“Welp. I say, pray to the blond dude to give him strength and power.”
“Are you MAD??”
*gestures at little pile of god-sand, gestures at GUY STILL STANDING AGAINST THE GODSAND-MAKER*
“…You have a point.”
“I’ll say!”
“Good point!”
“Let’s get to praying for Blondie, folks!!”
*The prayening begins!*
Tynan: You know, I have to tell you something. I am not left-handed.
Kendal: I also have to tell you something.
Tynan: Let me guess: You are not left-handed either? I know.
Kendal: No, I actually have friends, unlike you.
Tynan: *cries * (;>.<;)
Tynan being appreciative of Kendal’s resilience might be because he knows that Kendal’s the only one that can defeat the Collector. The lady of the lake who talked to Kendal way back when Erin was first possessed mentioned that all the gods want him to win, although not all of them are going to be nice to him. Red drew a collage there that included, among other gods, Tynan, so we know he knows that Kendal is their best shot at defeating the Collector. So if Tynan kills him now, he’s guaranteeing that she’ll eventually dismantle his soul. Maybe this is him testing how solid he is so he knows that Kendal can handle her?
Although, the lady of the lake did mention that the main appeal of Kendal as their forerunner against the Collector is his mobility compared to the gods, and Tynan is a storm capable of ambulation. Maybe this is a Xanatos Gambit, where if Kendal wins, then Tynan’s soul isn’t dismantled and he didn’t even have to stop her, and if Tynan wins, then he gets everyone afraid of him, giving himself enough power to destroy the Collector.
I’m interested in seeing exactly what Tynan’s long game is here. Hopefully Red continues with her love of combat monologuing.
Hand buzzer Tynan? So lame.
Lighting effects constantly in flux, ever present rain in the background and kicked up by Kendal in panel 5, and all manner of stylised colours and fonts for the different SFX. Red’s drawing skills are really on show today.
It seems disintegrating their city god in the middle of a packed stadium wasn’t enough fear for Tynan’s taste. Then again how much of this is Tynan wanting more fear and how much is him wanting indirect payback on Vash?
I wonder if Vash can see what’s going on; bad enough Tynan broke his word but is also close to killing the gods best hope against the Collector. Plus Vash may be unable to give advice without attracting the Collector’s attention; the last thing anyone needs right now is her becoming aware of Kendal, and by extension Alinua and possibly Erin.
Prediction for next week: Since we’ve established Tynan’s intentions here I think a scene change is in order. Not sure who to though; any of the protags, or even the Junior Archivist, could be focused on.
I noticed that Kendal’s eyes look exactly like the sword’s gem when he fights, I’ll have to look back at prior fights. I wonder if Kendal can merge with the sword like Vash did. I hope Falz can be of some help to Kendal along with every one else. Kudos for making Tynan monnlogue evilly!
@youngstormlord XDXD Teamwork makes the dream work, Tynan.
Tynan’s ‘Ah’s and ‘Good’s are giving me flashbacks to the Collector and how unfazed she was at anything. I wonder if Kendal is reminded of that as well.
Power’s out in my area so I’m out in the car, recharging my phone. But I had to get caught up on my FLOOF squad!
@Setras, I see your point, and that’s one of the directions the story could go. But it seems now to be arcing more towards Proving The Hero’s Mettle. Up until now, gods like Zuurith have doubted Kendal can do much against The Collector. And Kendal’s had no idea of his capacity, he just head-on fights the way Vash did (I love how Vash sounds like rash, just so perfect a name). Plus, part of the point of this arc has been to wake up the stagnating Ignan champion.
I think the FLOOF squad’s been separated and scattered. I can’t imagine even the Elemental Mage can take on a God. It’s been established that Alinua’s powers are irrelevant to fighting a storm. I like Falst, but he’s in over his head, too.
This is great. I do love a villain that acknowledges the hero’s strengths. Especially while still giving off the feeling of being in complete and utter control.
Hope he can hold out enough for the cavalry to arrive.
