@youngstormlord I’m pretty sure it’s not that and he instead actually noticed Tynan looming overhead. And is starting to realize just how shitty his situation is now.
oop Zuurith finally notices Tynan? Maybe we’ll get an entrance faster than we anticipated…
Interesting note: panel 6 is the first time we get audience reaction to Dainix’s transformation, and we casually dont see him again on the page. Are they screaming in fear, or are they just getting back into the bloodsport vibes and started cheering again? “AAAAAA” doesnt give much context, especially since thats been their general reaction to everything.
@The Lolest: yep I think so. …its a Gigantic F-You Fire Claw lmao
I gotta wonder if Dainix fully going up in flames is part of Caliban’s plan … or if they maybe nudged hm a bit too much before the match? Them sitting in the rafters going ‘whoopsie…’
Posting this early because I canât sleep, but thE BANDAGE IS COMING OFF PEOPLE! WEâRE GETTING ANSWERS! Because of that, todayâs FUTURIVIA will be directly based on a comment from TheUnknownGame. However, I will ask permission before using it to my own ends. So what say you, Mr. Game?
Seriously? Only now do you notice the storm Big Z?
Hmm, there still seems to be some hesitation in Dainix going from his pause in panels 3 and 4. Then again, that could be him adjusting to, or trying to limit, his transformation; giant flaming claws erupting from your hands must be, at the very, very least, quite jarring.
Props to that commentator for taking all this in his stride. His literal god standing right next to him, working new lines for the top gladiator who’s been doing nothing but melee combat this whole time and doing it all in the rain no less.
That does seem to be a look of genuine surprise on Zuurith’s face; I guess my previous theories of Zuurith covering up the existence of the storm god were wrong. Either Big Z was unaware of this storm having a god, wasn’t expecting said god to start making a fuss or has only just clued into it being THAT storm god.
TL;DR: Looks like his inner fire is really coming out… Oof, that must hurt. In other news, seems like a certain divine spectator has finally noticed the weather.
don’t you hate it when you spontaneously combust and grow a giant claw of fire #relatable
fr tho i really like the way the sound effects like “crack” and “whud” and stuff are integrated into the comic it’s really cool
I suppose even Zuurith would have at least heard of Tynan. Never thought of that. He’s looking at that sky like ‘I only have time for one godly nemesis today’
Also that bandage is finally on fire, so we will soon get to see what’s underneath.
Dainix looks a little surprised that his hand just engulfed in flames. Maybe this hasn’t happened before? Or maybe he’s not all there anymore? I feel like that is likely because he is causing a lot more damage to Kendal then I think he would if he was in his right mind. Either way, I think Kendal needs to watch out. He’s gonna need to do a lot of “stop, drop, and roll” to get out of this fight alive. Even so, I wonder if soon Dainix’s demon will “burn itself out”. We don’t really know what that means, but I think it means either that there is a set limit on the fire timer and it’s being used up as we speak or it’ll fully burst out of Dainix and then just retreat or something? The second option is definitely worse than the first. We’ll have to wait and see.
âLoomasterâ Zuurith has just realized there is a storm god who had been looming over him for an entire day, and seeing how Zurrith has such a large superiority complex, he wonât like being outdone in looming.
Oh. OH. Oh, sh*t’s about to go down. The inner fire is breaking through. I thought Dainix’s arm was just covered in fire in the sketches. No, Dainix’s arm is made of fire.
Zuurith looks worried for the first time we’ve seen him. About time you noticed the storm deity t-posing over you, dude.
Humanoid Clay:
Of course you can!
Evil Tree:
Regarding Zuurith’s obliviousness, I think it’s the last option. It must not have fully sunk in that, because Vash is dead (in his eyes), his oaths would no longer have binding power. Zuurith wasn’t expecting this guy to have the stones to break his exile. Plus, it seems as though Tynan has been, uncharacteristically, trying to hide his true presence; it’s his first time back on land in centuries, he wants to scout out the situation before going in swords blazing.
