Oohhhhhh noooooooo
It’s big misunderstanding time
She thinks that Erin wanted records to destroy the white dragon . . . Not to get rid of his infestation of evil entity No.7!
Now she’s going to hold a grudge and maybe even be a mini boss or misguided antagonist in future! Nooooo misunderstandings are so sad
The archivist tears up, “He tricked me,” she says,
With feelings of disgrace.
“Yes,” intones a voice as clear as the shield moon,
“But you showed me his face.”
Are we going to do “The good guys are hunting us because of the way these things we did look really bad” trope? With a splash of “Poor Communication Kills” and “Let’s you and him fight”? Seems like we are. Popcorn at the ready.
PS: Dammit Red, made me listen to the song again…
Let it all out, let it all out
You don’t have to act so brave
The graffiti flower that someone painted on the wall sways
Nobody knows who their real selves are
Losing and finding things in the middle of this long, long road
There are days where we feel alone and we feel like crying, but…
Change these tears and this pain into stars
Turn on the light that will shine on tomorrow
I may lose my way a little
But together, we’ll create stardust and search for an eternity that glows so brightly
Let it all out, let it all out
I’m so full of weaknesses
Because I’ve met you, it’s alright to not be good enough
What will happen “for certain”? That’s what I want to know
I hid a small knife in my sock
It always hurt more to put on a brave face and lie
It’s really frightening, but regardless we’ll keep on living
The wind gently caresses your smiling face
We’ll hold out our small hands and together
We’ll create stardust and search for an eternity that glows so brightly
What should I do if I misjudge what is right?
If sad things are what’s right, should I just accept it?
I thought I was lost, but then I knew you
I really am glad that you’re here
Change these tears and this pain into stars
Turn on the light that will shine on tomorrow
We’ll hold out our small hands and together
We’ll create stardust, an eternity that glows so brightly…
Farewells may come one day
But still, the seasons will come and go
I may lose my way a little
But I’ll walk, I’ll walk with you
That’s the one thing I’ll never change
The Lady: You showed me his face. Man, he found himself a cutie.
J.A.: What?
The Lady: I said, you have done well my child.
I was hoping J.A. would question why Erin, the Void Dragon’s vessel, did things that work against the dragon’s agenda; coming to the Archives alone would be a big no-no for the dragon. It’s understandable though, she looks too shaken up by the day’s events to think about that sort of thing; maybe when she calms down she’ll begin to question things.
The Lady, and by extension all Paladins, now know Erin’s face and his links to Asera, and with that knowledge they could soon find his name. Looking back, Erin never once revealed his name to J.A., maybe he knew the potential risks and choose “Aserean Ambassador” only for an alias. If they dig deep enough, they might even discover his links to the soulshaper monks, match these with his direction of travel, and put two and two together for an ambush on helm.
Prediction for next week: I’m going to go out on a limb here; the Paladin Champion getting this info as he flies ever faster to their location.
I’m growing very, very, VERY interested in the Light Dragon and how she operates…
Look at J.A.’s pupils. They’re the same as that other Paladin guy’s, and they’re akin to Erin’s when he’s possessed by VD.
But…LD doesn’t possess her…what’s the word I’m looking for…servants? Underlings? Followers? Agents?
Regardless, she doesn’t possess them, (at least not fully) but she DOES speak to them, and allows them to use a magic that manifests as a weird glowing white and blue energy.
I really want to know more about this specific piece of lore and worldbuilding, but I suppose I’ve made that clear already.
@The Lolest Potentially, though we can’t be too sure how much of that message she heard. She was a little way away so might not have heard all of it, and maybe even chose not to listen to respect his privacy.
@siriacha you would absolutely not be crazy. in fact i quite like the interpretation: since the Lady is catching up to VD faster and faster, the moon is a waxing gibbous, representing her covering more ground/having the advantage
There once was a scholar named June
Who was sorry she granted Erin’s boon.
“He tricked me,” she cries.
“But I saw his face,” replies
Her mistress, the dragon of the moon.
I hate it (in a good way) when villains pit good characters against each other.
