I don’t think so. Shiny flying guy had the same eyes as Erin when he was possessed but blue and he can hear the blue dragon PML fought. Whatever the paladins are they have some connections to dragons that she doesn’t
Ok, so, the other options on “how the heck does she know about Erin?” are:
She has been sent/engaged by the academy/Erin’s parents/some other mage to find/follow/monitor him;
She overhead some conversation from from one of the above or she actually followed the lightning dragon and interacted with the paladins;
She saw him in his Void state while flying over the wastelands of the storm.
Don’t think she’s a paladen, seemed to confused after Eldy* possessed the lightning dragon, the possibilities I see are:
1. PML saw the splosion in the wasteland and gas been following the Floof Crew™️ ever sense
2. She was sent by the academy/Erin’s parents after he entered the storm and never came back, looking to find out what happened to him
3. She saw the group in Windscrest and got intrested after big tree splode and followed them and learned from the guards at Hilltop that the magus was with them and got intrested in what he was up to
4. Something to do with this Ignan settlement she talked about
Be fair, Tess, everyone looks skinny to you because you’re so muscular. Although if I’m being fair, Erin probably looks skinny to everyone. That tends to happen to nerds who stay indoors reading all the time
Diving into the water to avoid social interaction … are we sure Falst isn’t the self-insert?
Tess just makes every page she appears in, especially here when paired with the more reserved Falst. I’d love to see more of this extrovert-introvert dynamic between them in future, helps that I can use Red’s regular voice for PML and Red’s Sun Wukong voice for Lion-boi.
Great artistic detail with regards to their wet clothes and emoting PML’s face, a little difficult with those otherwise blank eyes. I love the determination on Falst’s “Must. Not. Bloop.” face.
I would have hoped her open and friendly disposition combined with Falst beginning to open up would mean she could join soon but the fact she’s looking for Erin is equal parts concerning and intriguing. Looking forward to see how that develops.
My prediction for next week: Falst will make sure she’s gone then quickly make his way back to camp, without being followed, to tell them of the situation. That way along with Kendal’s dream and Alinua’s and Erin’s discussion everyone will have something to contribute to an off-screen infodump.
It also reminds me of something. I remember when we were back in windcrest that I thought whichever city/town happened to be in front of the lightning sector needed a name, and I was hoping for something along the lines of “Lichtenburg” after the weird pattern on electrocuted things.
Patroclus: me wants the Erin tattoos but told myself I need to decide later anyway… after I’m an adult…. and have a job (I’ve got a hunch that full forearm tats would be a bit conspicuous, y’ know?
Okay, so we have another protagonist. Place your bets now for the next one(ha just kidding, the only one with a real chance is that paladin who fought the dragon. No that other one)
I love how she sparks when she waves goodbye; whether it’s involuntary due to the nature of how she acquired her magic, or whether she’s just being extra, I love it
No, she’s not academically trained I don’t think. The Lichtenberg scar on her shoulder and how she doesn’t need a rune suggests that she got her lightning magic through being naturally struck by lightning, (its a thing that can happen to metal caste people). So she probably got her powers later on that if she was born with it. This would probably mean her power worked a bit like Alinua’s (minus the primordial vessel part).
