.
That Null Exception sounds problematic tho…
@Rai @Evil Tree @Gogo
While I wish I could take credit, as usual it was a team effort. Quark did much of the work on this one.
Now, my personal speculation is that Falst is confused for an Ancient by the robot because Ancients and ferin both have dense soul lattices and are hence not attuned to any element and magically inert.
It’s also barely functional and likely running on fumes, so there’s that bit on “null exception”.
Oh it has already been deciphered, neat. So that is for certain an Ancient automaton, and it has probably mistaken Falst for and Ancient, due to his soul stracture
@storylineobssesed I heard you were looking for Vines for Aurora. I never did Vine or TikTok but I did stumble across a collection of LittleKuriboh vines for his Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged series and I think a few could work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trtHG31qkZM
Guard from 1-13-3: You got this Dainix!
Dainix: I-I know.
Guard:You totally got this Dainix!
Dainix: I know.
Guard: Hey Dainix?
Dainix: What?
Guard: You got- (slap)
Kendal: Now I summon the unstoppable LIFE!
(Alinua Life possessed forming the plant colossus)
(Gets sent flying by plant colossus fist)
Shrike: Now I summon my Battle Ox! (revealed to be a bored Trusk)
Tess: Oh it’t cute!
Shrike: No it’s a very intimidating monster-
Tess: Kawaii Desu! (pets him getting a smile from Trusk)
Alinua: I summon Panther Warrior, in attack mode! (revealed to be an unimpressed Falst)
Tess: Oh it’s even cuter!
Alinua: No it’s a very intimidating-
(Falst walks away looking 100% done)
Alinua: Where are you going Panther Warrior?!
Erin: I summon Golden Frieza, in attack mode! (Revealed to be a flexing Tess)
Tynan: Man, C-3PO is pissed.
Tess: F*ck you.
There may be some more in that collection I can’t think of, give it a watch and you might find some more.
@gogo the mimic
Its been previously stated that humans originally dwelt in the caves while the Ancients walked the surface. I imagine that’s where “cave folk” comes from. “Of the people” however, has me a bit baffled and I’m going to speculate instead of doing my English assignment due tomorrow.
@Evil Tree made an excellent point I hadn’t thought of.
Maybe ‘Of the people’ means someone with Ancient blood. It would be very diluted but probably still detectable by magic glowy robots. My only problem with this theory, however, is that in the extra lore section, it says that anyone who annoyed the mage was turned into a ferin. Unless most people have a little bit of the Ancient’s blood in them, this would be extremely lucky indeed if everyone who annoyed them was part Ancient. But it also does make sense if the mage had simply altered the Ancient gene in people. If this is the case then I imagine that the Ancient gene would be dominant without actually altering the outward appearances of the people, maybe giving them a touch more sturdiness and strength which were amplified when they were turned ferin.
@Mat also made an excellent point about Ferin and Ancients having dense soul latices which could cause some confusion.
The runes in the flashback on 1.15.1 say ’emira’.
I’m thinking that Emira could be some sort of name or clue to something.
I’m also wondering if it’s a hint to his parents because the writing over the top of the runes seems to say say “Find your way if you truly are my son”. From the look of them in the flashback, they look like they were scrawled on a wall, like what Falst was doing to practice before writing on the glowy rock thing I can’t remember the name of. We haven’t heard anything about Falsts parents so who knows what happened there. I’ve also got a theory that the mage that cursed the ferins might be his parent??? Like maybe not directly but they technically made the ferins and therefore might think of them all as their kids??? idk i’m spitballing here.
Also, the extra lore section says that he was showing up less and less frequently, but you never know with mages. So, who knows? Not me that’s for sure.
My guess would be that the robot isn’t getting a reading on its power core status due to damage and is taking action regardless of potential damage to the core or any hazards that might cause.
@Coal You’re welcome!