Also just the general vibe of this page makes me think back to an alt text from a while back-
*mysterious, ethereal voice*: can I interest you in some pamphletsssssss
hhh I’m short on time reading this so that’s the best I can do for today’s page. Hopefully I’ll get more to work with on Monday.
F for Lady Niluca and co., I guess. Tynan, you meteorological moron, you have deprived the world of some creative swears. That is a truly unforgiveble crime.
You know, at this point I have been calling this character June for so long that when she does eventually get a name I am not sure if I can transition.
Oh no her mascara’s been destroyed! oh, and she accidentally let Voidy into the archives.
The thing is, Erin didn’t do anything to harm the archives. She was with him the whole time. But it’s probably the principle of the thing, that Erin brought this great evil into the archives even though he had a handle on the situation, and I’d imagine they’d think that he’s complicit with Voidy in some way. So now they’re probably going to circulate his face through the entire cult so the next time one sees him they can send in the champion to nuke him from orbit
Someone need a tracker and bounty hunter who are at 0dd ends now?
icarusancalion- My interpterion is that June feels hurt and betrayed as well angry. And women are not as often berated as men for expressing their tears of sorrow and pain. I find tears cathartic myself, but agree sometimes its honest display of tears can turn a group against one.
I watch for clues and revelations as Red shows us more of the Story. Go Red!!
Meanwhile, somewhere else, The Champion is now flying at the speed of war.
Hate to break it to you, because that’s a pretty cool interpretation, but the phase of Shield is currently a waning gibbous, not waxing.
Evil Tree:
And since the paladins know of his diplomatic connections, Erin can no longer rely on his status to grant him and his companions political immunity while maintaining anonymity. Here’s to hoping Argist and Hollowsong aren’t anywhere near as f*cked up as Zuurith, because Erin won’t easily be able to prevent the group from being thrown in jail next time without attracting deadly attention. Of course, Erin doesn’t know he’s being hunted… so he’ll probably flaunt his status anyway, giving the junior archivist, and by extension The Champion, a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.
@icarusancalion I also want June to find out the truth, because I like her and would love to see her and Erin working together to get rid of VD Walter. But re: the crying thing, a couple things. One (as Aulde pointed out) is that June is probably dealing with a whole lot of emotions (like possibly mourning all her paladin buddies who Tynan killed). The other is that some people cry when they’re frustrated or angry (source: me), and once again as Aulde pointed out, women are *somewhat* less likely to be bullied into repressing all outward shows of emotion.
BTW i find emotional repression frustrating, so my frustration is when it’s portrayed as “strong”, “good”, or “manly”. so my take on women crying in a situation where a man stereotypically wouldn’t is that men should also be allowed to cry without shame or stigma.
@TheUnknownGame @Icarusancalion do we know that the paladins have enough political power to revoke Erin’s diplomatic immunity? IDK if they’re quite that influential, and it probably also depends on the city. In any case, it’s probably bad enough that *the entire paladin order* has it out for Erin now.
So y’all know, petrichor is that smell when rain hits dry soil. “Petr-” means stone, and ichor is the substance that flows through the veins of the greek gods. It is also the name of next chapter.
oh no no no no no no I mean we all suspected this would happen but nooo
For those who were hoping she’d question why Erin visited, she likely assumed that connections with the void dragon was something only done between the dragon and a willing servant like with the paladins and the Lady (which isn’t an unreasonable conclusion, since VD is supposed to be her equal in power.)
So with that idea, the “looking to stop VD” option basically goes out the window, and a lot of his actions become a lot more sinister: his insistence on being admitted, the lie about proving VD’s existence to the academy; his visit as a whole could be reinterpreted as trying to gain information on the paladins since they’d be the only ones knowledgeable enough to stop him and his frustration and denial about the light dragon’s existance could be seen as frustration at a larger roadblock disguised under academia (since he thought she was a manufactured god). “He tricked me and had malevolent reasons to do so” is a completely reasonable conclusion to draw here (although I don’t think that anyone was in doubt).
