Tess does know Erin! Erin’s eyes! The flower!
I have this image of Erin rushing of to fight them and the archivist grabbing his arms and not letting him, like you may never leave…
I LOVE this đ We’re in trouble but not because we can’t defend ourselves but because we are desperately trying NOT TO KILL ANYBODY lol (but yes, I, too, want Alinua to go full plant-kaiju)
Junior Archivist: Aww, you’re all such close friends- I-I mean, No! Crime bad! And no illegal … stuff.
Hmm, all this time I thought Tess was on a contract to find Erin but it might be that Erin and Tess know each other. If that is the case I’d love to hear about how they met. Then again that “Hey man” could just be Tess being casual.
Ah, taking out the guard with the old knockout flower; an Alinua classic as Erin/V.D. would know. Just as well Falst isn’t awake; I get the feeling that flower has become his least favourite plant after today.
You can really feel the sense of powerlessness Alinua is feeling right now; stuck in a city with society norms she can’t understand, laws she can’t, or won’t, obey and knowing the power she has will only make things worse. Yet still her thoughts are on others; why did they attack Falst when she broke the law? How can they escape without harming people and their homes? She’s even hesitant to call Erin away from the archives to help them.
With those in mind I have a horrible prediction that, if Erin doesn’t arrive in time, Alinua will try to save Falst and Tess at the expense of herself. Maybe try to reason with Shrike that she’s the one they want instead, only for Shrike to condescendingly explain the way the city and arena works and she’s bringing them in, guilty or not. … This may or may not trigger a full Life rage.
So, does the bird play a copy of the person’s voice, or is it some transcribed TTS thing? I can’t tell which is more hilarious, but I am leaning towards TTS birb. Just the most monotone voice reading out both of their lines, and Erin horribly confused about who the other people are.
Either Erin will solve this with awesome powers or he’ll flash his elemental magus badge in Zuurith’s face and save his friends. Or he could do both. Or he could solve it diplomatically and leave behind some magic that activates after they leave to cause Zuurith some trouble. My mind is flowing with scenarios. But Red continues to surprise us with her unique storytelling and avoiding cliches to a degree I wish I would see in other stories.
Btw, those guys were being racist to Falst. But had no problem asking a ferin to help make their sleeping powder. I guess they’re just cruel.
A few other incredible possibilities, the dark dragon could appear and take out Zuurith while immortal priestess uses some trick to calm it down! Tynan shows up and Zuurith needs help reducing damage to the city so asks the gang and possibly all the gladiators of the arena! Shrike has the potential to be that one villian who shows up and messes stuff up along the journey! She could even be recruited as an apostle for the dark dragon! Dainix gets his eye back or gets satisfactory retaliation on the Arena master! An important character dies!
So sorry! But I can’t help but state where I think the story would go. I’ll be super happy to know my predictions won’t come true. I can guess what’s about to happen with most stories and I don’t get surprised by the ending. Stuff like Aurora, One Piece, and a few others manage to keep me excited and never reveal the ending no matter how hard I try!
Hoping on getting backstory on Zuurith!
Guys put my name in the Google translator and watch the fun
I relate to Alinua so much on this page. “I really need help but I feel bad for bothering you to ask for it”
And Erin looks like he’s already getting ready to go, which warms my heart. Go get ’em, tiger.
Not sure if Erin and Tess have actually met; she says that Erinâs friends helped him. I think that just means that she knows he is from the Aseran mage academy, rather than in person.
Geebi, your local idiot (who only fact checks their work after posting the comment)
Okay, I was not expecting Erin and Tess to be (potentially) friends! And the whole “same old song” comment reveals that Tess has ran afoul of the law before, to Erin’s knowledge? I have to admit Tess didn’t interest me a lot before, but now I want to know more about their past! Perhaps Tess went to the Aseran Academy with Erin?
I look forward to seeing Erin finally kick some ass, whether he goes full Elemental Magus on Shrike’s crew, or whether he goes with the diplomatic route and gives Zuurith a sick verbal smackdown. I have a feeling diplomacy is more likely, considering he said back at the embassy that with his clout, if he attacks anyone under Zuurith’s employment (freelancers included), he could start a whole-ass war between Asera and Zuurith.
Me before binge reading this in under 24 hours; Eh, let’s see what Red gets up to between OSP episodes.
Me after binge reading this in under 24 hours; WHY ISN’T THERE MORE!!! Forget about OSP! I want more adventures of cinnamon roll the barbarian and his misfit found family!