@Dark Wolf
I think Emira might be Falst’s mom (Red posted a sketch of her on her tumblr), since she is the only person I could think of. Some of the sketches and a spoiler-ish storyboard Red posted have me thinking we will get parts of Falst’s backstory in the following chapters. I won’t share my entire theory on here, but I’ll say I’m worried about her đ
Still, if Emira IS his mom, then why is her name in the Ancient script? I have no idea thus far.
Hmm… I get the feeling he’s not just talking about Dainix here. Just a wild guess.
Also, what do we think the robot thing will identify Kendal as? Cuz like, I feel like he’d confuse it a bit.
Very interesting situation we have here- thank you to @Mat for posting the deciphered runes!
I think we have our answer as to what happens now, folks: The robot.. does that. It. It just does that.
As to how Dainix and Falst react, I can think of several different scenarios.
A) Dainix and Falst fight the automaton together before they realize its objective, at which point they attempt to calm(?) it by allowing it to fulfill said objective. Dainix, in order to avoid further injury, does not resist. Then, Falst attempts to seek help from the others, which may or may not be successful depending on whether the automaton has somewhere it wants to take him to keep him safe (as seen in its objectives).
B) If Falst is REALLY mad at Dainix, they fight the automaton together until they realize its objective, at which point Falst allows the automaton to fulfill that objective and attack Dainix while leaving him alone. If he does this, though, which I don’t think he will, it might backfire if the automaton has somewhere it wants to take him to keep him safe.
Also, that splash panel is GORGEOUS. Just want to sayâš
I’m VERY interested in how it will categorize Erin. at first yeah, he’s a cave person, but then on second thought he’s the vessel to the GOSHDARN VOID DRAGON and the ancients really had a thing that he was a big part of huh?
There once was an Ancient robot.
Its knowledge was outdated rot.
It could only take action
To protect its faction
As its Ancient programming had taught.
Falst: How dare you ask about my wellbeing! I define myself solely by how much I can help other people!
Dainix: My god, does everyone in this party have issues with their self-image and repressing their emotions?
Thanks to the people who decoded the runes! I’m very interested now. Why is there a robot designed to protect Ancients from the Cave-folk? Is it only activated by an Ancient and a Cave-folk arguing in the near vicinity? I guess it makes sense that it would be thought that cave-folk were dangerous, since they could do elemental magic while the Ancients could not, thus the creation of this robot to help protect them. I think this because the robot specifically measures how elementally-Intune they are. Either way, lore drop/cool fight scene on Wednesday? I hope so.
Just another question: What do you people think attunement means here? I assumed it meant magic (cause Falst has none), but Dainix isn’t a mage, his sould is “closed to the elements”. So if not that, what else is he attuned to?
Rune deciphering.
Hmm, the color coding is interesting. Both have light blue text. Falst is all blue, while Dainix has blue text with red subtext, which might indicate some alert or finding that is being highlighted. Then there is the bottom box, all full of red text, which is likely a conclusion being reached. Also, Falst’s image is highlighted in blue, while Dainix’s is highlighted in red.
All of this is likely not a good sign for Dainix.
Thank you, runes, for debunking my robot uprising crack theory from Friday. This one seems bent on protecting Falst due to the fact that he’s magically inert- just like the Ancients. It seems to perhaps be non-sentient, obeying its programmed instructions to protect Ancients (or anyone whose soul vaguely resembles an Ancient soul), not fight them.
The robot is probably mistaking Dainix’s Crucible powers as fire attunement, since the two phenomena are somewhat similar and the robot likely has absolutely no frame of reference for what a Crucible actually is.
SarissaTieflingDruid and Eldritch V.:
Of the people: Unknown
Attunement: None
Objective: Defend, move to safety
Thanks for translating the runes! How’d you do it? Is there a key somewhere or did you brute-force it?