So I’ve been looking at old chapters and I’m pretty sure Vash is right-handed, or at least uses his sword with his right, but it looks like Kendall uses his left? At first I thought his right was hurt or something, but it looks like that’s always been true? Thought it was a cool detail
This reminds me of when I did the final boss battle in Skyward Sword, down to the villain using lightning. I say this because my strategy during that fight as “take an invincibility potion and charge at him until I kill him” and I feel like Kendal’s strategy might be similar. As Tahraim said, “at the end of the day, when all pretenses are shed, a divine body is still just a body, and a storm is still a storm.” Overall, I think that Kendal needs some backup because I don’t think he can win this fight alone.
*turns to the rest of the floof squad (including Dainix and Tess here because I think their joining is inevitable)* THAT’S YOUR CUE TO GET YOUR BUTTS OVER THERE AND HELP GUYS.
This whole thing is making me sort of anxious though because I’m not sure what exactly our route to victory is here. Maybe getting Voidy to help? I kind of want to see another “Erin gets taken over by Voidy” plot point, and that would connect nicely to my theory that the reason Junior archivist is still in this story is to see Erin use void magic and realize he’s Voidy’s avatar, and then that leads into them having to face Michael in the next arc. *sigh* I just have to wait and see…
Been lurking here for a long time, but hello! This comic has taken over my life, lol.
@Hallon, they were running after the bird towards the arena but Kendal’s been suddenly relocated. The bird was shown suddenly turning around a couple pages ago. They’ll get to him, but they might need a bit longer.
Nah, he’s going to last just long enough for his friends to get here and hopefully kick some ass.
I’m thinking about how Tynan can be defeated, with his storm being sundered like last time. Void magic would definitely be the riskiest option, but considering that Erin said it could “rip through any substance, regardless of element”, and considering the ease with which The Void Dragon dismantled Erin’s portable villa, it’s also the most likely to actually work- it’s just that Erin would be replacing one problem with another. Second-riskiest option: Dainix harnesses his inner fire and summons an inferno so mighty that it beats water. Of course, we don’t know the extent of his powers, and we don’t know how much his inner fire harms him or how much it causes him to lose control. Like icarusancalion said, he’s a wild card. Third-riskiest option: Kendal tries tapping into Kendal to summon another brilliant blast of starfire. It did seem to require the soul of a god to conjure it the first time, but Kendal’s soul is unique, neither fully divine nor fully mortal, if it’s even either of those at all. Another wild card in my opinion, but at least the people in the city wouldn’t be worse off than they already are if he fails. Least risky option: Erin uses water magic to try to slowly dismantle Tynan’s storm from afar, perhaps while Tess tries severing Tynan’s connection with inverse-polarity lightning. Of course, this is the least risky, but also the least likely to work; if all it takes to dismantle Tynan is two mages, even mages as powerful as the Ruunasers, it raises a question: why didn’t anyone try that when Tynan rolled up to Vash?? Or why isn’t anyone in Zuurith trying it now? It might be enough to stop an ordinary thunderstorm, but Tynan is not an ordinary thunderstorm; with his divine sentience, he can regenerate himself like few other storms can, so a slow dismantling would be easily noticed and countered. Like I said before, he has to be defeated in one blow.
I just noticed this but Kendal is using his left hand despite his name meaning right hand. I did a quick check, so far as I can tell Kendal always uses his left despite Vash using his right. I think this might be out of respect. But it also sets up the great:
“I am not left handed”
I’m guessing Alinua pick up a spare.
Tynan: “I’m going to revel in bleeding every last drop of hope from the…” *slammed by another of Alinua’s megatrees*
Tynan: “Where the f*** did that come from?”
I wonder if Zuurith will re-manifest and join Kendal in the fight and whether or not he’s gonna combine with Zuurith, since Kendal’s a vessel after all, who’s to say he can’t allow other gods to fuse with him for a powerup?
Kinda like dbz fusions.
@ lover yes!!
Also where is the power of friendship when we need it?
In all seriousness though i think that Kendal is going to lose to try an and then do some serious leveling up with his sword and take to an on for a rematch. Also i think that this arc is going to be along the lines of when Kendal gets to being OK with his status as a vessel and where he realizes that it is OK for him to act as himself not just for vash or for his friends. If I’m right then we’re about to get some serious character development so yay!