Thank you, Mr. Game. Now we may proceed: What is underneath Dainixâs bandage?
A: A great fire rune?
B: A flaming eye socket?
C: A strange eye (think anime or heterochromia)?
D: Smooth, featureless skin, now cracked with flame?
@Straythoughts: Who wouldâve guess a stormy day would have him commentating on a fight between three godly powers? I would not have expected it.
Did anyone else notice that the glowing in Zuurithâs eyes makes it look like heâs holding back tears and kind of feel bad for him now?
âŠJust me?âŠ
Iâm calling it right now, Dainix is Primordial Fireâs equivalent of a Chimera Bomb, which means heâs Fireâs version of Aluina. Iâm hoping that Aluinaâs arrival will result in Life talking Fire through how to manifest through the vessel safely.
Also, I have a theory that Kendall is being used as the template for how to manifest a vessel.
And does that last panel look like Tynanâs baleful eye gazing down on Zuurith or is it just me?
Are we sure that the “AAAAAAA” text isn’t Dainix screaming? Because that honestly looks like one hell of a painful transformation that’s been building the past few pages. (Given his face when the fire claws erupt, it could also in part be a cry of despair–even though his control and sanity have been slipping the entire fight, he’s probably still able to recognize the fact that he’s gone past the point of no return as far as the transformation is concerned–and while the sketches suggest he’ll survive this (and possibly even learn to harness it), at this point he’s still under the impression that this is for him a death sentence.)
And oh, hey, Zuurith FINALLY realized that there’s something fishy about the weather. Granted, Tynan’s probably been trying to avoid advertising his presence, but you would think that a genius loci would be able to at least vaguely sense another, similar being intruding in their territory. Especially since he was so quick to locate Kendal…
Humanoid Clay:
I’m thinking either A or B: B if the sketches hold over, A if demons really are the attempted avatars of the Fire Primordial.
Also, it has come to my attention that some people actually do have smooth skin where an eye would be, so I apologize for calling that phenomenon “arguably creepy” on the previous page.
Huh, as soon as Dainix actually hurt Kendal, his fire problem got exponentially worse. He feels forced to fight, but actually managing to inflict damage makes him feel even more terrible. That’s some good inner turmoil revealing right there.
…Is Alinua gonna get there in time to save Dainix? Will they save him with a mix of Kendal hugs and life mum magic?
As soon as Tynan shows up, there is going to be quite the party. Three (ish) gods, the demon, Alinua, and possibly Walter if we want things to be extra fun.
To be fair, I think that’s because of the ‘Uncanny Valley’ effect, and because it’s not something you see every day–your instincts recoil because it’s startling and that’s not how they know a human is supposed to look. If you had more frequent exposure, they would probably come to recognize that appearance as another flavor of normal.
I do get where you’re coming from, though. My local library has a wall aquarium with a couple catfish in it, and one of them has smooth skin where its right eye should be. The effect isn’t quite as off-putting given both that it’s a fish and it’s lived there for years (so I see it whenever I visit) but it still looks a bit odd, and if I stare at it for too long it does start to weird me out.
To Rai626:
I assumed it was, I just find it’s less likely to come off as rude (especially if you’re trying not to be) if you pose your differing opinion as a question, particularly if you’re going to bring up evidence as to why you think your theory may be correct. You can’t always tell how someone is going to react to being contradicted, and some people have a tendency to fly off the handle if they think they’re being challenged.
(Not suggesting anything about DragonMaster66, I just have a relative like that. I watched them get in a fight with a total stranger once over something that wasn’t even their business–I’ve never been so ashamed of being related to somebody in my life.)
Gotta love how the claw only erupts when the second (as yet unseen) eye starts flaming. Does it signify the point of no return for controlling his powers?
@skye, you mean, he’s going, to have… a, super powered evil side?!