What about childhood friend of sorts, coming after someone got worried that The Magus entered the storm and never came back even after TheDangerStorm™️ disappeared? Maybe she trying to find what happened to him? I don’t think she’s connected to the paladens as she was confused when the Eldy* possessed dragon was all “the paladens must be warned” and also, Eldy told Michael that she “needed the paladens eyes” and I think that means she doesn’t know what the dark avatar looks like, so I doubt PML is looking for him for the paladens. She also seemed very casual about it, if she were “hunting” him in the sense of trying to harm him I’d think that she’d be marginally more serious, seeing as she is soooooo casual about it I think she has innocent motivations, even if she’s being manipulated by some big power. I think she’s just his old friend (or sister, though Empires Smp might have trained me to expect the, “these to characters are siblings” twist all the time, seeing as they loved that twist in season 1, I mean, lizzie and jimmy, scott and xornoth, and fwip and gem, it’s insane, though I love that series to death, to bad season 2 sucks though) looking for him after his parents or teachers got worried by his disappearance. Though with how casual she is, I think she is not worried, seeing as how he’s the magus he can handle himself, so she thinks he’s ok. If she was on a serious, and possibly evil, search for Erin I’d doubt she would tell strangers about him. Actually, she doesn’t tell Falst his name or that he’s the magus, and Erin is the type of person to flaunt his name and status to everyone he meets, even ferin, so anyone who crosses him probably knows his name and/or status, so she might not be looking for Erin after all
*Eldy is for light eyes, as I think from Michael’s wings that she is a dragon, more specifically a light dragon of sorts. So light dragon —–> LD —–> Eldy, I started it after picking up Vidi from TwoAstricts which is similarly chosen
Blue seems more scared of being in or underwater. If you watch their Shadow of the Colossus stream, there’s a battle on a lake, and while they’re above the surface he seems fine, but when they falls in, he freaks out.
Since this is the Internet, you will never know who I am.
OMG the title and cover art for next chapter is up!!!! Lawbringer. And a picture of a town. Hmmm … wonder who that lawbringer would be … *looks at Kendal pointedly*
Since this is the Internet, you will never know who I am.
I didn’t mean romantic chemistry. Not all chemistry is romantic, right? Maybe I’ve just misunderstood that term.
Yeah, I know they’re both hella gay and I love that. I just think that they’d be a really interesting duo with Falst’s social reclusiveness and Tess’s… Tess-ness.
Sorry for getting annoyed there; I’m just sick of people shipping characters together when the characters in question have barely/never even spoken to each other, or when the characters actively hate each other, and since I understand ‘chemistry’ in this context to be specifically referring to a romantic relationship, my hair-trigger annoyance got tripped. Perhaps instead of good chemistry, we could say that two characters have a good dynamic, which can be interpreted more neutrally.
(em)You put the passage you want italicized between these(/em), except using arrows instead of parentheses. You can also replace ’em’ with ‘strong’ if you want bold words, like these.
Thank you, Evil Tree, for revealing this secret to me!
Poor Falst. People are already legitimately a threat and this lady can punch dragons? On top of inspecting one’s social anxiety? What’s next, having to go to the DMV?
If anyone is confused about why Falst is hiding, it’s because his life experience has taught him that this powerful stranger will likely stop being friendly the moment she discovers he’s a ferin. He can heal from the dislocation, it seems like a bigger risk to open himself up to more racism, especially from someone who can punch a laser dragon to sleep.
Ohhhhh, she knows. I wonder how she’ll react if she sees Kendal and Alinua seeing as what the did in windcrest
… shit she’s not a paladin like Michael, isn’t she?
I don’t think so. Shiny flying guy had the same eyes as Erin when he was possessed but blue and he can hear the blue dragon PML fought. Whatever the paladins are they have some connections to dragons that she doesn’t
She seemed confused when the lightning dragon got possessed and said “The paladins must be warned!”, so my bets are on ‘no’.
Ok, so, the other options on “how the heck does she know about Erin?” are:
She has been sent/engaged by the academy/Erin’s parents/some other mage to find/follow/monitor him;
She overhead some conversation from from one of the above or she actually followed the lightning dragon and interacted with the paladins;
She saw him in his Void state while flying over the wastelands of the storm.
Imagine if she was an assassin or something. Literal magic terminator Tess.
