(Metal Gear Solid alert noise)
Damn glowing powers and bounty hunters jumping to (correct) conclusions. Now Shrike has all the pieces; both a Ferin that could survive the fall and a life mage to heal the Ferin.
Ok, things look bad but they’re not screwed just yet. Falst and Alinua still have wiggle room to escape, as does Tess now that the Hunters attentions are divided and most are still tangled in vines. Plus Tess might help them out after they helped her out.
However while the threat of immediate capture could be negated this will likely bode poorly for Erin and Kendal. Maybe this will be the blackmail material the arena master needs to put Kendal and Dainix against one another.
I have no predictions for next week; anything could happen and I’m on the edge of my seat already. I’ll just wait and see where Red takes us.
Toldja last page they would get captured. No better way to unite your main cast through a common enemy who brought them to the current circumstance they are in
Tbh, I know the consequences would be absolutely apocalypticly bad in the long run, but short term, I hope Allinua just goes full out life primordial this chapter, because the amount of fear she would instill in all the gods causing her problems would be worth it
Captain Vienne: “I said I won’t have you clapping irons on the first ferin you see!”
Shrike: “What about the second one? I didn’t shackle my alchemist, after all.”
Captain Vienne: *facepalms*
Oh boy, Kendal is going to be very disappointed soon… if the arenamaster isn’t already hauling him and Dainix to the arena.
@Indigo Toxin well I don’t think he’s ever had friends before so it makes sense he’s protective of them now that he has them, even if said friend is the vessel of the Life promordial
I would like to know how the inhabitants of this medieval world came to use the word “tank” to describe absorbing large amounts of damage. Explanation 1: they actually do have armored fighting vehicles powered by alchemy or somesuch which we just haven’t seen yet. Explanation 2: there was a legendary hero of yore named Tank who was so famous for soaking up hits that his name became a byword. Explanation 3: some city’s defenses include literal tanks (like water tanks) which magically absorb incoming damage.
Simple solution: Falst, yeet the big guy into the other bounty hunters, then yeet Alinua halfway across the city. Jump and catch her in mid-air and then she can heal you once you’re on the ground. not sure if he could do that, but he did yeet a snake into orbit and incapacitate a chimera bear thing.
Has Alinua’s impulsive heroicism just cost the floof squad everything? Does Shrike even have the slightest idea of the magnitude of the forces with which she meddles? Will Erin be able to diplomacy their way out of this? How will this affect Zuurith’s decision on Kendal’s participation in the arena? Is Shrike about to throw a sleep powder-laced Temptations cat treat into Falst’s mouth?
I had a feeling Falst would get captured, since heâs framed as being surrounded by Shrikeâs chains in the chapter art. Doesnât bode well for Tess ether really….
Uh oh⊠I have a nasty idea.. If they get captured, whatâs stopping the arena master from forcing Kendal to fight Dainix under threat of them dying⊠That would probably work too⊠Kendal doesnât want anyone to die for him⊠Oh crap⊠PLEASE DONT GET CAPTURED!!
Didnât took long to get found out, but the last page made me think they could still get away. Now THIS felt like double subversion!
Is Shrike going to be the Azula of the series?
Threemagisteria, I would like to know how they are speaking modern english when their language should logically be nowhere near ours. It’s a little thing called suspension of disbelieve. These things happen because red speaks english, so the characters do the same. Hard to avoid these kinda things
this really does all seem to be shaping up towards a situation where Erin is singled out: either as the only person who can help, or as the person who *could’ve* helped his friends in a time of need if he wasn’t so caught up with his own stuff.
that being said, however, the more i read this story the more i feel,,, suspicious (?) of red’s writing– in a good way; in a way where it feels like everything is being understated as something bigger builds in the background… or in the foreground, while we just dont know enough to spot it. with this arc especially, i just find myself so so worried about the characters. not necessarily for their safety, but for like,,, their self identity? their social dynamics? their place in the world? just,,, there’s something about it. this isn’t to say that what is predictable (not using that word as a negative thing btw) suddenly wont happen for some reason, and im wary about having sensationalized expectations, particularly when reading webcomics and stuff, but Erin specifically gives me big “something big is happening to this guy and i have no fucking clue what it is” vibes.
sorry for the wall of text that’s more talking about the series in general and not this page in particular, but i always see peeps speculating in here and i wanted to say my piece.