I have to say that this was very well set up by Red though, since it’s really easy to end up the any plot based on assumptions of intentional trickery to feel really contrived and unfair, but the story is built so June (and thus the paladins’) assumptions are pretty grounded and reasonable even without deeper analysis, preventing it from feeling like an idiot plot or like the world suddenly hates our protagonist for no reason. I do hope that we get a confrontation (physical or otherwise) between June and Erin later on though, rather than just between the group and Micheal and the other paladins, since those two have a much more personal relationship and I want to see how this dynamic develops
Hermit Thrush:
What I meant was that if Erin reveals himself to anyone, word of mouth will make information on his location spread and make it that much easier for the paladins to track him down. They don’t have the clout to revoke his honorary emissary status back in Asera or anything (probably), it’s that being open about his identity is likely going to put him in mortal danger.
Oh shit she thinks Erin bamboozled her on behalf of Voidy, even though it was actually just that he wanted to use their info to see if he could eject Voidy.
Okay, so it’s been mentioned that this page implies some kind significance regarding the moon in relation to the light dragon, but if you look closely in the last panel it looks like the moon is her eye ?
@Storylineobsessed welcome to the club! I’m personally hoping for an enemies to lovers type thing. But seeing as this story is pretty devoid of romance, and it’s unlikely to happen, I!d be happy for just more interactions.
@ImuyanMangoCat, Storylineobsessed: Can I join? I think June has shown herself to be well-equipped to deal with his Hubrisâ„¢.
I know I saw something on the tumblr once that said romance is a hopefully, but there’s so much to go through finding it again would take forever.
@Axius27 If you look close enough you can see the moon’s round shape cut some light off from a star (there’s just also a cloud around (before?) the moon). It is in fact round, it’s just not immediately obvious.
god what a place to catch up to the story, glad I caught it just after the majestic battle ended and not half way through 🙂
Great story! Can’t wait to see where it goes!!
@Unknown Game @Hermit Thrush That’s how I saw it, too. Now that the VD has revealed himself in front of an entire city, Erin’s going to have to lay low.
As for revoking his Asuran emissary status, hmm, it hadn’t crossed my mind. The Asuran Academy sounds more like they’d try to use his emissary status to drag him back home… so they could study him. Erin mentioned that was why he wasn’t going home for help.
@Hermit Thrush @Aulde Thinking about it further, it doesn’t bother me much that Alinua tears up frequently. It fits her heart-on-her-sleeve character. But when June teared up, I shook my head and went “…comic book tears, sigh.” It just didn’t fit the characterization of a woman who stone-faced Erin in full arrogant Asuran emissary mode.
Comic book tears are annoying, and they seem to be so ubiquitous in Anime and Manga that they’re almost invisible. Hardship hits? Oh, it’s time for the woman to break down and cry–unless she’s a bad guy. It’s like the way movies used to have women shriek and stand about uselessly while the man came to the rescue… or the classic 80’s girly line, “Oh, what are we to do now?” and then the man comes up with a plan.
But there really are very few uncompromisingly strong female characters in fiction; usually you have to go to real life to find truly strong women. In fiction (and I’m using the category broadly) there’s a scene where the female character cracks or has to be helped, or she is attacked for the crime of being strong.
It’s just frustrating to see it here, because Red knows the trope, knows it caters to sexist and patriarchal attitudes.
That is fair enough, but the problem is that we don’t know enough about June to really get a full read on character.
What we do know is that when she was blocking Erin, she’s very in control. She knows what she’s doing.
We also know that she is incredibly curious and doesn’t like not knowing things. (she went out of her way to find out why Erin left)
Considering these known traits we can infer that she does not like being lied to. No one does, but as a liker of information and being in the know, it’s likely one of her least favorite things.
Along with that, she got tricked and lied to by the living vessel of what’s basically the devil. Who’s very powerful, and she gave him free information.
And, she just went through some rough stuff. Chances are the archive got destroyed, along with a lot of her home, she got tricked by a very powerful and dangerous man, and possibly her mentor and freinds got killed.
So we can say that it’s okay that she’s crying.
wait this is an old page no one will read this
Ok look I know Walter’s not exactly trying to be a better person but could you please give him some space, plus Erin’s not a willing participant in this.