Tynan, Tynan, Tynan. I can forgive genre blindness in some villains, but you’ve been around the block enough times to know better. Kendal isn’t going to last long enough to wring every drop of hope out of the locals—he’s going to last long enough for his friends (and the metal lady he hasn’t met yet) to get over here and save his ex-divine butt.
I wonder how long it’ll take Zuurith to re-form his body. I can picture him showing up and being all, “Thanks, Tynan, I took your advice.” in an indestructible lightning immune body or something. xD
@TheUnknownGame I was thinking that about void magic as well. With ch16p1 reminding us that paladin lady is very much still around, I feel like we’re creeping towards another Erin possession- one she might witness. It wouldn’t be hard to set it up; if Erin gets involved in the Tynan fight in any way, there’s multiple ways for Tynan to almost kill him or incapacitate everyone else, in which case VD would be compelled to take over and protect his vessel. It’d be pretty great to see Tynan put in his place by an even more powerful being, lol. I’m just wondering how that would be executed in a way that doesn’t steal the spotlight from Kendal and feel anticlimactic… we’ll see soon, either way ?
I don’t think it’s genre-blindness as it is extreme confidence in himself and his abilities, and a extravagantly theatrical side–remember, Vash is the only one who’s ever managed to defeat him, and until he figured out how to use the jewel and starmetal ingot he’d been given, Vash was losing. Granted, this time Tynan could very well find himself up against both Life and the Void Dragon, depending if either find reason to get involved, but if they don’t then the Floof Squad is going to have one hell of an uphill battle. (And even if they do, it could very well be that the best the Squad can manage is a draw, and a shaky draw at that.)
Also, I know that no-one’s really consistently drawn with them anyway (except Falst), but had anyone else noticed that Kendal hasn’t had pupils since just after Tynan’s arrival, nor have his eyes been shaded in such a way to suggest them? In fact, they are at the moment indistinguishable from the gem embedded in his namesake’s hilt. Now isn’t that interesting…?
Kendal: I see you are skilled in the way of the blade…
But the blade isn’t my favored weapon….
*whips out dual ak47s and a “suns out guns out” tee and begins screaming*
That goddess earlier in the comic (illia?): I should have FUCKING KNOWN!
this doesn’t really have anything to do with where the comic is currently, but i was looking at the scetches and among them theres a character that looks like dainix with a flaming lizard, and now my brain is consumed by the crack theory that the way to defeat the demon is to transform it into a pet lizard. will this actually happen? probably not. but i thought it was a funny thought.
Tynn not being aware of Kendal’s secret superpower…. The power of friendship
Dainix hurry up and join the fight
S#!t just got real.
This page’s image source: hope
Tynan’s been really lonely without Vash around, hasn’t he.
“five minutes left”
DBZ flashbacks before my eyes
Five minutes of DBZ time, you mean? So… we should expect a resolution sometime in 2023? XD
Amazing work as always! This needs to be a published print comic already! I know I’d buy it.
Tynan’s gonna be suprised when the rest of Floof Squad gets there.
“Welp. I say, pray to the blond dude to give him strength and power.”
“Are you MAD??”
*gestures at little pile of god-sand, gestures at GUY STILL STANDING AGAINST THE GODSAND-MAKER*
“…You have a point.”
“I’ll say!”
“Good point!”
“Let’s get to praying for Blondie, folks!!”
*The prayening begins!*
*prays to Red to give us a like button*
kinda want aluina to just go all out plant monster
Tynan: You know, I have to tell you something. I am not left-handed.
Kendal: I also have to tell you something.
Tynan: Let me guess: You are not left-handed either? I know.
Kendal: No, I actually have friends, unlike you.