It seems this is some kind of security-bot. It’s assuming Falst is an Ancient. Is it because he is magically inert or is it because he has some Ancient blood? Maybe both? Although Falst being part of an Ancient Bloodline is unlikely because he’s very short, and the main sign of an Ancient ancestor is being unusally tall.
What’s also interesting is that the bot can sense that Dainix is magic, while modern methods were unable to. Is this a retcon? Probably not, the reveal that people thought Dainix was inert showed up like a month ago.
Can this guy be our little robot buddy? I love robot buddy characters!
the comments are on fire this morning, so uh:
@Mat and @Squarecross thank you for posting translations!
@EvilTree that was hilarious, thank you!
@Saga I am now rooting for Falst to get a pet robot
@TheUnknownGame I laughed
ANYWAY hope Dainix and Falst come to an understanding, but Ima place my bets on that not happening until after the fight scene (which will escalate when Erin arrives and the robot switches its top priority to murdering VD Walter[‘s vessel])
I just love the second panel. Those pastel colors and outlines look amazing, and the cracked lens effect over them makes me think itâs showing how although the robot is physically damaged, the protagonists are emotionally damaged.
If @Mat’s translation is correct, which it sure seems that way, then the Ferin mystery might have just gotten more interesting. The robot identified Falst as “of the people” and Dainix as “Cave person”. When humans and elves were cave people, the ancients ruled the world, so this seems to be an ancients robot. Why is an ancients robot identifying a ferin as “of the people”?
This is fascinating.
Something interesting is that based on the translation that @Mat posted, the thing seems to run on lacrima power. While it could be the yellow thing in its chest, I’m thinking that the eyeball looking thing might even be a soul lacrima, since it’s “analyzing weave”, which presumably means soul weave, the glow matches that of the paladins, and with the Ancient’s noted habit of messing with runes and greater respect for the idea of the element of soul, I think that it’s at least possible for them to have tinkered with the element and even made lacrimas from them
Also its labelling of Dainix as a threat lines up with Huracan in her book, where she says something like “we were wrong to fear [the cave folk]”, so it might have even been programmed to identify attunement as a threat, based on the possible soul lacrima and the bias the Ancients seemed to have against them
Something interesting is that based on the translation that @Mat posted, the thing seems to run on lacrima power. While it could be the yellow thing in its chest, I’m thinking that the eyeball looking thing might even be a soul lacrima, since it’s “analyzing weave”, which presumably means soul weave, the glow matches that of the paladins, and with the Ancient’s noted habit of messing with runes and greater respect for the idea of the element of soul, I think that it’s at least possible for them to have tinkered with the element and even made lacrimas from them
Also its labelling of Dainix as a threat lines up with Huracan in her book, where she says something like “we were wrong to fear [the cave folk]”, so it might have even been programmed to recognize attunement as a threat, given the potential soul lacrima and the biases the Ancients seemingly had against the cave folk.
(I wasn’t sure if my initial comment posted, so sorry if this went up twice!)
Ok I think I might have whatever Falst has, because I just reread the last page but it still took me a second to realize what Dainix was referring to in the first panel.
@TheUnknownGame: now that I’ve had some time to think I have a theory for what it would think about kendal. I believe that it would think kendal is, at the very least, “of the people: likely”. my reasoning is hence: while like falst he has no connections to the elements, no part of him is human. another reason is his unique relationship with vash, something the robot might misidentify as a connection to the white dragon. I think this could happen because both connections to gods and the white lady are soul based endeavors, as they are both beings of soul. Kendal’s unique situation would prove even more so like a connection to the white lady, as he can speak to vash in much the same way the lady can speak to her acolytes. and I believe the robot would be able to tell the difference between a connection to a god or to the white lady, as the ancients didn’t seem to worship much if any outside of the dragons so would find no reason to tell such a difference.
oh yeah also really like your idea for Erin thoughts
That rune translation is so exciting! do the robots protect ferin? Has it misidentified both of them as part of some older groups? Are the Cave People the Elder Race? I have some faint memory that they lived in caves, I’ll have to read back for that
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: this one’s for you, rune-decipherers
Image source: monster
Is there therapy in the Aurora universe?
ohhhh what do the runes mean???? i need to know!!!!!