Oohhhhhh noooooooo
It’s big misunderstanding time
She thinks that Erin wanted records to destroy the white dragon . . . Not to get rid of his infestation of evil entity No.7!
Now she’s going to hold a grudge and maybe even be a mini boss or misguided antagonist in future! Nooooo misunderstandings are so sad
she got bamboozled ?
For mobile readers.
Alt-text: that’s probably fine
Image source: tricked
Well. Shoot
Well. That isn’t good.
It looks like we’re going to have a group of well meaning good guys hunting us down.
Awwwww damn it
The archivist tears up, “He tricked me,” she says,
With feelings of disgrace.
“Yes,” intones a voice as clear as the shield moon,
“But you showed me his face.”
Oh boy looks like Erin’s got himself into some real trouble again. I’m sure he’ll be fine though right? Right?
Ah, a misunderstanding thing. She should have just gone and confronted him about it instead of sulking like a fool.
NOOOOOO, shes too cute to try to murder a protagonist, even tho its very valid to want to,,,
Damnit, Erin, you pissed off the moon!
Are we going to do “The good guys are hunting us because of the way these things we did look really bad” trope? With a splash of “Poor Communication Kills” and “Let’s you and him fight”? Seems like we are. Popcorn at the ready.
PS: Dammit Red, made me listen to the song again…
Let it all out, let it all out
You don’t have to act so brave
The graffiti flower that someone painted on the wall sways
Nobody knows who their real selves are
Losing and finding things in the middle of this long, long road
There are days where we feel alone and we feel like crying, but…
Change these tears and this pain into stars
Turn on the light that will shine on tomorrow
I may lose my way a little
But together, we’ll create stardust and search for an eternity that glows so brightly
Let it all out, let it all out
I’m so full of weaknesses
Because I’ve met you, it’s alright to not be good enough
What will happen “for certain”? That’s what I want to know
I hid a small knife in my sock
It always hurt more to put on a brave face and lie
It’s really frightening, but regardless we’ll keep on living
The wind gently caresses your smiling face
We’ll hold out our small hands and together
We’ll create stardust and search for an eternity that glows so brightly
What should I do if I misjudge what is right?
If sad things are what’s right, should I just accept it?
I thought I was lost, but then I knew you
I really am glad that you’re here
Change these tears and this pain into stars
Turn on the light that will shine on tomorrow
We’ll hold out our small hands and together
We’ll create stardust, an eternity that glows so brightly…
Farewells may come one day
But still, the seasons will come and go
I may lose my way a little
But I’ll walk, I’ll walk with you
That’s the one thing I’ll never change
wait, that’s not Shield, is it?
The Lady: You showed me his face. Man, he found himself a cutie.
J.A.: What?
The Lady: I said, you have done well my child.
I was hoping J.A. would question why Erin, the Void Dragon’s vessel, did things that work against the dragon’s agenda; coming to the Archives alone would be a big no-no for the dragon. It’s understandable though, she looks too shaken up by the day’s events to think about that sort of thing; maybe when she calms down she’ll begin to question things.
The Lady, and by extension all Paladins, now know Erin’s face and his links to Asera, and with that knowledge they could soon find his name. Looking back, Erin never once revealed his name to J.A., maybe he knew the potential risks and choose “Aserean Ambassador” only for an alias. If they dig deep enough, they might even discover his links to the soulshaper monks, match these with his direction of travel, and put two and two together for an ambush on helm.
Prediction for next week: I’m going to go out on a limb here; the Paladin Champion getting this info as he flies ever faster to their location.
Only one more page to the new chapter!! What’s it gonna be?
@Evil Tree
She knows his name:
Look at the shape of the moon. I wouldn’t be crazy for saying that the light moon represents LD and the dark moon represents VD right?
I’m growing very, very, VERY interested in the Light Dragon and how she operates…
Look at J.A.’s pupils. They’re the same as that other Paladin guy’s, and they’re akin to Erin’s when he’s possessed by VD.
But…LD doesn’t possess her…what’s the word I’m looking for…servants? Underlings? Followers? Agents?