@humanoid clay I’m going for **e)** a perfectly average human eye that he just covers up (maybe to challenge himself?)
also in responce to a previous **futertrivia** I would like to propose that either we get tynan appear this friday or next friday in like the last panel(cliffhanger), and/or that he appears and then we cut to other people who haven’t seen him yet to build tension(also dramatic irony).
@veggiesnake: If somebodyâs going to make a meme video of this comic, this must be included, itâs too good :-).
@InsertPunHere: 1) Clever Gift Horse option, even if it has a small chance. 2) As youâve probably figured out, changing text isnât like it is on Reddit. I was confused, too, but thankfully someone helped me out. The following link will help in this regard. https://wordpress.com/dailypost/2015/07/02/comments-nuance-context/
Technically yes, though “evil” might be pushing it. It’s probably going to be more of a perspective thing–a tornado is a destructive force of nature, but it’s neither good nor evil. It just is . Though given that we still don’t know what creates a demon and triggers the transformation aside from extreme emotional stress, it could be that the “instincts” of that form are determined by what the host was feeling just prior to the change (rage would lead to destruction, protective fury might result in targeting the trigger of said instinct (and by that I mean whoever hurt the person the demon’s host felt protective towards). It could also depend on the host’s experience and level of control–things that we can only speculate on at this point.
@SKye & Rai626: I did actually consider that, and decided that if Red were going to do that there’d be a speech bubble at least. (Altho i dont remember if Alinua/Life Mom speaks with speech bubbles or not). But after looking back to the pages where the audience is screaming, it actually IS a slightly different effect than here- the brush is less defined. So you might be right… poor Dainix đ
@Humanoid Clay: A fire rune would be SICK and I really hope its that đ I’m betting flaming eye socket tho; with Dainix burning, I dont think we’ll see much else anyway
@WEast: oh my gosh that would be such a cool throwback to the “mastery over emotions” conversation from earlier-
@Sean, DrunkOnHotCHocolatte: woah it kind of does, thats wild- (your comments arent connected but I have the same reaction lmao)
@Gareth, veggiesnake, : WHEEZE (again, not connected)
The moment of realization on Zuurith’s face is absolutely precious. He just received some smack from Kendal, who has directly implied that this situation is extremely dangerous, and now that cloud that’s been looming over him for the past few days is radiating malice. The perfect blend of epiphany and degradation of the ego. He may have been confident that he could keep this situation contained should Dainix pose a threat, but this new variable could prove to be more than he can handle. He clearly knows that, and we already know that he doesn’t handle challenges to his authority well.
And he doesn’t even know that a Primordial’s vessel is zeroing in on his location right now.
@Humanoid Clay
Iâm guessing A or B, maybe even D, but mostly B. I think itâd be cool if it was actually D tho, itâs an opportunity for Red to tap into eldritch themes.
I also like how u referred to The Unknown Game as Mr. Game.
A lot of these comments are saying things like âYou only noticed the storm now you idiotâ ignoring the fact that none of the protagonists noticed it until Tess, a person with lightning magic, pointed it out. Also a god has little concern for a storm unless its actually a vengeful god more into blood sport than the Arenamaster
Life has spoken in both ways, actually; usually, her voice can be heard underneath Alinua’s, indicated by a short, green, second pointer from Alinua’s speech bubbles, like when she mercy-killed that enormous chimera in chapter 8. However, Life has spoken in her own voice as well, without speech bubbles, on three occasions: when Alinua’s soul transformed to be able to safely wield Life’s power, Life said, “FINALLY.”; second, when Life realized who was at the center of what was The Storm, she urged Alinua, “RUN!”; third, when she grew the plant colossus in chapter 10, she spoke extensively, and audibly this time, instead of mentally to Alinua alone.