Wait, is Falst’s last speech bubble still him imitating Dainix’ thoughts or about himself…? You okay there buddy?
oohh nooo he’s projecting, buddy… c’mon Dainix hug the kitty, he’s been internalizing all of this for far too long by the looks of it
Wtf who is looking aturades them with the Vegeta visor? the Collector?
Alright, break out the Rosetta Stone and lexicon. What the hell is that robot thinking.
This Aurora page is brought to you by: Projection.
OK, I COMPLETELY forgot the robot thing activating last page and was VERY confused on why there was that analyzis panel!
So dainixâs glow is easily figured out, heâs got that whole demon thing going on, butâŠâŠ falst has a blue one. Whyâs falst got a glow??
Waitâ we’ve seen runes like these before. Page 1.15.1, first panel; they appear as text in Falst’s flashback(?). If this automaton is of Ancient design, then this could be an Ancient dialect (although we know from the runes on the pedestal that the Ancients used the runic alphabet).
I no longer think that’s the case, since they’re connected to Falst now as well, but you never know)
(Also, Red knows us well. I WILL attempt to decipher this,even if it takes me another three months)
@Rai626 I’m thinking it’s both.
“Do you think that doesn’t matter?” Dainix asks Falst
As the hidden robot scans their matter.
“Let me ask you something,” Falst hisses angrily.
“Do you really think you’re a monster?”
“You gave them every reason to think that way, right?
And then they trusted you anyway.
They’re kind. They’re generous. I’m so lucky. Or maybe they’re just naive.
If I don’t protect them, they’ll get themselves killed by monsters like me.”
Hoo boy, okay. We got the cipher broken over on the Discord.
This is apparently the Ancient script. It says the following:
Hey mate what if the weave is like the weave in D&D where its a backround formation of magic and the robot is figuring out falst and dainix’s magical make up by looking at the weave which forms the basic of magic. (I know red has played and likely still plays D&D so she likely knows of this idea of the weave. [she appeared in jocat’s guide to Dungeon Mastering, and she has made D&D references in other videos.) so the ideas might be similar.)
Sidebar:The Weave of Magic, pg.205 Part 3 of the PHB.
PS: this is a crack theory I thought of because I know to much about D&D and need outlets for it.
Replying quite late, but Iâm pretty sure it references back to something the Collector was talking about when questioning why Vash was suddenly so chatty.
In panel 2 of this page: https://comicaurora.com/aurora/1-11-29/
She discusses how âeach severed filament unweaves part of your dâŠBut it always reweaves if I donât damage the suâŠâ
I honestly have no idea what the cut-off words are, but from context sheâs talking about Vashâs being, which is pure soul, as a âweaveâ.
This would make sense for the robot here – the weave pattern being their souls, and the robot is detecting that Dainix is highly attuned to *something*, most likely fire, while Falst has no attunement, being a Ferin.
Hoo boy, kitty kidnapping shenanigans incoming.
Also “Of the people”? “Cave folk”? Seems like there is some tasty worldbuilding on the horizon.
As @Testingâtheâwaters says, we’ve seen these runes, or something similar, in 1.15.1 first panel. The runes in the background, say “Find your way if you are truly my son” according to @Painted Weasel. The runes are in a vertical, so for the translators, you should probably also test if it makes more sense when read from top to bottom.
The fact that they’re in 1.15.1 with the background text probably means that these robots had some connection to Falst’s father. It could be that he made them but that seems highly unlikely, because he was a Ferin (Falst’s mother was a human as shown in one of red’s tumbler posts where she holds him), and it seems unlikely that this robot can be made without magic.
Even when projecting, Falst hits some decent points about the gang.