Regardless, she doesn’t possess them, (at least not fully) but she DOES speak to them, and allows them to use a magic that manifests as a weird glowing white and blue energy.
I really want to know more about this specific piece of lore and worldbuilding, but I suppose I’ve made that clear already.
@The Lolest Potentially, though we can’t be too sure how much of that message she heard. She was a little way away so might not have heard all of it, and maybe even chose not to listen to respect his privacy.
I don’t care what anyone else thinks, IMMA SHIP HER AND ERIN AND IMMA SHIP THEM SO MUCH
@siriacha you would absolutely not be crazy. in fact i quite like the interpretation: since the Lady is catching up to VD faster and faster, the moon is a waxing gibbous, representing her covering more ground/having the advantage
Oh, *no.*
Hmm. That is: not good, very bad.
There once was a scholar named June
Who was sorry she granted Erin’s boon.
“He tricked me,” she cries.
“But I saw his face,” replies
Her mistress, the dragon of the moon.
I hate it (in a good way) when villains pit good characters against each other.
Oh man, she doesn’t understand Erin’s trying to get *rid* of the Void Dragon.
I dearly hope that there’s an arc somewhere where she comes to learn that, and help. Because she genuinely liked Erin.
Looks like Erin’s days of flashing his Asura badge and ordering up diplomatic immunity are at an end. Wonder if he knows that… Kendal would.
(I don’t get June crying though. If I were her, I’d be pissed. The comic book habit of showing girls crying where the men are stoic bothers me.)
Wait… is my comment list in the ethers?
We’ve been tricked, we’ve been backstabbed, and we’ve been positively bamboozled.
Also just the general vibe of this page makes me think back to an alt text from a while back-
*mysterious, ethereal voice*: can I interest you in some pamphletsssssss
hhh I’m short on time reading this so that’s the best I can do for today’s page. Hopefully I’ll get more to work with on Monday.
F for Lady Niluca and co., I guess. Tynan, you meteorological moron, you have deprived the world of some creative swears. That is a truly unforgiveble crime.
Oh no…
I sense some plot.
Dangit already published the comment but had trouble with the connection so attempt 2
June’s day has been extremely rough
But Lady says she has done enough
You know, at this point I have been calling this character June for so long that when she does eventually get a name I am not sure if I can transition.
Oh no her mascara’s been destroyed! oh, and she accidentally let Voidy into the archives.
The thing is, Erin didn’t do anything to harm the archives. She was with him the whole time. But it’s probably the principle of the thing, that Erin brought this great evil into the archives even though he had a handle on the situation, and I’d imagine they’d think that he’s complicit with Voidy in some way. So now they’re probably going to circulate his face through the entire cult so the next time one sees him they can send in the champion to nuke him from orbit
Someone need a tracker and bounty hunter who are at 0dd ends now?
icarusancalion- My interpterion is that June feels hurt and betrayed as well angry. And women are not as often berated as men for expressing their tears of sorrow and pain. I find tears cathartic myself, but agree sometimes its honest display of tears can turn a group against one.
I watch for clues and revelations as Red shows us more of the Story. Go Red!!
Meanwhile, somewhere else, The Champion is now flying at the speed of war.
Hate to break it to you, because that’s a pretty cool interpretation, but the phase of Shield is currently a waning gibbous, not waxing.
Evil Tree:
And since the paladins know of his diplomatic connections, Erin can no longer rely on his status to grant him and his companions political immunity while maintaining anonymity. Here’s to hoping Argist and Hollowsong aren’t anywhere near as f*cked up as Zuurith, because Erin won’t easily be able to prevent the group from being thrown in jail next time without attracting deadly attention. Of course, Erin doesn’t know he’s being hunted… so he’ll probably flaunt his status anyway, giving the junior archivist, and by extension The Champion, a trail of breadcrumbs to follow.
oh shoot she knows about erin now doesnt she. that is probably one of the worst things that can happen right now.
@TheUnknownGame: How do you know they’re going to those cities? Is there any other information on them?
Erin mentioned them when he was discussing his plan to expel The Void Dragon at the beginning of chapter 8.
TL;DR: Looks like someone’s onto voidy….