@Humanoid Clay
Iâm guessing B. There is the possibility that he has the fire rune as his pupil or sumân instead of just a mark on his face tho. I think D is the most unlikely but also the most cool. It reminds me of Koh the Face stealer
There may or may not be something unusual about Tess’s lightning magic–we haven’t seen enough of her yet to really know for sure, but the theory’s been circulating for a while (after all, Erin’s the Elemental Magus and he didn’t sense zip–but he’s also a bit self-focused and may not have been paying attention to nuances, and if Tynan’s been hiding his presence, nuances might be all there is to sense). None of the others are, to borrow some DnD terminology, associated with that domain, so they probably wouldn’t be able to pick up on Tynan’s influence anyway. Kendal might be able to sense something given his connection to Vash–at the very least his second-hand memories are going to come in handy as far as recognizing him–but that connection, based on events across the whole comic, is greatly influenced by whether or not he’s got Vash’s sword, and he obviously hasn’t had it for most of his stay in Zuurith-the-City.
And yes, a god would have little concern for an ordinary storm–which Tynan is not. Yes, he’s probably been doing his level best to pass as an ordinary storm, and yes, Word of God has stated that when not incarnated, a god’s consciousness is far more diffuse. But Zuurith has proven himself to be absolutely paranoid about law and order–Dainix was arrested for being attacked by bandits while too close to Zuurith-the-City, to say nothing of Kendal getting picked up for simply existing. Which begs the question–if Zuurith spends so much time scanning for “threats”, how has he not spotted Tynan?
Also, the mortal characters get a break. While we still have no idea how long each race’s lifespans are, given that Vash and Tynan’s battle is presented as a legend, the latter’s exile has been quite a few generations long. The gods, though? Considering they’re prettymuch immortal based on current evidence, and that Tynan had quite a few of them running scared (or at least very uneasy), you’d think they’d make sure to remember what his storm “felt” like. Or at the very least, that paranoid Zuurith would-the others can probably be forgiven, as they wouldn’t have expected the Collector to kidnap Vash and thus remove the only real obstacle to Tynan’s return
@Humanoid Clay, The commentator definitely didn’t guess this would happen that’s for sure although from the looks of the next page I think they will quite simplify be lost for words.
Also I think underneath Dainix’s bandage will just be a lots of fire by the time the bandage burns off so option B.
Do I feel a dramatic entrance coming?
Lawful Good antagonist has second thoughts and is thoroughly conflicted? Yes please. I’m all for it. Gimme more!
Tynanâs entrance next page? Hmmmmm
Wait is that thing Kendal is looking at a BIG FUCKING FIRE CLAW!??!?!
@youngstormlord I’m pretty sure it’s not that and he instead actually noticed Tynan looming overhead. And is starting to realize just how shitty his situation is now.
Haha that’s not good!!!
Is his hand breaking? Does not bode well.
Yes Tyan! Come stomp on this asshole.
image source: power
honestly zurith you deserve to have your city destroyed you fuckwit
Quickly, Kendal! You can’t save Dainix with a friendship hug if his body is fully destroyed.
Oop looks like Zuurith’s finally noticed Tynan
Great, just what they needed. An asshole storm god.
Zuurith’s face in panel 6 is the definition of unimpressed
(Donât mind this, just an attempt to reload the comments)
Oh, there goes his hand.
Finally, Zuurith looks up.
Now he knows he’s screwed.
“i have an confession to make: i am not left-handed!”
“i have a confession to make as well: i am not left-handed either!”
oop Zuurith finally notices Tynan? Maybe we’ll get an entrance faster than we anticipated…
Interesting note: panel 6 is the first time we get audience reaction to Dainix’s transformation, and we casually dont see him again on the page. Are they screaming in fear, or are they just getting back into the bloodsport vibes and started cheering again? “AAAAAA” doesnt give much context, especially since thats been their general reaction to everything.
@The Lolest: yep I think so. …its a Gigantic F-You Fire Claw lmao
another note: the cracks on Dainix’s face make it look like hes crying and thats actually cool
Boy’s cracked.