The jailbreak plot cannot be denied, it can only be made to loom ominously and chuckle about how bad things will need to get to get it to actually happen.
@tubularical, I think that that feeling is that there’s a lot of intersecting plot threads that we don’t know how they will interact and affect each other, so everything just seems chaotic. At least that’s how I feel anyway.
Protective Falst makes me happy, though Shrike makes me worried. I really hope they are able to escape, though I fear from the cover art that only Alinua will be able to get away scot-free. Maybe it’s some sort of sacrifice on Falst’s part, allowing himself to be captured so Alinua can get away, making her feel really bad for getting involved in the first place. Or, alternatively, they all get taken in and have to send a messenger bird to Erin to inform him of the situation. That would be hilarious.
Alinua: So, we got arrested…
Erin: Not AGAIN
For @Tubularical, I think that that feeling is that there’s a lot of intersecting plot threads that we don’t know how they will interact and affect each other, so everything just seems chaotic. At least that’s how I feel anyway.
Protective Falst makes me happy, though Shrike makes me worried. I really hope they are able to escape, though I fear from the cover art that only Alinua will be able to get away scot-free. Maybe it’s some sort of sacrifice on Falst’s part, allowing himself to be captured so Alinua can get away, making her feel really bad for getting involved in the first place. Or, alternatively, they all get taken in and have to send a messenger bird to Erin to inform him of the situation. That would be hilarious.
Alinua: So, we got arrested…
Erin: Not AGAIN
It’s once again time for one of my irregularly scheduled character-breaks.
Somehow writing these dumb cliff hangers has made me appreciate Red’s writing even more. I can’t wait to see how all these moving pieces will come together and am absolutely excited for whenever the hell Tynan is going to show up. With the way things are currently rolling it seems likely his entrance will cap off the end of this chapter, most likely in the arena. Zuurith has built and structured his city for the express purpose of reinforcing his ego, and I cannot see this arc ending in a way that doesn’t involve it all crashing down (both figuratively and literally) on top of him.
@Andy ‘tank’ also refers to storage chambers like rainwater tanks(which i assume the world of aurora would have) i.e. objects that can take a large amount of something
Interesting that they think they can esesly capture someone enough is resistant to magic (so presumably the cuffs) and has a documented tendency to throw themselves off cliffs and survive
@ Hiiiii or… rather than Kendal being forced to fit Dainix (because Alinua and/or Falst are being threatened with torture), he could be forced to fight Alinua or Falst in the arena. It’s the old “beat up your friends within an inch of their lives and give us a good show while doing it, or else we’ll make you watch while we make an example of them instead” variety of scummy villainy.
Everyone is talking about Shrike arresting the first ferin she saw but that’s really only because the first ferin she saw was suspiciously in the presence of a life mage and helping someone else who was on that roof escape.
Huh, this answered something I’d been wondering: are the glows in-world, or just for the benefit of the audience? It looks to be the former. At least in most cases.
did she really just take on glance at a ferin and come to that conclusion đ (like yeah Falst is the culprit but still)
Okay, Alinua, time to tear appart the city.
I love the ‘this one’s glowing’ method of detective work. Weirdly reminds me of the Mitchell and Webb ‘evil voice’ sketch
(Metal Gear Solid alert noise)
Damn glowing powers and bounty hunters jumping to (correct) conclusions. Now Shrike has all the pieces; both a Ferin that could survive the fall and a life mage to heal the Ferin.
Ok, things look bad but they’re not screwed just yet. Falst and Alinua still have wiggle room to escape, as does Tess now that the Hunters attentions are divided and most are still tangled in vines. Plus Tess might help them out after they helped her out.
However while the threat of immediate capture could be negated this will likely bode poorly for Erin and Kendal. Maybe this will be the blackmail material the arena master needs to put Kendal and Dainix against one another.
I have no predictions for next week; anything could happen and I’m on the edge of my seat already. I’ll just wait and see where Red takes us.
I’d die for Tess, but that doesn’t mean Alinua and Falst should have to! D:
Toldja last page they would get captured. No better way to unite your main cast through a common enemy who brought them to the current circumstance they are in
Maplesyrup are you a BOFURI fan?
right, because nooooo one has a skin condition that happens to glow. this is totally bogus
aww I love protective Falst though ?
