For mobile readers.
Alt-text: before you ask, yes, the sullen dark-haired dude IS his lancer back home, and he IS thinking “tch. *I* should have been the one exploding”
Image source: rage
He says, “They told me later that the buildings
Were empty by the time I reached them”
“That I ignored everyone and everything
But the ghouls,” he remembers the mayhem.
When he recovered, all that they knew
Was that he was a Demon.
And if he didn’t want to destroy what he loved,
He had to go find out, explains the one-eyed man.
“I know what directionless rage looks like”
He says, disbelieving them with a shudder.
“I… wasn’t in good shape when I burned out.
It took me a while to fully recover.”
I was up late last night at a sci-fi murder mystery, ok?
Ok, so that’s a heck of a lot better than “randomly attacked the village one day”, which is how I thought this was gonna go.
He looks so sad in the last panel, I want to give him a hug.
It’s a good thing the fight was kept within the abandoned warehouse district.
Dainix, please. You weren’t in a good mental state at the time; it’s easy to imagine things being worse than they are in those cases. I reckon they were telling the truth, at least with regards to people; if he did kill someone they’d be more outrage than what he got. Building damage however, yeah that looks bad.
Oh man, Dainix’s face at the end. He looks so tired, not just from his long recovery but from the confirmation of his worst fears. If this is the state he was when he left it’s no wonder he got rounded up while near Zuurith. Not wanting to hurt others, physically and emotionally tired, and his sense of who he is gone, he would be easily scooped up.
While his status as a demon hurts him a lot, I get the feeling having to leave his home might have hurt him even more. He and Alinua have something in common in that regard, leaving their home so they don’t hurt the ones they love. Maybe Dainix will ask her why she hasn’t thought about returning to her adopted family.
Huh. Marginally less ‘I murdered my whole town’ than I was kind of assuming, but that would be pretty dark for Red.
Can we just appreciate the citizens of this place, though? They just had their homes destroyed, probably multiple people dead from the goul, and they’re still not blaming him. It would be so easy for everyone to hate him, even if it isn’t his fault, but they don’t. And that’s… actually weirdly wholesome.
There once was a boy in pain
Because he’d unknowingly slain
Some people in his town
And almost burned the place down
So he left, more knowledge to gain.
I think the architecture of these desert towns is very interesting- they appear to be made of thick colored glass. Of course the glass wouldn’t be a problem, since many of the Ignans wield fire, but what I’m wondering is how they get the glass those colors. I don’t know anything about how glass is colored– if anyone is more knowledgeable, please share! It appears that they broke a little, but mostly melted, so I think they’d have to be pretty thick to not just break in the heat.
Plus can we just appreciate all the shiny details on those melty buildings âś‹
Also Dainix please drink some water and take a nap
I just realised that the first and the second panel are parallels to each other. This gives us a very decent estimate of the fire’s size compared to Dainix. And also compared to the ghouls.
The first and second panel are parallels to each other.
Also, is it only me who is fascinated by the sheer size of this monstrosity we call Dainix’s twin?
Oh, f*ck. Dainix’s face in panel 2. That’s the face of someone who deeply, truly hates themself for what they’ve done. It amazes me that he was less depressed in a literal prison than he was here, and I think that’s solely because of the time he had to heal from the shock of this event.
I for one believe Lainn; if Dainix had killed any of the villagers, they would be furious with him, but since glass buildings can be easily repaired in a town of desert-dwelling fire mages, the fact that the collateral damage is limited to just property damage is pretty much the best-case scenario. Pour one out for Lainn; they might’ve saved lives if Dainix really was as directionless as he thought he was (though I don’t think he was). …Honestly, pour one out for Lainn anyway, they just went through some sh*t.
I am getting the Werewolf Curse vibes here-‘Even if a man is pure of heart once bit by the Werewolf he is doomed to become a ravaging beast on the full moon’. Poor Dainix! I wonder what Erin and Tess will say in response?