Does your name really mean ‘buy a restaurant’? cuz that’s what it gave me.
Also, I kind of love how the Junior Archivist is just listening to all this in the background. I either see it playing out as ‘what did your friends do? Get out of here right now!’ or ‘Oh frick, that sounds bad. Come on, let’s go.’ or ‘You should probably leave before someone else finds them.’
How easy is it to use that spell? How does it know who belongs to what name? If someone changes their name, will the borb accept their dead name? Are Erin and Tess old friends? How do they know eachother? Were they bitter crokinole rivals at the academy? How will Erin choose to conduct himself when attempting to resolve this issue? Will he act as a suave diplomat or will he roll up his sleeves and flash his magic tats at the guards? How is the Junior Archivist reacting to this information that she is definitely listening in on? Did Alinua use her Life powers to extract a spec of Temptations cat treat dust from Falst’s lungs so she could grow that flower to knock out the guard?
I hope this is where Erin reveals a heart of…silver(? let’s be honest, not gold) and goes to help them because they’re his friends, and not because it’s practical. Or worse, just says no and stays in the archive.
Itâs adorable how sad she sounds. Itâs clear she really wants to make Erin (and all the people around her) happy, and it makes her so upset to drag him into this. You can tell she TRIED to comply with his wish. (Also, OMG yes the look on his face on the last panel, thatâs EXACTLY what I was hoping for. The shock is great) I wonder if the junior archivist heard that? Part of me wants her to hear that and agree with the protagonists, and the other part kinda wants him to dash out the door, and return a couple minutes later, exhausted, covered in plants, and dust and go âOkay then, back to the records.â I wonder what our prison buddies are up to?
The unknown game:
Oh wow, yeah there is SO much potential for backstory there with Erin and Tess. (One would hope no war between Asera and Zuurith, cos all thatâs gonna do is weaken them when the Collector/Tynaan/Dark dragon attacksâŠ) Also yeah seeing Erin FINALLY kick booty would be nice, but since that would probably just end up in war⊠(Seriously though, I REALLLLY want to see him go all out. We havenât really seen him do much (except when he was possessed by the dark dragon (Dang it I forgot what they actually call him)) and after seeing a couple of mages who control ONE element, imagine how AMAZING it will be seeing someone fight with ALL of them (except dark, and if the theories are right light)
Hermit Thrush:
BIG thanks for giving me the alt text. I think itâs because Iâm a mobile user, but the alt text WILL NOT show up, and I HATE missing out!! Thanks again!
ok now I really want the Junior Archivist to go help them, but I do think that’s a little unlikely. Also, if she goes to help, and they end up fighting… She’s going to learn he’s the elemental magus if she doesn’t know already. Which could end up bad.
Heyyy looks like it’s Erin’s time to show what he can do in his element! cause obviously the fight with Falst was not his element, he’s a talker not a fighter.
Erin’s look of pure shock & outrage was everything I didnt know I needed today. I dont think he’ll go Elemental Magus on anyone while in Zuurith for the same reason Alinua cant turn into Plant Mum, but I think we WILL see some very passive-aggressive show of status/diplomatic relations/flexing that might actually work this time, and I cant WAIT. Erin’s hubris has suffered enough this arc.
I am of the opinion that Tess & Erin dont know each other, but she’s been looking for him ever since she saw the explosion in the desert. I dont think she knew his name before now, but she might have seen his picture as the elemental magus or seen him around if they both studied at the Aseran academy. Now, would I love it if they had encountered each other in the past? absolutely yes.
So Tess and Erin know each other… maybe Erin’s little storm trip wasn’t exactly Academy sanctioned and Tess is trying to find him and bring him back. That makes the most sense to me, but I’ve been wrong before
Steve, Lord of Darkness:
Two running gags in one cliffhanger, nice.
No one knows his truename (besides himself), so the most common name/epithet ascribed to him is the Void Dragon. The paladins seem to use a different epithet, though.
I have a feeling Erin is going to have to end up babysitting these two (potentially three) idiots to keep them from committing crimes wherever they go. They are clearly not ready for society. (Or is it that society is not ready for them? Actually, yeah, it’s probably that.)