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening.
I gotta wonder if Dainix fully going up in flames is part of Caliban’s plan … or if they maybe nudged hm a bit too much before the match? Them sitting in the rafters going ‘whoopsie…’
Posting this early because I canât sleep, but thE BANDAGE IS COMING OFF PEOPLE! WEâRE GETTING ANSWERS! Because of that, todayâs FUTURIVIA will be directly based on a comment from TheUnknownGame. However, I will ask permission before using it to my own ends. So what say you, Mr. Game?
Seriously? Only now do you notice the storm Big Z?
Hmm, there still seems to be some hesitation in Dainix going from his pause in panels 3 and 4. Then again, that could be him adjusting to, or trying to limit, his transformation; giant flaming claws erupting from your hands must be, at the very, very least, quite jarring.
Props to that commentator for taking all this in his stride. His literal god standing right next to him, working new lines for the top gladiator who’s been doing nothing but melee combat this whole time and doing it all in the rain no less.
That does seem to be a look of genuine surprise on Zuurith’s face; I guess my previous theories of Zuurith covering up the existence of the storm god were wrong. Either Big Z was unaware of this storm having a god, wasn’t expecting said god to start making a fuss or has only just clued into it being THAT storm god.
TL;DR: Looks like his inner fire is really coming out… Oof, that must hurt. In other news, seems like a certain divine spectator has finally noticed the weather.
don’t you hate it when you spontaneously combust and grow a giant claw of fire #relatable
fr tho i really like the way the sound effects like “crack” and “whud” and stuff are integrated into the comic it’s really cool
I suppose even Zuurith would have at least heard of Tynan. Never thought of that. He’s looking at that sky like ‘I only have time for one godly nemesis today’
Oh my god, you actually have to use the sword now. What a surprise…
And what the hell Zuurith, you realize that there is a storm NOW!
Wait… Is Danix the vessel for A DIFFERENT primordial?? I swear to the twins, this is one hell of a protagonist party.
The commentator is really going to have had one hillock of a day after all this.
It was at this moment Zuurith knew: he’ll get f*cked up.
Also that bandage is finally on fire, so we will soon get to see what’s underneath.
Dainix looks a little surprised that his hand just engulfed in flames. Maybe this hasn’t happened before? Or maybe he’s not all there anymore? I feel like that is likely because he is causing a lot more damage to Kendal then I think he would if he was in his right mind. Either way, I think Kendal needs to watch out. He’s gonna need to do a lot of “stop, drop, and roll” to get out of this fight alive. Even so, I wonder if soon Dainix’s demon will “burn itself out”. We don’t really know what that means, but I think it means either that there is a set limit on the fire timer and it’s being used up as we speak or it’ll fully burst out of Dainix and then just retreat or something? The second option is definitely worse than the first. We’ll have to wait and see.
Looks like Zuurith is about to graduate from the school of “F**k Around and Find Out.”
âLoomasterâ Zuurith has just realized there is a storm god who had been looming over him for an entire day, and seeing how Zurrith has such a large superiority complex, he wonât like being outdone in looming.
Oh. OH. Oh, sh*t’s about to go down. The inner fire is breaking through. I thought Dainix’s arm was just covered in fire in the sketches. No, Dainix’s arm is made of fire.
Zuurith looks worried for the first time we’ve seen him. About time you noticed the storm deity t-posing over you, dude.
Humanoid Clay:
Of course you can!
Evil Tree:
Regarding Zuurith’s obliviousness, I think it’s the last option. It must not have fully sunk in that, because Vash is dead (in his eyes), his oaths would no longer have binding power. Zuurith wasn’t expecting this guy to have the stones to break his exile. Plus, it seems as though Tynan has been, uncharacteristically, trying to hide his true presence; it’s his first time back on land in centuries, he wants to scout out the situation before going in swords blazing.