Tynan: *cries * (;>.<;)
Tynan being appreciative of Kendal’s resilience might be because he knows that Kendal’s the only one that can defeat the Collector. The lady of the lake who talked to Kendal way back when Erin was first possessed mentioned that all the gods want him to win, although not all of them are going to be nice to him. Red drew a collage there that included, among other gods, Tynan, so we know he knows that Kendal is their best shot at defeating the Collector. So if Tynan kills him now, he’s guaranteeing that she’ll eventually dismantle his soul. Maybe this is him testing how solid he is so he knows that Kendal can handle her?
Although, the lady of the lake did mention that the main appeal of Kendal as their forerunner against the Collector is his mobility compared to the gods, and Tynan is a storm capable of ambulation. Maybe this is a Xanatos Gambit, where if Kendal wins, then Tynan’s soul isn’t dismantled and he didn’t even have to stop her, and if Tynan wins, then he gets everyone afraid of him, giving himself enough power to destroy the Collector.
I’m interested in seeing exactly what Tynan’s long game is here. Hopefully Red continues with her love of combat monologuing.
Hand buzzer Tynan? So lame.
Lighting effects constantly in flux, ever present rain in the background and kicked up by Kendal in panel 5, and all manner of stylised colours and fonts for the different SFX. Red’s drawing skills are really on show today.
It seems disintegrating their city god in the middle of a packed stadium wasn’t enough fear for Tynan’s taste. Then again how much of this is Tynan wanting more fear and how much is him wanting indirect payback on Vash?
I wonder if Vash can see what’s going on; bad enough Tynan broke his word but is also close to killing the gods best hope against the Collector. Plus Vash may be unable to give advice without attracting the Collector’s attention; the last thing anyone needs right now is her becoming aware of Kendal, and by extension Alinua and possibly Erin.
Prediction for next week: Since we’ve established Tynan’s intentions here I think a scene change is in order. Not sure who to though; any of the protags, or even the Junior Archivist, could be focused on.
I’m still waiting for the cavalry (that being life-elf and lion-boy). Seriously, where ARE those two?
I noticed that Kendal’s eyes look exactly like the sword’s gem when he fights, I’ll have to look back at prior fights. I wonder if Kendal can merge with the sword like Vash did. I hope Falz can be of some help to Kendal along with every one else. Kudos for making Tynan monnlogue evilly!
TL;DR: You’ve gotta set some time aside for the villain to play with his prey, it’s a staple of a good story.
I wanna get hyped here, but this still seems to have “leadup to the heroes’ darkest hour” vibes pouring off of it. XD
@youngstormlord XDXD Teamwork makes the dream work, Tynan.
Tynan’s ‘Ah’s and ‘Good’s are giving me flashbacks to the Collector and how unfazed she was at anything. I wonder if Kendal is reminded of that as well.
Tynan: This fight should last about five minutes
Alinua: How long do you think it will take the primordial spirit to get here you punk
Power’s out in my area so I’m out in the car, recharging my phone. But I had to get caught up on my FLOOF squad!
@Setras, I see your point, and that’s one of the directions the story could go. But it seems now to be arcing more towards Proving The Hero’s Mettle. Up until now, gods like Zuurith have doubted Kendal can do much against The Collector. And Kendal’s had no idea of his capacity, he just head-on fights the way Vash did (I love how Vash sounds like rash, just so perfect a name). Plus, part of the point of this arc has been to wake up the stagnating Ignan champion.
I think the FLOOF squad’s been separated and scattered. I can’t imagine even the Elemental Mage can take on a God. It’s been established that Alinua’s powers are irrelevant to fighting a storm. I like Falst, but he’s in over his head, too.
Dainix is the wild card.
where’s HelloHaiku?
This is great. I do love a villain that acknowledges the hero’s strengths. Especially while still giving off the feeling of being in complete and utter control.
Hope he can hold out enough for the cavalry to arrive.
I know Kendal is literally inhuman, but still…
Kendal: I’ll defeat you with the power of FRIENDSHIP!!