@ dragonmaster66, I’ve heard you and a couple others doubting the fact Tess knew his name or not, but we have proof she did, in chapter like 10 I think, (I don’t know for sure but the archive isn’t working for me so I can’t check) when she and falst first met she asked him if he knew someone named Erin, with black hair, but he got really worried and didn’t answer. So that means she did know the name of the person she was looking for (that being Erin)
@Leapyeargirl96 Oh, gotcha. I remembered the meeting, just wasnt sure if she referred to him by name then or not. I still hold my opinion that she doesnt necessarily KNOW him, just knows OF him. Given that he’s the elemental magus & loves to flex the fact, I think the odds are good that she knows his name as well as his status. Maybe she’s looking for him to ask about what could cause the explosion in the desert? Maybe she knows it had to be him, bc storm, bc elemental magus? Maybe Red did in fact connect their backstories & I’m about to be pleasantly surprised?
…@Steve Lord of Darkness theorizing via questions is fun lol.
Can I just say how much I love the glowy effects on the bird messages and most of the magic? It reminds me of Amulet, but it fits so well with Red’s style.
I’m imagining the archivist to either be really questioning or go âwelp, I’m going to ignore that turn of events entirely.â
She was just chilling in the backround while Erin had some existential crisis last page, so defenetly second
Tess does know Erin! Erin’s eyes! The flower!
I have this image of Erin rushing of to fight them and the archivist grabbing his arms and not letting him, like you may never leave…
I love how the guard is just lying there in the first panel
Oh no, she’s about to do something bad. Also, Erin and Tess know each other confirmed!
Wow, love the expression in the last panel. Erin really understanding the bind they are all in. Everything’s coming together!
aren’t guards meant to look big and scary?
I LOVE this đ We’re in trouble but not because we can’t defend ourselves but because we are desperately trying NOT TO KILL ANYBODY lol (but yes, I, too, want Alinua to go full plant-kaiju)
Junior Archivist: Aww, you’re all such close friends- I-I mean, No! Crime bad! And no illegal … stuff.
Hmm, all this time I thought Tess was on a contract to find Erin but it might be that Erin and Tess know each other. If that is the case I’d love to hear about how they met. Then again that “Hey man” could just be Tess being casual.
Ah, taking out the guard with the old knockout flower; an Alinua classic as Erin/V.D. would know. Just as well Falst isn’t awake; I get the feeling that flower has become his least favourite plant after today.
You can really feel the sense of powerlessness Alinua is feeling right now; stuck in a city with society norms she can’t understand, laws she can’t, or won’t, obey and knowing the power she has will only make things worse. Yet still her thoughts are on others; why did they attack Falst when she broke the law? How can they escape without harming people and their homes? She’s even hesitant to call Erin away from the archives to help them.
With those in mind I have a horrible prediction that, if Erin doesn’t arrive in time, Alinua will try to save Falst and Tess at the expense of herself. Maybe try to reason with Shrike that she’s the one they want instead, only for Shrike to condescendingly explain the way the city and arena works and she’s bringing them in, guilty or not. … This may or may not trigger a full Life rage.
oh, yikes… Poor Alinua is at wits end
Ok, so this is definitely Erin’s ‘Oh shit!’ Face
So, does the bird play a copy of the person’s voice, or is it some transcribed TTS thing? I can’t tell which is more hilarious, but I am leaning towards TTS birb. Just the most monotone voice reading out both of their lines, and Erin horribly confused about who the other people are.
“trespassing” on “private property”
I love her
Looks like we’re gearing up for the belly of the whale of this arc…
Plant-Kaiju is a valid solution to all life’s problems.
Oh my god, the lighting looks so damn beautiful!
Yay! I’m so exited for this! I really hope Erin can do something here
Oh and also, Tess does know Erin, that changes some thoughts of mine
“She said WHAT??”
ERIN! SHOW US YOUR AWESOME STUFF! I’ve been looking forward to Erin showing off with all 6+1 elements! 8D
Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it!
Either Erin will solve this with awesome powers or he’ll flash his elemental magus badge in Zuurith’s face and save his friends. Or he could do both. Or he could solve it diplomatically and leave behind some magic that activates after they leave to cause Zuurith some trouble. My mind is flowing with scenarios. But Red continues to surprise us with her unique storytelling and avoiding cliches to a degree I wish I would see in other stories.
Btw, those guys were being racist to Falst. But had no problem asking a ferin to help make their sleeping powder. I guess they’re just cruel.