@DragonMaster66 I didn’t notice the whole crying thing… wow that’s a heartbreaking detail
alt text: good thing he’s not left-handed
Quick! I need six gallons of water, an umbrella and some burn ointment!
Thank you, Mr. Game. Now we may proceed:
What is underneath Dainixâs bandage?
A: A great fire rune?
B: A flaming eye socket?
C: A strange eye (think anime or heterochromia)?
D: Smooth, featureless skin, now cracked with flame?
@Straythoughts: Who wouldâve guess a stormy day would have him commentating on a fight between three godly powers? I would not have expected it.
Tynan: Is this my cue?
oh, NOW you see it, huh, Zurith? Then again I get it, considering how you were up your own aSS-
Did anyone else notice that the glowing in Zuurithâs eyes makes it look like heâs holding back tears and kind of feel bad for him now?
âŠJust me?âŠ
@Humanoid Clay I’m calling A
Iâm calling it right now, Dainix is Primordial Fireâs equivalent of a Chimera Bomb, which means heâs Fireâs version of Aluina. Iâm hoping that Aluinaâs arrival will result in Life talking Fire through how to manifest through the vessel safely.
Also, I have a theory that Kendall is being used as the template for how to manifest a vessel.
And does that last panel look like Tynanâs baleful eye gazing down on Zuurith or is it just me?
To Dragonmaster66:
Are we sure that the “AAAAAAA” text isn’t Dainix screaming? Because that honestly looks like one hell of a painful transformation that’s been building the past few pages. (Given his face when the fire claws erupt, it could also in part be a cry of despair–even though his control and sanity have been slipping the entire fight, he’s probably still able to recognize the fact that he’s gone past the point of no return as far as the transformation is concerned–and while the sketches suggest he’ll survive this (and possibly even learn to harness it), at this point he’s still under the impression that this is for him a death sentence.)
And oh, hey, Zuurith FINALLY realized that there’s something fishy about the weather. Granted, Tynan’s probably been trying to avoid advertising his presence, but you would think that a genius loci would be able to at least vaguely sense another, similar being intruding in their territory. Especially since he was so quick to locate Kendal…
Humanoid Clay:
I’m thinking either A or B: B if the sketches hold over, A if demons really are the attempted avatars of the Fire Primordial.
Also, it has come to my attention that some people actually do have smooth skin where an eye would be, so I apologize for calling that phenomenon “arguably creepy” on the previous page.
Humanoid Clay: I think b
@DragonMaster66 and Skye: I’m afraid the “AAAAAAAA” is actually Dainix, also because of the fire-y font
Zuurith wondering if he made a mistake
Huh, as soon as Dainix actually hurt Kendal, his fire problem got exponentially worse. He feels forced to fight, but actually managing to inflict damage makes him feel even more terrible. That’s some good inner turmoil revealing right there.
Also is that Zuurith actually admitting something might be wrong, even if just to himself? Though, he probably believes he can still handle it.
Literally everyone:
…Is Alinua gonna get there in time to save Dainix? Will they save him with a mix of Kendal hugs and life mum magic?
As soon as Tynan shows up, there is going to be quite the party. Three (ish) gods, the demon, Alinua, and possibly Walter if we want things to be extra fun.
@youngstormlord wdym haha he’s at best lawful neutral
Masterful light effects as usual, dude.
To TheUnknownGame:
To be fair, I think that’s because of the ‘Uncanny Valley’ effect, and because it’s not something you see every day–your instincts recoil because it’s startling and that’s not how they know a human is supposed to look. If you had more frequent exposure, they would probably come to recognize that appearance as another flavor of normal.
I do get where you’re coming from, though. My local library has a wall aquarium with a couple catfish in it, and one of them has smooth skin where its right eye should be. The effect isn’t quite as off-putting given both that it’s a fish and it’s lived there for years (so I see it whenever I visit) but it still looks a bit odd, and if I stare at it for too long it does start to weird me out.