So that’s why Falst has issues with Dainix; he sees too much of himself back in Gleicann’s forest in Dainix and this situation. That combined with just how powerful Dainix is, and their mutual hints of self-loathing, doesn’t paint a very safe picture for Falst.
Fortunately for Falst, Dainix knows a thing or two about letting emotions out so might be able to help him, or at least alleviate his concerns. Plus having another fighter here with a potential robot threat lurking about might drive the two closer together by force too.
Thank you @Mat for the speedy translation. This automaton certainly sounds like it’s geared for combat if it’s prepared to engage Dainix to … defend Falst? It registers Falst as possibly “of the people”, probably meaning Ancients, to protect and Dainix as a cave folk with a weapon (both marked in red) to defend against.
Now, why has it registered Falst as a possible Ancient? Is it his lack of elemental attunement that the robot can seemingly detect that gets him mistaken as an Ancient? Or could Falst, and other Ferin, have Ancient blood in them? Could it be the Ferin mage’s selections of who to curse were not as random as they appeared?
See that last line about the one who made the ferin having a more deliberate selection in subjects… These random afflictions don’t seem as random (could be paranoia or just wanting a connection to exist though).
My hero and saviour!!
I guess the robot thinks Falst needs help…? At least it’s not completely hostile.
That Null Exception sounds problematic tho…
@Rai @Evil Tree @Gogo
While I wish I could take credit, as usual it was a team effort. Quark did much of the work on this one.
Now, my personal speculation is that Falst is confused for an Ancient by the robot because Ancients and ferin both have dense soul lattices and are hence not attuned to any element and magically inert.
It’s also barely functional and likely running on fumes, so there’s that bit on “null exception”.
Oh it has already been deciphered, neat. So that is for certain an Ancient automaton, and it has probably mistaken Falst for and Ancient, due to his soul stracture
1.15.1 says “EMIRA”. Hmmm….
@Mat does that mean theyâve deciphered the runes on 1.15.1? Cause no one on the tumblr, comments, or wiki has posted it ;-;
@Testing-the-Waters oop never mind ?
@storylineobssesed I heard you were looking for Vines for Aurora. I never did Vine or TikTok but I did stumble across a collection of LittleKuriboh vines for his Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged series and I think a few could work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trtHG31qkZM
Guard from 1-13-3: You got this Dainix!
Dainix: I-I know.
Guard:You totally got this Dainix!
Dainix: I know.
Guard: Hey Dainix?
Dainix: What?
Guard: You got- (slap)
Kendal: Now I summon the unstoppable LIFE!
(Alinua Life possessed forming the plant colossus)
(Gets sent flying by plant colossus fist)
Shrike: Now I summon my Battle Ox! (revealed to be a bored Trusk)
Tess: Oh it’t cute!
Shrike: No it’s a very intimidating monster-
Tess: Kawaii Desu! (pets him getting a smile from Trusk)
Alinua: I summon Panther Warrior, in attack mode! (revealed to be an unimpressed Falst)
Tess: Oh it’s even cuter!
Alinua: No it’s a very intimidating-
(Falst walks away looking 100% done)
Alinua: Where are you going Panther Warrior?!
Erin: I summon Golden Frieza, in attack mode! (Revealed to be a flexing Tess)
Tynan: Man, C-3PO is pissed.
Tess: F*ck you.
There may be some more in that collection I can’t think of, give it a watch and you might find some more.
@gogo the mimic
Its been previously stated that humans originally dwelt in the caves while the Ancients walked the surface. I imagine that’s where “cave folk” comes from. “Of the people” however, has me a bit baffled and I’m going to speculate instead of doing my English assignment due tomorrow.
@Evil Tree made an excellent point I hadn’t thought of.