@Kat & @Veggiesnake: I thought that too. Shadows of Ashitaka. Next thing you know he’ll get caught up in the internal politics of some random city-state, and then help a beast-person in an attempt to rescue a god from the machinations of that same city-state, while being told that he needs to control his negative emotions. Wait…
It depends on whether demons are normally humans or not. Though it’s worth noting that VD didn’t react the same way he did with Life, and we know that Life was revived by the Collector; we don’t know that Fire was.
Did you know:
While glass has a very high point at which it is fully a liquid, around 1400-1600ÂşC, at around 676-732ÂşC it becomes very malleable.
(The ignan city is made of glass, so it explains why Danix was able to partially melt it all so easily, and why they don’t seem “too” miffed about their city burning down, as it wouldn’t be too hard to reform it back into place.)
Here is another fun fact of the day just for you!
Did you know:
Colored glass is made when certain minerals is added to the glass as it is being made, that materials are used is dependent on what color you want.
Logan The Mad, Warlock of Rot and Rust:
Honestly, that’s what is seems like to me at least.
Yeah everyone is fine, don’t worry about those melted buildings, there wasn’t anyone inside…
With ignan brand super sunblock!(Also since apparently their fire-adapted humans and that means sunburn immunity and red hair.)
@Saga even IRL, it’s possible to have naturally red or reddish hair with a variety of skin tones. Based on what we’ve seen of the Ignan village, it’s entirely possible there’s either a genetic mutation or an elemental influence in play to make it even more common. But also they probably have magic sunscreen or whatever
Question Bag:
We’ve already seen the size of obsidian ghouls compared to humans, and they’re roughly the same size. Since the obsidian ghoul appears large in the first panel compared to the humans in the second, it means that Dainix is closer to the viewpoint in the first panel than in the second. Also, we’ve seen a direct comparison between Dainix’s Crucible form and average humanoids thanks to him giving a thrashing to The Void Dragon, and we can see from there that he’s tall, but not gigantic when transformed.
Huh, they do have quite a lot of similarities now that you mention it. I’m sure it’s coincidental, but still; neat.
They knew some things, like that a “demon” could easily solo an entire pack of nigh invincible lava monsters. What they didn’t know was: what triggers it? can it be controlled? if so, how? is this bad for his health? is it contagious? will keeping a demon here get us all killed? or will it be a good thing? so they sent him to find out.
@Monkey In A Shoe
Thanks! That’s really interesting, seeing as one of my favorite scientific topics is geology 🙂
He’s in the third panel. If you zoom in on the doorway, you can see his face better.
Ikr Dainix in that last panel tho ?
amazing backstory, this comic has been improving in every way since the beginning and it was stellar since day 1, but I miss when the panels on the pages used to go crazy bonkers bananas
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: before you ask, yes, the sullen dark-haired dude IS his lancer back home, and he IS thinking “tch. *I* should have been the one exploding”
Image source: rage
He has destroyed everything, and knows now for sure
That a demon is in him, and he longs for a cure
Good to know Dainix’s backstory is *marginally* less grim than I’d been assuming.
Lainn: Preventor of Angst
Do you see this fiery thing? It’s your Superpowered Evil Side! We don’t know anything more, so go into Voluntary Exile to find something!
*years later, finds a paragon, a possessed guy, and a giant storm*
He says, “They told me later that the buildings
Were empty by the time I reached them”
“That I ignored everyone and everything
But the ghouls,” he remembers the mayhem.
When he recovered, all that they knew
Was that he was a Demon.
And if he didn’t want to destroy what he loved,
He had to go find out, explains the one-eyed man.
I’m an idiot, forgot the middle stanza:
“I know what directionless rage looks like”
He says, disbelieving them with a shudder.
“I… wasn’t in good shape when I burned out.
It took me a while to fully recover.”
I was up late last night at a sci-fi murder mystery, ok?