I hope the two get an interaction together where Erin can explain himself
@icarusancalion I also want June to find out the truth, because I like her and would love to see her and Erin working together to get rid of VD Walter. But re: the crying thing, a couple things. One (as Aulde pointed out) is that June is probably dealing with a whole lot of emotions (like possibly mourning all her paladin buddies who Tynan killed). The other is that some people cry when they’re frustrated or angry (source: me), and once again as Aulde pointed out, women are *somewhat* less likely to be bullied into repressing all outward shows of emotion.
BTW i find emotional repression frustrating, so my frustration is when it’s portrayed as “strong”, “good”, or “manly”. so my take on women crying in a situation where a man stereotypically wouldn’t is that men should also be allowed to cry without shame or stigma.
I find this interesting because if Erin does get a bounty of sorts put on him by the Paladins, he will be in a similar situation to Falst.
@TheUnknownGame @Icarusancalion do we know that the paladins have enough political power to revoke Erin’s diplomatic immunity? IDK if they’re quite that influential, and it probably also depends on the city. In any case, it’s probably bad enough that *the entire paladin order* has it out for Erin now.
So y’all know, petrichor is that smell when rain hits dry soil. “Petr-” means stone, and ichor is the substance that flows through the veins of the greek gods. It is also the name of next chapter.
… does anyone else think the moon looks like an eye?
Juuuuuuune, nooooooo. You are to wholesome, I do not want you to be sad.
oh no no no no no no I mean we all suspected this would happen but nooo
For those who were hoping she’d question why Erin visited, she likely assumed that connections with the void dragon was something only done between the dragon and a willing servant like with the paladins and the Lady (which isn’t an unreasonable conclusion, since VD is supposed to be her equal in power.)
So with that idea, the “looking to stop VD” option basically goes out the window, and a lot of his actions become a lot more sinister: his insistence on being admitted, the lie about proving VD’s existence to the academy; his visit as a whole could be reinterpreted as trying to gain information on the paladins since they’d be the only ones knowledgeable enough to stop him and his frustration and denial about the light dragon’s existance could be seen as frustration at a larger roadblock disguised under academia (since he thought she was a manufactured god). “He tricked me and had malevolent reasons to do so” is a completely reasonable conclusion to draw here (although I don’t think that anyone was in doubt).
I have to say that this was very well set up by Red though, since it’s really easy to end up the any plot based on assumptions of intentional trickery to feel really contrived and unfair, but the story is built so June (and thus the paladins’) assumptions are pretty grounded and reasonable even without deeper analysis, preventing it from feeling like an idiot plot or like the world suddenly hates our protagonist for no reason. I do hope that we get a confrontation (physical or otherwise) between June and Erin later on though, rather than just between the group and Micheal and the other paladins, since those two have a much more personal relationship and I want to see how this dynamic develops
Hmm… I’m guessing Erin saying, “oh, hey, I actually want Voidy gone too” isn’t going to stop her. Well, shoot.
Hermit Thrush:
What I meant was that if Erin reveals himself to anyone, word of mouth will make information on his location spread and make it that much easier for the paladins to track him down. They don’t have the clout to revoke his honorary emissary status back in Asera or anything (probably), it’s that being open about his identity is likely going to put him in mortal danger.
Ok so with my best friend finaly getting me to read this iv continusily had the idea of Erin giving VD the nickname Walter. It would be awsome.
She’s been tricked! She’s been backstabbed! And she’s been, quite possibly, bamboozled.
Oh, this is going to go WONDERFULLY. Yeah, Erin’s actions look really bad. Poor June.
I know this is bad but yesssssssss sweet June content and drama
Wait she could see Erin from all the way over there? I was not on this page
I’m confused, what’s she on about?
Oh shit she thinks Erin bamboozled her on behalf of Voidy, even though it was actually just that he wanted to use their info to see if he could eject Voidy.
Okay, so it’s been mentioned that this page implies some kind significance regarding the moon in relation to the light dragon, but if you look closely in the last panel it looks like the moon is her eye ?
I mean, this isn’t a naturally formed planet, There’d be no reason normally for it to have any moons at all.