Not climbing buildings is extremely hard, it takes all my willpower to not climb the buildings at my college and if I could fly forget about it
A few other incredible possibilities, the dark dragon could appear and take out Zuurith while immortal priestess uses some trick to calm it down! Tynan shows up and Zuurith needs help reducing damage to the city so asks the gang and possibly all the gladiators of the arena! Shrike has the potential to be that one villian who shows up and messes stuff up along the journey! She could even be recruited as an apostle for the dark dragon! Dainix gets his eye back or gets satisfactory retaliation on the Arena master! An important character dies!
So sorry! But I can’t help but state where I think the story would go. I’ll be super happy to know my predictions won’t come true. I can guess what’s about to happen with most stories and I don’t get surprised by the ending. Stuff like Aurora, One Piece, and a few others manage to keep me excited and never reveal the ending no matter how hard I try!
Hoping on getting backstory on Zuurith!
Guys put my name in the Google translator and watch the fun
I relate to Alinua so much on this page. “I really need help but I feel bad for bothering you to ask for it”
And Erin looks like he’s already getting ready to go, which warms my heart. Go get ’em, tiger.
Can we please adopt the librarian too? She seems to know a lot, is not easily intimidated and I really like her.
Not sure if Erin and Tess have actually met; she says that Erinâs friends helped him. I think that just means that she knows he is from the Aseran mage academy, rather than in person.
Wait no nevermind
isn’t the archivist like. right behind him.
alt text: or, and hear me out on this one, you could just go full plant-kaiju anyway
Okay, I was not expecting Erin and Tess to be (potentially) friends! And the whole “same old song” comment reveals that Tess has ran afoul of the law before, to Erin’s knowledge? I have to admit Tess didn’t interest me a lot before, but now I want to know more about their past! Perhaps Tess went to the Aseran Academy with Erin?
I look forward to seeing Erin finally kick some ass, whether he goes full Elemental Magus on Shrike’s crew, or whether he goes with the diplomatic route and gives Zuurith a sick verbal smackdown. I have a feeling diplomacy is more likely, considering he said back at the embassy that with his clout, if he attacks anyone under Zuurith’s employment (freelancers included), he could start a whole-ass war between Asera and Zuurith.
Me before binge reading this in under 24 hours; Eh, let’s see what Red gets up to between OSP episodes.
Me after binge reading this in under 24 hours; WHY ISN’T THERE MORE!!! Forget about OSP! I want more adventures of cinnamon roll the barbarian and his misfit found family!
Does your name really mean ‘buy a restaurant’? cuz that’s what it gave me.
Also, I kind of love how the Junior Archivist is just listening to all this in the background. I either see it playing out as ‘what did your friends do? Get out of here right now!’ or ‘Oh frick, that sounds bad. Come on, let’s go.’ or ‘You should probably leave before someone else finds them.’
Several pages ago my headcanon ended almost this exact comic with
Junior Archivist: WHAT
How easy is it to use that spell? How does it know who belongs to what name? If someone changes their name, will the borb accept their dead name? Are Erin and Tess old friends? How do they know eachother? Were they bitter crokinole rivals at the academy? How will Erin choose to conduct himself when attempting to resolve this issue? Will he act as a suave diplomat or will he roll up his sleeves and flash his magic tats at the guards? How is the Junior Archivist reacting to this information that she is definitely listening in on? Did Alinua use her Life powers to extract a spec of Temptations cat treat dust from Falst’s lungs so she could grow that flower to knock out the guard?
Tune in Next Week and Find Out!
I hope this is where Erin reveals a heart of…silver(? let’s be honest, not gold) and goes to help them because they’re his friends, and not because it’s practical. Or worse, just says no and stays in the archive.
Oh look that guard is just taking a little nap how sweet
Just binge read this comic and I’m now craving more.
Itâs adorable how sad she sounds. Itâs clear she really wants to make Erin (and all the people around her) happy, and it makes her so upset to drag him into this. You can tell she TRIED to comply with his wish. (Also, OMG yes the look on his face on the last panel, thatâs EXACTLY what I was hoping for. The shock is great) I wonder if the junior archivist heard that? Part of me wants her to hear that and agree with the protagonists, and the other part kinda wants him to dash out the door, and return a couple minutes later, exhausted, covered in plants, and dust and go âOkay then, back to the records.â I wonder what our prison buddies are up to?