Ok, so that’s a heck of a lot better than “randomly attacked the village one day”, which is how I thought this was gonna go.
He looks so sad in the last panel, I want to give him a hug.
Prince Ashitaka parallels!
from princess mononoke?
nevermind, i look down and theres other ppl mentioning it
….Ooof.. Younglings.
It’s a good thing the fight was kept within the abandoned warehouse district.
Dainix, please. You weren’t in a good mental state at the time; it’s easy to imagine things being worse than they are in those cases. I reckon they were telling the truth, at least with regards to people; if he did kill someone they’d be more outrage than what he got. Building damage however, yeah that looks bad.
Oh man, Dainix’s face at the end. He looks so tired, not just from his long recovery but from the confirmation of his worst fears. If this is the state he was when he left it’s no wonder he got rounded up while near Zuurith. Not wanting to hurt others, physically and emotionally tired, and his sense of who he is gone, he would be easily scooped up.
While his status as a demon hurts him a lot, I get the feeling having to leave his home might have hurt him even more. He and Alinua have something in common in that regard, leaving their home so they don’t hurt the ones they love. Maybe Dainix will ask her why she hasn’t thought about returning to her adopted family.
Dainix out here giving MASSIVE Princess Mononoke vibes rn
Maaaaaan, this is some Princess Mononoke, Legend of Ashitaka shit. My man defended everyone and still got outcast.
@GoodbyeBallad: What was the sci-fi murder mystery called?
Huh. Marginally less ‘I murdered my whole town’ than I was kind of assuming, but that would be pretty dark for Red.
Can we just appreciate the citizens of this place, though? They just had their homes destroyed, probably multiple people dead from the goul, and they’re still not blaming him. It would be so easy for everyone to hate him, even if it isn’t his fault, but they don’t. And that’s… actually weirdly wholesome.
There once was a boy in pain
Because he’d unknowingly slain
Some people in his town
And almost burned the place down
So he left, more knowledge to gain.
I think the architecture of these desert towns is very interesting- they appear to be made of thick colored glass. Of course the glass wouldn’t be a problem, since many of the Ignans wield fire, but what I’m wondering is how they get the glass those colors. I don’t know anything about how glass is colored– if anyone is more knowledgeable, please share! It appears that they broke a little, but mostly melted, so I think they’d have to be pretty thick to not just break in the heat.
Plus can we just appreciate all the shiny details on those melty buildings âś‹
Also Dainix please drink some water and take a nap
I just realised that the first and the second panel are parallels to each other. This gives us a very decent estimate of the fire’s size compared to Dainix. And also compared to the ghouls.
The first and second panel are parallels to each other.
Also, is it only me who is fascinated by the sheer size of this monstrosity we call Dainix’s twin?
i know that isnt what it is, but the demon twin looks like an earth size kaiju in the first pannel. its so cool.
Oh, f*ck. Dainix’s face in panel 2. That’s the face of someone who deeply, truly hates themself for what they’ve done. It amazes me that he was less depressed in a literal prison than he was here, and I think that’s solely because of the time he had to heal from the shock of this event.
I for one believe Lainn; if Dainix had killed any of the villagers, they would be furious with him, but since glass buildings can be easily repaired in a town of desert-dwelling fire mages, the fact that the collateral damage is limited to just property damage is pretty much the best-case scenario. Pour one out for Lainn; they might’ve saved lives if Dainix really was as directionless as he thought he was (though I don’t think he was). …Honestly, pour one out for Lainn anyway, they just went through some sh*t.
“No one was injured, but you should go away just in case”
I am getting the Werewolf Curse vibes here-‘Even if a man is pure of heart once bit by the Werewolf he is doomed to become a ravaging beast on the full moon’. Poor Dainix! I wonder what Erin and Tess will say in response?