Oh boy, time for an international incident!
Tbh, I know the consequences would be absolutely apocalypticly bad in the long run, but short term, I hope Allinua just goes full out life primordial this chapter, because the amount of fear she would instill in all the gods causing her problems would be worth it
Falst seems overly protective of alinua in this page, considering the fact sheâs more powerful
Captain Vienne: “I said I won’t have you clapping irons on the first ferin you see!”
Shrike: “What about the second one? I didn’t shackle my alchemist, after all.”
Captain Vienne: *facepalms*
Oh boy, Kendal is going to be very disappointed soon… if the arenamaster isn’t already hauling him and Dainix to the arena.
@Indigo Toxin well I don’t think he’s ever had friends before so it makes sense he’s protective of them now that he has them, even if said friend is the vessel of the Life promordial
alt text: assigned catboy at birth
thats it. thats all i have to comment. See yall monday.
Im not one to shriek, but that alt text. ?
I would like to know how the inhabitants of this medieval world came to use the word “tank” to describe absorbing large amounts of damage. Explanation 1: they actually do have armored fighting vehicles powered by alchemy or somesuch which we just haven’t seen yet. Explanation 2: there was a legendary hero of yore named Tank who was so famous for soaking up hits that his name became a byword. Explanation 3: some city’s defenses include literal tanks (like water tanks) which magically absorb incoming damage.
What if the arenamaster makes Kendal and Falst fight?
Simple solution: Falst, yeet the big guy into the other bounty hunters, then yeet Alinua halfway across the city. Jump and catch her in mid-air and then she can heal you once you’re on the ground. not sure if he could do that, but he did yeet a snake into orbit and incapacitate a chimera bear thing.
Has Alinua’s impulsive heroicism just cost the floof squad everything? Does Shrike even have the slightest idea of the magnitude of the forces with which she meddles? Will Erin be able to diplomacy their way out of this? How will this affect Zuurith’s decision on Kendal’s participation in the arena? Is Shrike about to throw a sleep powder-laced Temptations cat treat into Falst’s mouth?
Tune in Next Week and Find Out!
Lol remember when vivienne said DONT arrest the first Ferrin you findâŠ
well, they’ll probably have tea together or something.
That, or jump up to the arena master’s box and punch his lights out
I had a feeling Falst would get captured, since heâs framed as being surrounded by Shrikeâs chains in the chapter art. Doesnât bode well for Tess ether really….
OMG!!! SO EXCITING! (Also imagine the look on Erinâs face when he learns!!) This is greattt
Uh oh⊠I have a nasty idea.. If they get captured, whatâs stopping the arena master from forcing Kendal to fight Dainix under threat of them dying⊠That would probably work too⊠Kendal doesnât want anyone to die for him⊠Oh crap⊠PLEASE DONT GET CAPTURED!!
To Indigo Toxin : Youâre right⊠And he doesnât seem to be as protective of the others. Itâs this just a brotherly thing⊠orâŠ
The only good thing to come out of this is that Tess will be finally able to explain why she’s looking for Erin. Let the woman do her job
So Red, you are aware that you have to include actual tanks in this setting now? Otherwise what she said makes no sense.
I really want to see how Erin reacts to all of this…
Didnât took long to get found out, but the last page made me think they could still get away. Now THIS felt like double subversion!
Is Shrike going to be the Azula of the series?
@basmbee Kendal will probably sit down to tea, while Falst will ignore him and take the punching-th-arena-master route.
Do note red that some of the best evidence is circumstantial like dna evidence.
I have a feeling we won’t be seeing her again after this arc, unless the team needs to return to Zuurith for some fucked-up reason.
Threemagisteria, I would like to know how they are speaking modern english when their language should logically be nowhere near ours. It’s a little thing called suspension of disbelieve. These things happen because red speaks english, so the characters do the same. Hard to avoid these kinda things
“Boss! This one’s glowing!”
Falst jumps in to fight him off.