@Storylineobsessed welcome to the club! I’m personally hoping for an enemies to lovers type thing. But seeing as this story is pretty devoid of romance, and it’s unlikely to happen, I!d be happy for just more interactions.
@ImuyanMangoCat, Storylineobsessed: Can I join? I think June has shown herself to be well-equipped to deal with his Hubrisâ„¢.
I know I saw something on the tumblr once that said romance is a hopefully, but there’s so much to go through finding it again would take forever.
@ImuyanMangoCat: Also, do we have a ship name for it?
God damn it Erin.
@Stark9865 I nominate Junior Magus
@Hermit thrush and Stark9865, Junior Magus is pretty cute, but I vote for waiting until we actually know her name before deciding on a ship name
Huh… That moon isn’t round. You can see stars behind it. And now that we know that it’s not a moon, it kinda looks like a…
I don’t think those are stars…
@Axius27 If you look close enough you can see the moon’s round shape cut some light off from a star (there’s just also a cloud around (before?) the moon). It is in fact round, it’s just not immediately obvious.
god what a place to catch up to the story, glad I caught it just after the majestic battle ended and not half way through 🙂
Great story! Can’t wait to see where it goes!!
Listen, Erin never said, “I am not the Void Dragon.” Lies of omission aren’t even real; they’re just made up by the man to keep us down.
@Unknown Game @Hermit Thrush That’s how I saw it, too. Now that the VD has revealed himself in front of an entire city, Erin’s going to have to lay low.
As for revoking his Asuran emissary status, hmm, it hadn’t crossed my mind. The Asuran Academy sounds more like they’d try to use his emissary status to drag him back home… so they could study him. Erin mentioned that was why he wasn’t going home for help.
@Hermit Thrush @Aulde Thinking about it further, it doesn’t bother me much that Alinua tears up frequently. It fits her heart-on-her-sleeve character. But when June teared up, I shook my head and went “…comic book tears, sigh.” It just didn’t fit the characterization of a woman who stone-faced Erin in full arrogant Asuran emissary mode.
Comic book tears are annoying, and they seem to be so ubiquitous in Anime and Manga that they’re almost invisible. Hardship hits? Oh, it’s time for the woman to break down and cry–unless she’s a bad guy. It’s like the way movies used to have women shriek and stand about uselessly while the man came to the rescue… or the classic 80’s girly line, “Oh, what are we to do now?” and then the man comes up with a plan.
But there really are very few uncompromisingly strong female characters in fiction; usually you have to go to real life to find truly strong women. In fiction (and I’m using the category broadly) there’s a scene where the female character cracks or has to be helped, or she is attacked for the crime of being strong.
It’s just frustrating to see it here, because Red knows the trope, knows it caters to sexist and patriarchal attitudes.
That is fair enough, but the problem is that we don’t know enough about June to really get a full read on character.
What we do know is that when she was blocking Erin, she’s very in control. She knows what she’s doing.
We also know that she is incredibly curious and doesn’t like not knowing things. (she went out of her way to find out why Erin left)
Considering these known traits we can infer that she does not like being lied to. No one does, but as a liker of information and being in the know, it’s likely one of her least favorite things.
Along with that, she got tricked and lied to by the living vessel of what’s basically the devil. Who’s very powerful, and she gave him free information.
And, she just went through some rough stuff. Chances are the archive got destroyed, along with a lot of her home, she got tricked by a very powerful and dangerous man, and possibly her mentor and freinds got killed.
So we can say that it’s okay that she’s crying.
wait this is an old page no one will read this
oh no oh no oh no…
Erin: Moon’s haunted.
Kendal: What?
Erin:*chambers magic tatoo like a gun* Moon’s haunted
Does the moon here kinda look like an eye or is it just me?
ooooooooooo, i get it, the other dragon is in the moon
I didn’t notice it the first time but uhh….
This world has 2 moons. And that is not the colour of either of them.
That ain’t the moon chief. That is something much scarier.
Ok look I know Walter’s not exactly trying to be a better person but could you please give him some space, plus Erin’s not a willing participant in this.