The unknown game:
Oh wow, yeah there is SO much potential for backstory there with Erin and Tess. (One would hope no war between Asera and Zuurith, cos all thatâs gonna do is weaken them when the Collector/Tynaan/Dark dragon attacksâŠ) Also yeah seeing Erin FINALLY kick booty would be nice, but since that would probably just end up in war⊠(Seriously though, I REALLLLY want to see him go all out. We havenât really seen him do much (except when he was possessed by the dark dragon (Dang it I forgot what they actually call him)) and after seeing a couple of mages who control ONE element, imagine how AMAZING it will be seeing someone fight with ALL of them (except dark, and if the theories are right light)
Hermit Thrush:
BIG thanks for giving me the alt text. I think itâs because Iâm a mobile user, but the alt text WILL NOT show up, and I HATE missing out!! Thanks again!
ok now I really want the Junior Archivist to go help them, but I do think that’s a little unlikely. Also, if she goes to help, and they end up fighting… She’s going to learn he’s the elemental magus if she doesn’t know already. Which could end up bad.
Heyyy looks like it’s Erin’s time to show what he can do in his element! cause obviously the fight with Falst was not his element, he’s a talker not a fighter.
Erin’s look of pure shock & outrage was everything I didnt know I needed today. I dont think he’ll go Elemental Magus on anyone while in Zuurith for the same reason Alinua cant turn into Plant Mum, but I think we WILL see some very passive-aggressive show of status/diplomatic relations/flexing that might actually work this time, and I cant WAIT. Erin’s hubris has suffered enough this arc.
I am of the opinion that Tess & Erin dont know each other, but she’s been looking for him ever since she saw the explosion in the desert. I dont think she knew his name before now, but she might have seen his picture as the elemental magus or seen him around if they both studied at the Aseran academy. Now, would I love it if they had encountered each other in the past? absolutely yes.
So Tess and Erin know each other… maybe Erin’s little storm trip wasn’t exactly Academy sanctioned and Tess is trying to find him and bring him back. That makes the most sense to me, but I’ve been wrong before
TL;DR: We messed up, caught the attention of some shady guys, destroyed some stuff, hold on calling backup…
Backup: You did WHAT??
Ow my foot, doors suck
Apparently, the paladin’s color-code their books. Makes me wonder about the conventional library layouts and book organization in this world.
Broke some property
And trespassed here and there but
Eh, no big deal, right?
Calling it now, Dainix and Tess are gonna be the next two protagonists.
Steve, Lord of Darkness:
Two running gags in one cliffhanger, nice.
No one knows his truename (besides himself), so the most common name/epithet ascribed to him is the Void Dragon. The paladins seem to use a different epithet, though.
I have a feeling Erin is going to have to end up babysitting these two (potentially three) idiots to keep them from committing crimes wherever they go. They are clearly not ready for society. (Or is it that society is not ready for them? Actually, yeah, it’s probably that.)
@ dragonmaster66, I’ve heard you and a couple others doubting the fact Tess knew his name or not, but we have proof she did, in chapter like 10 I think, (I don’t know for sure but the archive isn’t working for me so I can’t check) when she and falst first met she asked him if he knew someone named Erin, with black hair, but he got really worried and didn’t answer. So that means she did know the name of the person she was looking for (that being Erin)
so happy snazzy lightning gal is coming into the gang.
@Leapyeargirl96 Oh, gotcha. I remembered the meeting, just wasnt sure if she referred to him by name then or not. I still hold my opinion that she doesnt necessarily KNOW him, just knows OF him. Given that he’s the elemental magus & loves to flex the fact, I think the odds are good that she knows his name as well as his status. Maybe she’s looking for him to ask about what could cause the explosion in the desert? Maybe she knows it had to be him, bc storm, bc elemental magus? Maybe Red did in fact connect their backstories & I’m about to be pleasantly surprised?
…@Steve Lord of Darkness theorizing via questions is fun lol.
I love Alinua’s expression on the second to last panel.
Erin: I Leave for FIVE MINUTES!!!!
Seriously though can we add ‘defacto babysitter’ to Erin’s list of epithets and nicknames please
It’s the next day, so Happy Halloween ?
Can I just say how much I love the glowy effects on the bird messages and most of the magic? It reminds me of Amulet, but it fits so well with Red’s style.
Tess is my personal communist icon
me furiously clicking back to that time tess finally figured out erin’s name: wait wAIT
*concerned Erin*
You know, when you just casually break a street and some buildings. Happens all the time.
Yeah, I have been thinking all along: they don’t like you running around the roofs, the city is like D&D Singapore, why not just walk??