Maybe ‘Of the people’ means someone with Ancient blood. It would be very diluted but probably still detectable by magic glowy robots. My only problem with this theory, however, is that in the extra lore section, it says that anyone who annoyed the mage was turned into a ferin. Unless most people have a little bit of the Ancient’s blood in them, this would be extremely lucky indeed if everyone who annoyed them was part Ancient. But it also does make sense if the mage had simply altered the Ancient gene in people. If this is the case then I imagine that the Ancient gene would be dominant without actually altering the outward appearances of the people, maybe giving them a touch more sturdiness and strength which were amplified when they were turned ferin.
@Mat also made an excellent point about Ferin and Ancients having dense soul latices which could cause some confusion.
The runes in the flashback on 1.15.1 say ’emira’.
I’m thinking that Emira could be some sort of name or clue to something.
I’m also wondering if it’s a hint to his parents because the writing over the top of the runes seems to say say “Find your way if you truly are my son”. From the look of them in the flashback, they look like they were scrawled on a wall, like what Falst was doing to practice before writing on the glowy rock thing I can’t remember the name of. We haven’t heard anything about Falsts parents so who knows what happened there. I’ve also got a theory that the mage that cursed the ferins might be his parent??? Like maybe not directly but they technically made the ferins and therefore might think of them all as their kids??? idk i’m spitballing here.
Also, the extra lore section says that he was showing up less and less frequently, but you never know with mages. So, who knows? Not me that’s for sure.
Uuuuuuuuh I think that’s it (for now)
Someone else probably already decoded this, but here are my results:
For Dainix:
Weave Pattern
Cave Folk (I think the last rune is means both K and C)
Weapon detected
For Falst:
Weave Pattern
Of the people (I think the O-shaped rune is a th)
Partial certainty
-Move to safety-
For the bottom box:
Shell integrity- Minimal
Lacrima charge- Null exception
Guilt is like a snake
Finds its ways into your thoughts
Making our boys sad
My guess would be that the robot isn’t getting a reading on its power core status due to damage and is taking action regardless of potential damage to the core or any hazards that might cause.
im guessing that the robot was made by the ancients and thinks falst is an ancient due to both ferin and ancients having magic resistance
@Coal You’re welcome!
@Dark Wolf
I think Emira might be Falst’s mom (Red posted a sketch of her on her tumblr), since she is the only person I could think of. Some of the sketches and a spoiler-ish storyboard Red posted have me thinking we will get parts of Falst’s backstory in the following chapters. I won’t share my entire theory on here, but I’ll say I’m worried about her đ
Still, if Emira IS his mom, then why is her name in the Ancient script? I have no idea thus far.
Falst didn’t come here to be psychoanalyzed!
Hmm… I get the feeling he’s not just talking about Dainix here. Just a wild guess.
Also, what do we think the robot thing will identify Kendal as? Cuz like, I feel like he’d confuse it a bit.
A- I’m very interested in this robot guy
B- Falst and Dainix both need help, so I’m glad they’re in the same general vicinity
Very interesting situation we have here- thank you to @Mat for posting the deciphered runes!
I think we have our answer as to what happens now, folks: The robot.. does that. It. It just does that.
As to how Dainix and Falst react, I can think of several different scenarios.
A) Dainix and Falst fight the automaton together before they realize its objective, at which point they attempt to calm(?) it by allowing it to fulfill said objective. Dainix, in order to avoid further injury, does not resist. Then, Falst attempts to seek help from the others, which may or may not be successful depending on whether the automaton has somewhere it wants to take him to keep him safe (as seen in its objectives).
B) If Falst is REALLY mad at Dainix, they fight the automaton together until they realize its objective, at which point Falst allows the automaton to fulfill that objective and attack Dainix while leaving him alone. If he does this, though, which I don’t think he will, it might backfire if the automaton has somewhere it wants to take him to keep him safe.
Also, that splash panel is GORGEOUS. Just want to sayâš
I want to hug Falst…
I’m VERY interested in how it will categorize Erin. at first yeah, he’s a cave person, but then on second thought he’s the vessel to the GOSHDARN VOID DRAGON and the ancients really had a thing that he was a big part of huh?