This does not look good.
this really does all seem to be shaping up towards a situation where Erin is singled out: either as the only person who can help, or as the person who *could’ve* helped his friends in a time of need if he wasn’t so caught up with his own stuff.
that being said, however, the more i read this story the more i feel,,, suspicious (?) of red’s writing– in a good way; in a way where it feels like everything is being understated as something bigger builds in the background… or in the foreground, while we just dont know enough to spot it. with this arc especially, i just find myself so so worried about the characters. not necessarily for their safety, but for like,,, their self identity? their social dynamics? their place in the world? just,,, there’s something about it. this isn’t to say that what is predictable (not using that word as a negative thing btw) suddenly wont happen for some reason, and im wary about having sensationalized expectations, particularly when reading webcomics and stuff, but Erin specifically gives me big “something big is happening to this guy and i have no fucking clue what it is” vibes.
sorry for the wall of text that’s more talking about the series in general and not this page in particular, but i always see peeps speculating in here and i wanted to say my piece.
The jailbreak plot cannot be denied, it can only be made to loom ominously and chuckle about how bad things will need to get to get it to actually happen.
@tubularical, I think that that feeling is that there’s a lot of intersecting plot threads that we don’t know how they will interact and affect each other, so everything just seems chaotic. At least that’s how I feel anyway.
Protective Falst makes me happy, though Shrike makes me worried. I really hope they are able to escape, though I fear from the cover art that only Alinua will be able to get away scot-free. Maybe it’s some sort of sacrifice on Falst’s part, allowing himself to be captured so Alinua can get away, making her feel really bad for getting involved in the first place. Or, alternatively, they all get taken in and have to send a messenger bird to Erin to inform him of the situation. That would be hilarious.
Alinua: So, we got arrested…
Erin: Not AGAIN
For @Tubularical, I think that that feeling is that there’s a lot of intersecting plot threads that we don’t know how they will interact and affect each other, so everything just seems chaotic. At least that’s how I feel anyway.
Protective Falst makes me happy, though Shrike makes me worried. I really hope they are able to escape, though I fear from the cover art that only Alinua will be able to get away scot-free. Maybe it’s some sort of sacrifice on Falst’s part, allowing himself to be captured so Alinua can get away, making her feel really bad for getting involved in the first place. Or, alternatively, they all get taken in and have to send a messenger bird to Erin to inform him of the situation. That would be hilarious.
Alinua: So, we got arrested…
Erin: Not AGAIN
So, everyone’s going to the arena đ
It’s once again time for one of my irregularly scheduled character-breaks.
Somehow writing these dumb cliff hangers has made me appreciate Red’s writing even more. I can’t wait to see how all these moving pieces will come together and am absolutely excited for whenever the hell Tynan is going to show up. With the way things are currently rolling it seems likely his entrance will cap off the end of this chapter, most likely in the arena. Zuurith has built and structured his city for the express purpose of reinforcing his ego, and I cannot see this arc ending in a way that doesn’t involve it all crashing down (both figuratively and literally) on top of him.
Kinda dumb methods
One glance and he’s the culprit?
I just hate her tho
@ShineKitten well yeah you have a point
Ever tried to grab an angry cat? Yeah, good luck with that.
TL;DR: Caught on suspicion. Erin will not like to hear this.
“I leave them alone for five minutes… Do they even know how to avoid creating incidents!?”
@Andy ‘tank’ also refers to storage chambers like rainwater tanks(which i assume the world of aurora would have) i.e. objects that can take a large amount of something
Interesting that they think they can esesly capture someone enough is resistant to magic (so presumably the cuffs) and has a documented tendency to throw themselves off cliffs and survive
Can we appreciate how âTessâ it is of Tess to say âhey donât look at me I just hit stuff!â
TheUnknownGame: This is how my teachers must feel…. Whatever. No sympathy for them.
uhhh, does anyone notice the high chance that Alinua is going to end up with a sealing cuff? Which means our old friend VD might show his ugly face…
How is Shrike not listed as an antagonist.
@ Hiiiii or… rather than Kendal being forced to fit Dainix (because Alinua and/or Falst are being threatened with torture), he could be forced to fight Alinua or Falst in the arena. It’s the old “beat up your friends within an inch of their lives and give us a good show while doing it, or else we’ll make you watch while we make an example of them instead” variety of scummy villainy.
The Arena has no empathy.
@PotatoSmiles You’re no fun.
Everyone is talking about Shrike arresting the first ferin she saw but that’s really only because the first ferin she saw was suspiciously in the presence of a life mage and helping someone else who was on that roof escape.
Huh, this answered something I’d been wondering: are the glows in-world, or just for the benefit of the audience? It looks to be the former. At least in most cases.