*one chapter later Tynan joins the squad*
So I’ve been looking at old chapters and I’m pretty sure Vash is right-handed, or at least uses his sword with his right, but it looks like Kendall uses his left? At first I thought his right was hurt or something, but it looks like that’s always been true? Thought it was a cool detail
This reminds me of when I did the final boss battle in Skyward Sword, down to the villain using lightning. I say this because my strategy during that fight as “take an invincibility potion and charge at him until I kill him” and I feel like Kendal’s strategy might be similar. As Tahraim said, “at the end of the day, when all pretenses are shed, a divine body is still just a body, and a storm is still a storm.” Overall, I think that Kendal needs some backup because I don’t think he can win this fight alone.
*turns to the rest of the floof squad (including Dainix and Tess here because I think their joining is inevitable)* THAT’S YOUR CUE TO GET YOUR BUTTS OVER THERE AND HELP GUYS.
This whole thing is making me sort of anxious though because I’m not sure what exactly our route to victory is here. Maybe getting Voidy to help? I kind of want to see another “Erin gets taken over by Voidy” plot point, and that would connect nicely to my theory that the reason Junior archivist is still in this story is to see Erin use void magic and realize he’s Voidy’s avatar, and then that leads into them having to face Michael in the next arc. *sigh* I just have to wait and see…
@Darth FĂ«anor
A very Kendal thing to do.
Good point. I hope they’re OK!
Been lurking here for a long time, but hello! This comic has taken over my life, lol.
@Hallon, they were running after the bird towards the arena but Kendal’s been suddenly relocated. The bird was shown suddenly turning around a couple pages ago. They’ll get to him, but they might need a bit longer.
Shoot did his hand come off? It looks like his hand came off in panel 3
Nah, he’s going to last just long enough for his friends to get here and hopefully kick some ass.
I’m thinking about how Tynan can be defeated, with his storm being sundered like last time. Void magic would definitely be the riskiest option, but considering that Erin said it could “rip through any substance, regardless of element”, and considering the ease with which The Void Dragon dismantled Erin’s portable villa, it’s also the most likely to actually work- it’s just that Erin would be replacing one problem with another. Second-riskiest option: Dainix harnesses his inner fire and summons an inferno so mighty that it beats water. Of course, we don’t know the extent of his powers, and we don’t know how much his inner fire harms him or how much it causes him to lose control. Like icarusancalion said, he’s a wild card. Third-riskiest option: Kendal tries tapping into Kendal to summon another brilliant blast of starfire. It did seem to require the soul of a god to conjure it the first time, but Kendal’s soul is unique, neither fully divine nor fully mortal, if it’s even either of those at all. Another wild card in my opinion, but at least the people in the city wouldn’t be worse off than they already are if he fails. Least risky option: Erin uses water magic to try to slowly dismantle Tynan’s storm from afar, perhaps while Tess tries severing Tynan’s connection with inverse-polarity lightning. Of course, this is the least risky, but also the least likely to work; if all it takes to dismantle Tynan is two mages, even mages as powerful as the Ruunasers, it raises a question: why didn’t anyone try that when Tynan rolled up to Vash?? Or why isn’t anyone in Zuurith trying it now? It might be enough to stop an ordinary thunderstorm, but Tynan is not an ordinary thunderstorm; with his divine sentience, he can regenerate himself like few other storms can, so a slow dismantling would be easily noticed and countered. Like I said before, he has to be defeated in one blow.
Where did Zuurith go? Like I know his chain broke but is he just k.o.ed?
is it just me, or is tynans expression weirdly blank in panel 2?
alt text: Zuurith citizen, watching through binoculars: bad news, lads, the blonde dude’s getting his ass kicked
I can’t help but read the good very good in palatine’s voice.
I just noticed this but Kendal is using his left hand despite his name meaning right hand. I did a quick check, so far as I can tell Kendal always uses his left despite Vash using his right. I think this might be out of respect. But it also sets up the great:
“I am not left handed”
I’m guessing Alinua pick up a spare.
Tynan: “I’m going to revel in bleeding every last drop of hope from the…” *slammed by another of Alinua’s megatrees*
Tynan: “Where the f*** did that come from?”
I wonder if Zuurith will re-manifest and join Kendal in the fight and whether or not he’s gonna combine with Zuurith, since Kendal’s a vessel after all, who’s to say he can’t allow other gods to fuse with him for a powerup?
Kinda like dbz fusions.