Don’t think she’s a paladen, seemed to confused after Eldy* possessed the lightning dragon, the possibilities I see are:
1. PML saw the splosion in the wasteland and gas been following the Floof Crew™️ ever sense
2. She was sent by the academy/Erin’s parents after he entered the storm and never came back, looking to find out what happened to him
3. She saw the group in Windscrest and got intrested after big tree splode and followed them and learned from the guards at Hilltop that the magus was with them and got intrested in what he was up to
4. Something to do with this Ignan settlement she talked about
I love how said bloop once for urgent care
Probably one of my favorite lines in the comic so far
Noooo Tess!!!! Please stay longer
Hold on a sec. Why would Tess be looking for Erin? Did she manage to follow the stormdrake and the paladins tipped her off or something?
That’s what I was thinking, and it’s not a good thing…
That or she somehow saw him while flying over the storm wastelands.
If I remember correctly, she can’t *fly* strictly speaking. The closest she gets is really really long jumps – riding the lightning in a way.
“This isn’t flying; this is jumping WITH STYLE”
Tess is saying Erin’s a twink
Putting in my personal theory now:
She just wants to punch the void dragon in the face
It would line up with her previous behaviour of punching dragons
Be fair, Tess, everyone looks skinny to you because you’re so muscular. Although if I’m being fair, Erin probably looks skinny to everyone. That tends to happen to nerds who stay indoors reading all the time
To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And to a woman made of metal, everyone looks like a snowflake.
Not if you snack while you’re reading.
– A nerd who stays indoors reading all the time
She’s going to loop around when Falst thinks he’s safe so she can talk to him is my prediction
Either that or Falst is going to pop up and talk
“If you need urgent medical attention bloop once!”
oml i love Tess so much
I knowwww she’s the bestttt
Diving into the water to avoid social interaction … are we sure Falst isn’t the self-insert?
Tess just makes every page she appears in, especially here when paired with the more reserved Falst. I’d love to see more of this extrovert-introvert dynamic between them in future, helps that I can use Red’s regular voice for PML and Red’s Sun Wukong voice for Lion-boi.
Great artistic detail with regards to their wet clothes and emoting PML’s face, a little difficult with those otherwise blank eyes. I love the determination on Falst’s “Must. Not. Bloop.” face.
I would have hoped her open and friendly disposition combined with Falst beginning to open up would mean she could join soon but the fact she’s looking for Erin is equal parts concerning and intriguing. Looking forward to see how that develops.
My prediction for next week: Falst will make sure she’s gone then quickly make his way back to camp, without being followed, to tell them of the situation. That way along with Kendal’s dream and Alinua’s and Erin’s discussion everyone will have something to contribute to an off-screen infodump.
The cover art for Chapter 12 is live!
Oh damn, ‘Lawbringer’ looks METAL
cos Tess is here now… get it?
Yeah, I was also pretty SHOCKED when I found out about it.
It also reminds me of something. I remember when we were back in windcrest that I thought whichever city/town happened to be in front of the lightning sector needed a name, and I was hoping for something along the lines of “Lichtenburg” after the weird pattern on electrocuted things.
A human mage?
Pale, skinny, short dark hair?
Hubristic fool?
Unbearably obnoxious?
I feel called out
You don’t have short hair, Varda
Ah you haven’t heard of the plot to cut it all off as soon as it gets to Alinua length
Actual interaction:
Dad: How short did you want to cut your hair?
Me: *silently pulls up a slideshow of Erin pics*
That’s fair.
Plus, you’re better at the piano
You don’t know this for certain. We haven’t seen Erin tickle the ivories, but he might!
(something else for Red to confirm on twitter)
you don’t have magic erin tattoos either (not yet? /j)
I’m trying to get Adult Varda to get tattoos but I have to wait and see what she says
What… What does this even mean?
Patroclus: me wants the Erin tattoos but told myself I need to decide later anyway… after I’m an adult…. and have a job (I’ve got a hunch that full forearm tats would be a bit conspicuous, y’ know?
has adult Varda considered a small tattoo with one of the primordial true-names?
Younger Varda thinks “Just one??!?? Come ONNN”
fine, then, all of them, just small
TL;DR: Metal Lady seeks Mr. Hubris, Catboy dodges the question underwater. Has he been taking swimming lessons?