To Rai626:
I assumed it was, I just find it’s less likely to come off as rude (especially if you’re trying not to be) if you pose your differing opinion as a question, particularly if you’re going to bring up evidence as to why you think your theory may be correct. You can’t always tell how someone is going to react to being contradicted, and some people have a tendency to fly off the handle if they think they’re being challenged.
(Not suggesting anything about DragonMaster66, I just have a relative like that. I watched them get in a fight with a total stranger once over something that wasn’t even their business–I’ve never been so ashamed of being related to somebody in my life.)
This page’s image source: power
Great job Zurrith, you pay such great attention, truly your city couldn’t be under a more watchful eye
Oh no. The plot has arrived.
Gotta love how the claw only erupts when the second (as yet unseen) eye starts flaming. Does it signify the point of no return for controlling his powers?
@Humanoid Clay Now that I think about it, B seems pretty likely too. I’m still calling A though.
@skye, you mean, he’s going, to have… a, super powered evil side?!
@humanoid clay I’m going for **e)** a perfectly average human eye that he just covers up (maybe to challenge himself?)
also in responce to a previous **futertrivia** I would like to propose that either we get tynan appear this friday or next friday in like the last panel(cliffhanger), and/or that he appears and then we cut to other people who haven’t seen him yet to build tension(also dramatic irony).
@Sean, about the eye, absolutely.
I’m so hyped for the next page!
@veggiesnake: If somebodyâs going to make a meme video of this comic, this must be included, itâs too good :-).
@InsertPunHere: 1) Clever Gift Horse option, even if it has a small chance. 2) As youâve probably figured out, changing text isnât like it is on Reddit. I was confused, too, but thankfully someone helped me out. The following link will help in this regard.
To InsertPunHere:
Technically yes, though “evil” might be pushing it. It’s probably going to be more of a perspective thing–a tornado is a destructive force of nature, but it’s neither good nor evil. It just is . Though given that we still don’t know what creates a demon and triggers the transformation aside from extreme emotional stress, it could be that the “instincts” of that form are determined by what the host was feeling just prior to the change (rage would lead to destruction, protective fury might result in targeting the trigger of said instinct (and by that I mean whoever hurt the person the demon’s host felt protective towards). It could also depend on the host’s experience and level of control–things that we can only speculate on at this point.
@SKye & Rai626: I did actually consider that, and decided that if Red were going to do that there’d be a speech bubble at least. (Altho i dont remember if Alinua/Life Mom speaks with speech bubbles or not). But after looking back to the pages where the audience is screaming, it actually IS a slightly different effect than here- the brush is less defined. So you might be right… poor Dainix đ
@Humanoid Clay: A fire rune would be SICK and I really hope its that đ I’m betting flaming eye socket tho; with Dainix burning, I dont think we’ll see much else anyway
@WEast: oh my gosh that would be such a cool throwback to the “mastery over emotions” conversation from earlier-
@Sean, DrunkOnHotCHocolatte: woah it kind of does, thats wild- (your comments arent connected but I have the same reaction lmao)
@Gareth, veggiesnake, : WHEEZE (again, not connected)
The moment of realization on Zuurith’s face is absolutely precious. He just received some smack from Kendal, who has directly implied that this situation is extremely dangerous, and now that cloud that’s been looming over him for the past few days is radiating malice. The perfect blend of epiphany and degradation of the ego. He may have been confident that he could keep this situation contained should Dainix pose a threat, but this new variable could prove to be more than he can handle. He clearly knows that, and we already know that he doesn’t handle challenges to his authority well.
And he doesn’t even know that a Primordial’s vessel is zeroing in on his location right now.
Dainix goes super saian and Zuurith forgot to get an umbrella
@Humanoid Clay
Iâm guessing A or B, maybe even D, but mostly B. I think itâd be cool if it was actually D tho, itâs an opportunity for Red to tap into eldritch themes.