@ lover yes!!
Also where is the power of friendship when we need it?
In all seriousness though i think that Kendal is going to lose to try an and then do some serious leveling up with his sword and take to an on for a rematch. Also i think that this arc is going to be along the lines of when Kendal gets to being OK with his status as a vessel and where he realizes that it is OK for him to act as himself not just for vash or for his friends. If I’m right then we’re about to get some serious character development so yay!
*@clover* sorry typing is hard.
Zuurith will be known from today as New Vash or New Tynan, depending on the result of this fight. Or maybe Ash-ville!
Know what would be even better? If you monologued. That would really impress everybody.
Me) Ima use the power of MY SELF INSERT IS OP to kill the storm with a big lazer and a NRRRRWWWWWWWWWWMMMMMMM sfx
Panel 2 getting “heartless villain who loves torturing characters, both literally and psycologically” vibes
Be careful, Kendal…
ngl i thought he was gonna cut kendal’s arm off glad i was wrong lmao
Tynan, Tynan, Tynan. I can forgive genre blindness in some villains, but you’ve been around the block enough times to know better. Kendal isn’t going to last long enough to wring every drop of hope out of the locals—he’s going to last long enough for his friends (and the metal lady he hasn’t met yet) to get over here and save his ex-divine butt.
I wonder how long it’ll take Zuurith to re-form his body. I can picture him showing up and being all, “Thanks, Tynan, I took your advice.” in an indestructible lightning immune body or something. xD
@TheUnknownGame I was thinking that about void magic as well. With ch16p1 reminding us that paladin lady is very much still around, I feel like we’re creeping towards another Erin possession- one she might witness. It wouldn’t be hard to set it up; if Erin gets involved in the Tynan fight in any way, there’s multiple ways for Tynan to almost kill him or incapacitate everyone else, in which case VD would be compelled to take over and protect his vessel. It’d be pretty great to see Tynan put in his place by an even more powerful being, lol. I’m just wondering how that would be executed in a way that doesn’t steal the spotlight from Kendal and feel anticlimactic… we’ll see soon, either way ?
To GreatWyrmGold:
I don’t think it’s genre-blindness as it is extreme confidence in himself and his abilities, and a extravagantly theatrical side–remember, Vash is the only one who’s ever managed to defeat him, and until he figured out how to use the jewel and starmetal ingot he’d been given, Vash was losing. Granted, this time Tynan could very well find himself up against both Life and the Void Dragon, depending if either find reason to get involved, but if they don’t then the Floof Squad is going to have one hell of an uphill battle. (And even if they do, it could very well be that the best the Squad can manage is a draw, and a shaky draw at that.)
Just noticed Tynan has 2 swords and honestly, big fan
Also, I know that no-one’s really consistently drawn with them anyway (except Falst), but had anyone else noticed that Kendal hasn’t had pupils since just after Tynan’s arrival, nor have his eyes been shaded in such a way to suggest them? In fact, they are at the moment indistinguishable from the gem embedded in his namesake’s hilt. Now isn’t that interesting…?
I already love this guy, can’t wait to see more of Tynan
Tynan having twin curved swords (kinda like scimitars) is just *Chef’s kiss*
Kendal: I see you are skilled in the way of the blade…
But the blade isn’t my favored weapon….
*whips out dual ak47s and a “suns out guns out” tee and begins screaming*
That goddess earlier in the comic (illia?): I should have FUCKING KNOWN!
This is a great page, I feel like you make the sword hilts a bit small though.
this doesn’t really have anything to do with where the comic is currently, but i was looking at the scetches and among them theres a character that looks like dainix with a flaming lizard, and now my brain is consumed by the crack theory that the way to defeat the demon is to transform it into a pet lizard. will this actually happen? probably not. but i thought it was a funny thought.
Cracks his wrist and swings his sword.
Kendal won’t back down!
Now I’m going to be disappointed if that DOESN’T happen.
The art of this comic… action or ordinary, everything is just *chef’s kiss* smashing goodlooking!
And this is where I stopped last time. I’m re-caught up, let’s binge the rest of this.