The sexual tension in this scene is palpable.
There once was an Ancient robot.
Its knowledge was outdated rot.
It could only take action
To protect its faction
As its Ancient programming had taught.
Falst: How dare you ask about my wellbeing! I define myself solely by how much I can help other people!
Dainix: My god, does everyone in this party have issues with their self-image and repressing their emotions?
Thanks to the people who decoded the runes! I’m very interested now. Why is there a robot designed to protect Ancients from the Cave-folk? Is it only activated by an Ancient and a Cave-folk arguing in the near vicinity? I guess it makes sense that it would be thought that cave-folk were dangerous, since they could do elemental magic while the Ancients could not, thus the creation of this robot to help protect them. I think this because the robot specifically measures how elementally-Intune they are. Either way, lore drop/cool fight scene on Wednesday? I hope so.
Just another question: What do you people think attunement means here? I assumed it meant magic (cause Falst has none), but Dainix isn’t a mage, his sould is “closed to the elements”. So if not that, what else is he attuned to?
Methinks the angst-boi projects too much.
Rune deciphering.
Hmm, the color coding is interesting. Both have light blue text. Falst is all blue, while Dainix has blue text with red subtext, which might indicate some alert or finding that is being highlighted. Then there is the bottom box, all full of red text, which is likely a conclusion being reached. Also, Falst’s image is highlighted in blue, while Dainix’s is highlighted in red.
All of this is likely not a good sign for Dainix.
HIS WIDDLE EARS GOING DOWN!! sad but cathartic short king pls give him some therapy (cries)
TL;DR: The rant goes on. But they’re not alone…
Wait, I get it! Falst is going to get himself a pet robot, so he’ll no longer be the squishiest team member!
To Testing-the-waters:
If your theory and mine have anything in common, you have a right to be worried…
To SarissaTieflingDruid:
Yeah, that will certainly interesting to see, all things considering..
In general, I am still here, I’ve just been busy and haven’t really been remembering to post. Sorry about that.
Thank you, runes, for debunking my robot uprising crack theory from Friday. This one seems bent on protecting Falst due to the fact that he’s magically inert- just like the Ancients. It seems to perhaps be non-sentient, obeying its programmed instructions to protect Ancients (or anyone whose soul vaguely resembles an Ancient soul), not fight them.
The robot is probably mistaking Dainix’s Crucible powers as fire attunement, since the two phenomena are somewhat similar and the robot likely has absolutely no frame of reference for what a Crucible actually is.
SarissaTieflingDruid and Eldritch V.:
Of the people: Unknown
Attunement: None
Objective: Defend, move to safety
Cave Folk: Certainty
Objective: Begone, thot
This man would really rather fight Tynan twice than have an emotional conversation with eye contact.
Daaaaamn this was probably cooking up in him basically since he joined the party
Thanks for translating the runes! How’d you do it? Is there a key somewhere or did you brute-force it?
It seems this is some kind of security-bot. It’s assuming Falst is an Ancient. Is it because he is magically inert or is it because he has some Ancient blood? Maybe both? Although Falst being part of an Ancient Bloodline is unlikely because he’s very short, and the main sign of an Ancient ancestor is being unusally tall.
What’s also interesting is that the bot can sense that Dainix is magic, while modern methods were unable to. Is this a retcon? Probably not, the reveal that people thought Dainix was inert showed up like a month ago.
Can this guy be our little robot buddy? I love robot buddy characters!
the comments are on fire this morning, so uh:
@Mat and @Squarecross thank you for posting translations!
@EvilTree that was hilarious, thank you!
@Saga I am now rooting for Falst to get a pet robot
@TheUnknownGame I laughed
ANYWAY hope Dainix and Falst come to an understanding, but Ima place my bets on that not happening until after the fight scene (which will escalate when Erin arrives and the robot switches its top priority to murdering VD Walter[‘s vessel])
I just love the second panel. Those pastel colors and outlines look amazing, and the cracked lens effect over them makes me think itâs showing how although the robot is physically damaged, the protagonists are emotionally damaged.