I also like how u referred to The Unknown Game as Mr. Game.
does anyone know the length of a Sef?
A lot of these comments are saying things like âYou only noticed the storm now you idiotâ ignoring the fact that none of the protagonists noticed it until Tess, a person with lightning magic, pointed it out. Also a god has little concern for a storm unless its actually a vengeful god more into blood sport than the Arenamaster
Life has spoken in both ways, actually; usually, her voice can be heard underneath Alinua’s, indicated by a short, green, second pointer from Alinua’s speech bubbles, like when she mercy-killed that enormous chimera in chapter 8. However, Life has spoken in her own voice as well, without speech bubbles, on three occasions: when Alinua’s soul transformed to be able to safely wield Life’s power, Life said, “FINALLY.”; second, when Life realized who was at the center of what was The Storm, she urged Alinua, “RUN!”; third, when she grew the plant colossus in chapter 10, she spoke extensively, and audibly this time, instead of mentally to Alinua alone.
wood guardian:
One week.
@wood guardian
A sef is a week, a sindhalan is about a month.
Looks like someone is coming to regret some of their stupid, stupid decisions.
@wood guardian A sef is seven days and a sindahlan is four sefs.
@Humanoid Clay
Iâm guessing B. There is the possibility that he has the fire rune as his pupil or sumân instead of just a mark on his face tho. I think D is the most unlikely but also the most cool. It reminds me of Koh the Face stealer
@Humanoid Clay
I also like the way you called The Unknown Game Mr. Game
To Fantasy Snakes:
There may or may not be something unusual about Tess’s lightning magic–we haven’t seen enough of her yet to really know for sure, but the theory’s been circulating for a while (after all, Erin’s the Elemental Magus and he didn’t sense zip–but he’s also a bit self-focused and may not have been paying attention to nuances, and if Tynan’s been hiding his presence, nuances might be all there is to sense). None of the others are, to borrow some DnD terminology, associated with that domain, so they probably wouldn’t be able to pick up on Tynan’s influence anyway. Kendal might be able to sense something given his connection to Vash–at the very least his second-hand memories are going to come in handy as far as recognizing him–but that connection, based on events across the whole comic, is greatly influenced by whether or not he’s got Vash’s sword, and he obviously hasn’t had it for most of his stay in Zuurith-the-City.
And yes, a god would have little concern for an ordinary storm–which Tynan is not. Yes, he’s probably been doing his level best to pass as an ordinary storm, and yes, Word of God has stated that when not incarnated, a god’s consciousness is far more diffuse. But Zuurith has proven himself to be absolutely paranoid about law and order–Dainix was arrested for being attacked by bandits while too close to Zuurith-the-City, to say nothing of Kendal getting picked up for simply existing. Which begs the question–if Zuurith spends so much time scanning for “threats”, how has he not spotted Tynan?
Also, the mortal characters get a break. While we still have no idea how long each race’s lifespans are, given that Vash and Tynan’s battle is presented as a legend, the latter’s exile has been quite a few generations long. The gods, though? Considering they’re prettymuch immortal based on current evidence, and that Tynan had quite a few of them running scared (or at least very uneasy), you’d think they’d make sure to remember what his storm “felt” like. Or at the very least, that paranoid Zuurith would-the others can probably be forgiven, as they wouldn’t have expected the Collector to kidnap Vash and thus remove the only real obstacle to Tynan’s return
@Humanoid Clay, The commentator definitely didn’t guess this would happen that’s for sure although from the looks of the next page I think they will quite simplify be lost for words.
Also I think underneath Dainix’s bandage will just be a lots of fire by the time the bandage burns off so option B.
So much for dodging Kendal, Perhaps you should start parring as well as talking. Oops too late other shoe is falling
Dangit thiy crack on Dainix cheek looks an awful lot like a tear đ