on October 11, 2021
at 3:00 am
I vote you stay in this alley as long as possible so I don’t have to draw any more background characters
I vote you stay in this alley as long as possible so I don’t have to draw any more background characters
Probably find a place to hide, since the entire city will be after you three.
It’s been five seconds since you put these two girls alone and they are already being cute to each other, I can’t—
Removing a bolt
is a delicate process.
SHUNK! How does that feel?
Do you have a plan?
You don’t? Huh, neither do I.
Time to improvise!
Whew, glad the kids get a bit of a breather after All Of That
I know she’s a healer, but I hope she broke the head off that bolt before yanking it out. Even if it’s only a matter of principle.
yeah, what now?
Idk why but something about Falst flopping around unconscious is really funny to me
He truly has the best poses, even while asleep
Now they need to find Erin and gtfo. Problem is, he’s busy.
GlytchMeister: She might’ve just pulled it through the long way.
Drawing background and background characters is the hardest. But you can’t have a complete aesthetic without them either
Did she just leave that bolt on the ground? We can add littering to their list of crimes now.
I like the detail of Tess looking away as Alinua pulls the bolt out; despite all her dragon punching credentials she’s still human and feels other’s injuries. Maybe it’s a good thing Falst is asleep right now.
Interesting how Tess is the one asking the questions on their next actions; she is definitively a free agent but she seems to want some guidance in this situation. Has her almost capture shaken her up a bit? Does she feel indebted to her rescuers?
Staying there is not an option; that crate doesn’t have a lot of cover. They have a few options I can think of: find a way back to the embassy, head to the Paladin HQ as Erin will likely be there or maybe grow vines or break the cuff so they can hide on a secluded rooftop.
I really like your background characters though.
Can’t heal old wounds? No problem, let’s just lop that arm off at the elbow and hey presto – fresh new wound!
Breaaking news: Sleepy catboy recieves medical attention from one of the half a dozen people in Zuurith that see value in ferin life
Nice of Shrike to provide them with an anesthetic. I can’t imagine yanking out the bolt while he was conscious would be all that pleasant.
you are criminals on the run, congrats.
I love you <3
Deckare the meatal chicken a companion and leave, since the deal was that they wouldn’t hurt his companion until he leaft
Fine erin, bust kandel from prison, pick up dainix along the way and get the hell out of there before you will be captured by the authoritarian god of this city or the evil and vindictive storm god that will arrive and wrack this whole place.
TL;DR: Welcome, newbie. It’s time you got acquainted with the power of healing.
Would this be a good or bad time to ask Tess why she’s looking for Erin?
Getting the anti-magic cuff off Tess is also a good idea. Going on the run means needing every advantage you can get, and the electricity would be nice to have back. Ideally, before Tess gets the idea to cut that hand off, horrify Alinua, and have her reattach it sans cuff. There’s gotta be better ideas than that. She can probably pick the lock (if it’s secured with a lock) with sturdy and thin enough plant growth, but I’m thinking Tess has more of a blunt approach to things.
Go back to your hotel room, lock the door, and lay low for a while.
I vote leaving. Is that an option?
Realistically, I think that they should try to head back to their room since it’s a lot better hiding spot than some random alley. Then, hold out there until Erin finishes whatever’s happening in the archives. But I have no idea. I feel like we’re overdue to check on Kendal and/or Erin though.
“Hey, is it raining?”
While I do hope this will give Tess an opportunity to talk about her whole deal (why she’s looking for Erin, and why she’s the only one concerned about Tynan), I also hope we can get a scene away from these three soon. It’s been a while since we’ve seen anyone else; I mean, why put Dainix on the chapter’s cover if he doesn’t show up at all?
holy heck tess is jacked
Hey reeeed~
Tynan has been floating foreshadowingly somewhere up and to the right since… oh, the BEGINNING OF THE CHAPTER. THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME. PLEASE RED I CAN’T.
Oh but I like Tess, she’s cool and, like me, is wondering what Evil McStormgod is up to.
Maybe kiss to break the tension?
I do not think it’ll be a good idea for them to head back to their room. Zuurith knows they’re there, and if Shrike does a bit of research before going after them again, she’ll find them really easily there.
Happy thanksgiving fellow Canadians.
Erin: I leave you alone for ONE DAY
Bill Erak:
In case you aren’t joking: they don’t even know each other…
my god they’re already being so cute together i can’t–
Bestest of friends
Darn it, I was really hoping for a scene change to Erin in the archives, and then he sees them running through the window, face palms, and says to himself; “well, I guess this was a bad idea.” Or something like that, before running to go help them, or making a plan.
Looks like Tess is finally getting that meet cute.
I must admit I was surprised to see Alinua apparently just ducking behind one of the very first corners she saw but it’s funny how it all makes sense in the context of her automatically going into Healer Mode (TM) literally as soon as Falst got hurt.
Watch catboy be one of the first party members to sustain a permanent-ish injury. Though, I guess sharing your body with a primordial entity sorta counts as a permanent injury,,, or, yknow, losing the god who inhabits you.
alt text: i don’t know, i didn’t think i’d get this far
@Lamp? are you my lost twin? Can we do homework together? ?
Metal lady not a big fan of blood huh? I guess she doesn’t exactly see a lot of it.
Anybody wondering how tall Tess is? I imagine Alinua around 5’3” or 4”, so that means Tess is around 5’11”- 6”
That’s INSANE. I think she might be even taller than Kendal
Since I don’t really know what to say about this page (it’s kind of indistinct, but that’s a good thing) how about an open question to you guys.
What do you think Tess’ hair is made of? My bet’s on steel wool.
@huanoid clay, i don’t really know, i had kinda just thought it was made of metal, like the rest of her, but in hindsight it does bounce a little too, kinda like normal hair, even though metal wouldn’t bounce, so i’m not sure anymore
Indigo Toxin:
I disagree with one point, as I peg Kendal to be around my height, 6′ 3″; quite tall, but not imposing. Tess would be shorter than him, but not by much.
they should go back to the place they just ran from. the bad guys will never see it coming
So, who else keeps checking the characters page to see if/when Tess becomes a main character?
hide in till Mr Thunderfluff goes into action. Villanous rescue ftw.
@Doomcard10 me âś‹?
Get Tess outta that cuff? That seems a solid early step.
Also, get somewhere you can talk for more than four sentences, and find out intentions re: theoretical bearer of void dragons. Just, like, hypothetically.
And this will FOR SURE not be used as an excuse to eff over Kendal. :/ This really wasn’t a very good plan.
My comment isn’t posting on the next pageee….. UGGHH