Now kiss
If @Mat’s translation is correct, which it sure seems that way, then the Ferin mystery might have just gotten more interesting. The robot identified Falst as “of the people” and Dainix as “Cave person”. When humans and elves were cave people, the ancients ruled the world, so this seems to be an ancients robot. Why is an ancients robot identifying a ferin as “of the people”?
This is fascinating.
Oh man. Even the ancients couldn’t avoid the dreaded null pointer⊠no wonder their civilization collapsed!
Something interesting is that based on the translation that @Mat posted, the thing seems to run on lacrima power. While it could be the yellow thing in its chest, I’m thinking that the eyeball looking thing might even be a soul lacrima, since it’s “analyzing weave”, which presumably means soul weave, the glow matches that of the paladins, and with the Ancient’s noted habit of messing with runes and greater respect for the idea of the element of soul, I think that it’s at least possible for them to have tinkered with the element and even made lacrimas from them
Also its labelling of Dainix as a threat lines up with Huracan in her book, where she says something like “we were wrong to fear [the cave folk]”, so it might have even been programmed to identify attunement as a threat, based on the possible soul lacrima and the bias the Ancients seemed to have against them
Something interesting is that based on the translation that @Mat posted, the thing seems to run on lacrima power. While it could be the yellow thing in its chest, I’m thinking that the eyeball looking thing might even be a soul lacrima, since it’s “analyzing weave”, which presumably means soul weave, the glow matches that of the paladins, and with the Ancient’s noted habit of messing with runes and greater respect for the idea of the element of soul, I think that it’s at least possible for them to have tinkered with the element and even made lacrimas from them
Also its labelling of Dainix as a threat lines up with Huracan in her book, where she says something like “we were wrong to fear [the cave folk]”, so it might have even been programmed to recognize attunement as a threat, given the potential soul lacrima and the biases the Ancients seemingly had against the cave folk.
(I wasn’t sure if my initial comment posted, so sorry if this went up twice!)
Falst, more like F-angst
Ok I think I might have whatever Falst has, because I just reread the last page but it still took me a second to realize what Dainix was referring to in the first panel.
Okay, now I am CURIOUS. This has more cool fun runes!!!!! YAY!!!! Wonder what they mean.
Man, kid’s got a lot of self loathing and paranoia.
@TheUnknownGame: now that I’ve had some time to think I have a theory for what it would think about kendal. I believe that it would think kendal is, at the very least, “of the people: likely”. my reasoning is hence: while like falst he has no connections to the elements, no part of him is human. another reason is his unique relationship with vash, something the robot might misidentify as a connection to the white dragon. I think this could happen because both connections to gods and the white lady are soul based endeavors, as they are both beings of soul. Kendal’s unique situation would prove even more so like a connection to the white lady, as he can speak to vash in much the same way the lady can speak to her acolytes. and I believe the robot would be able to tell the difference between a connection to a god or to the white lady, as the ancients didn’t seem to worship much if any outside of the dragons so would find no reason to tell such a difference.
oh yeah also really like your idea for Erin thoughts
Falst is definitely projecting right now
That rune translation is so exciting! do the robots protect ferin? Has it misidentified both of them as part of some older groups? Are the Cave People the Elder Race? I have some faint memory that they lived in caves, I’ll have to read back for that
Somebody give the kitty some catnip! He’s gone all snarly and growly. This will not go well!
Oh no, I’ve done it. I’ve caught up. Now I have to wait for the comic to update! NOooooooo!!
Angstboi angsts over being a beast
He considers Dainix a stranger in their midst
Due to winter time starting the pages are no longer posted in a convenient time for me, hence the delay.
Now that’s what I call projecting! A+ projectance right there, keep it up Catboy!