@Kat & @Veggiesnake: I thought that too. Shadows of Ashitaka. Next thing you know he’ll get caught up in the internal politics of some random city-state, and then help a beast-person in an attempt to rescue a god from the machinations of that same city-state, while being told that he needs to control his negative emotions. Wait…
Dainix’s village: This wasn’t your fault and also you saved all of us from ghouls
Dainix: It’s all my fault! I’m a monster!
So. Do we think this is the Fire-equivalent of the Chimeric Plague? The Fire Primordial trying to find a host? Or something else?
It depends on whether demons are normally humans or not. Though it’s worth noting that VD didn’t react the same way he did with Life, and we know that Life was revived by the Collector; we don’t know that Fire was.
TL;DR: sorry man, you’re a demon. Also you wrecked town but it’s okay, everyone’s fiiiiiine….
Also, is it just me, or is this like a whole village of redheads? A bunch of redheads living in a desert. How are they not all constantly sunburned?!
Did you know:
While glass has a very high point at which it is fully a liquid, around 1400-1600ÂşC, at around 676-732ÂşC it becomes very malleable.
(The ignan city is made of glass, so it explains why Danix was able to partially melt it all so easily, and why they don’t seem “too” miffed about their city burning down, as it wouldn’t be too hard to reform it back into place.)
Here is another fun fact of the day just for you!
Did you know:
Colored glass is made when certain minerals is added to the glass as it is being made, that materials are used is dependent on what color you want.
Logan The Mad, Warlock of Rot and Rust:
Honestly, that’s what is seems like to me at least.
Yeah everyone is fine, don’t worry about those melted buildings, there wasn’t anyone inside…
With ignan brand super sunblock!(Also since apparently their fire-adapted humans and that means sunburn immunity and red hair.)
@Saga even IRL, it’s possible to have naturally red or reddish hair with a variety of skin tones. Based on what we’ve seen of the Ignan village, it’s entirely possible there’s either a genetic mutation or an elemental influence in play to make it even more common. But also they probably have magic sunscreen or whatever
Dainix, my guy! take a nap! here’s some Hershey’s kisses, a blanket, and a glass of water. and I don’t want to see you until tommorrow!
Dainix, My guy! you look tired. here’s some Hershey’s kisses, a blanket, and a glass of water. And I don’t want to see you awake until tomorrow!
solid D&D backstory
Question Bag:
We’ve already seen the size of obsidian ghouls compared to humans, and they’re roughly the same size. Since the obsidian ghoul appears large in the first panel compared to the humans in the second, it means that Dainix is closer to the viewpoint in the first panel than in the second. Also, we’ve seen a direct comparison between Dainix’s Crucible form and average humanoids thanks to him giving a thrashing to The Void Dragon, and we can see from there that he’s tall, but not gigantic when transformed.
Huh, they do have quite a lot of similarities now that you mention it. I’m sure it’s coincidental, but still; neat.
^ About Ashitaka and Dainix, not the Ignans to each other.
So then… if nobody knew what a “demon” was, then she was just making up shit to get him to leave?
(Surely not?)
They knew some things, like that a “demon” could easily solo an entire pack of nigh invincible lava monsters. What they didn’t know was: what triggers it? can it be controlled? if so, how? is this bad for his health? is it contagious? will keeping a demon here get us all killed? or will it be a good thing? so they sent him to find out.
Who’s the sullen dark haired dude the alt text is talking about?
@Monkey In A Shoe
Thanks! That’s really interesting, seeing as one of my favorite scientific topics is geology 🙂
He’s in the third panel. If you zoom in on the doorway, you can see his face better.
Ikr Dainix in that last panel tho ?
amazing backstory, this comic has been improving in every way since the beginning and it was stellar since day 1, but I miss when the panels on the pages used to go crazy bonkers bananas
Ah, thankyou.
I was looking for a person with brown or black hair I should have realised it meant dark red.
By the way it’s possible to read alt text on android and mobile by pressing and holding on the image
What are these houses made of? Is that some kind of metal or glass? Love howthey look melted