Honestly “I’d rather drown that have an conversation with a stranger” is kinda a relatable
Okay, so we have another protagonist. Place your bets now for the next one(ha just kidding, the only one with a real chance is that paladin who fought the dragon. No that other one)
I love how she sparks when she waves goodbye; whether it’s involuntary due to the nature of how she acquired her magic, or whether she’s just being extra, I love it
Tess needs to join the party, I love her so much already.
Calling it now: this is Erin’s wife, who has been searching relentlessly for him this entire time.
Sorry but word of god says punchy metal lady has other tastes (https://comicaurora.tumblr.com/post/644669849258393600/surprised-we-didnt-ever-ask-punchy-metal-ladys).
Plus, Erin’s only 19; I’d be pretty concerned if he was already married.
Maybe magic Study Buddie? I mean, she’s obviously magic.
She doesn’t seem like she would like the conventional education system to me. I don’t know. Just a vibe.
No, she’s not academically trained I don’t think. The Lichtenberg scar on her shoulder and how she doesn’t need a rune suggests that she got her lightning magic through being naturally struck by lightning, (its a thing that can happen to metal caste people). So she probably got her powers later on that if she was born with it. This would probably mean her power worked a bit like Alinua’s (minus the primordial vessel part).
What about childhood friend of sorts, coming after someone got worried that The Magus entered the storm and never came back even after TheDangerStorm™️ disappeared? Maybe she trying to find what happened to him? I don’t think she’s connected to the paladens as she was confused when the Eldy* possessed dragon was all “the paladens must be warned” and also, Eldy told Michael that she “needed the paladens eyes” and I think that means she doesn’t know what the dark avatar looks like, so I doubt PML is looking for him for the paladens. She also seemed very casual about it, if she were “hunting” him in the sense of trying to harm him I’d think that she’d be marginally more serious, seeing as she is soooooo casual about it I think she has innocent motivations, even if she’s being manipulated by some big power. I think she’s just his old friend (or sister, though Empires Smp might have trained me to expect the, “these to characters are siblings” twist all the time, seeing as they loved that twist in season 1, I mean, lizzie and jimmy, scott and xornoth, and fwip and gem, it’s insane, though I love that series to death, to bad season 2 sucks though) looking for him after his parents or teachers got worried by his disappearance. Though with how casual she is, I think she is not worried, seeing as how he’s the magus he can handle himself, so she thinks he’s ok. If she was on a serious, and possibly evil, search for Erin I’d doubt she would tell strangers about him. Actually, she doesn’t tell Falst his name or that he’s the magus, and Erin is the type of person to flaunt his name and status to everyone he meets, even ferin, so anyone who crosses him probably knows his name and/or status, so she might not be looking for Erin after all
*Eldy is for light eyes, as I think from Michael’s wings that she is a dragon, more specifically a light dragon of sorts. So light dragon —–> LD —–> Eldy, I started it after picking up Vidi from TwoAstricts which is similarly chosen
This is honestly… pretty sad. I love metal lady, it’s official, but Falst’s fear of being seen is really telling. Poor guy. Jeez.
It’s a good way to hide from awkward conversations with Blue, I imagine…
He starts rambling about Venice again, just duck under water and wait for the thalassophobia to do the rest…
I don’t think a small lake would be able to deter him…
But then again, I don’t have thalassophobia, so who knows.
Wait, is Blue scared of the ocean? seems odd he’d go for a water city like Venice, then.
Blue seems more scared of being in or underwater. If you watch their Shadow of the Colossus stream, there’s a battle on a lake, and while they’re above the surface he seems fine, but when they falls in, he freaks out.
Erin your babysitter is LOOOOOKING for you!!!!
OMG the title and cover art for next chapter is up!!!! Lawbringer. And a picture of a town. Hmmm … wonder who that lawbringer would be … *looks at Kendal pointedly*
Oh, and there is also a storm in the town … Hmm *glares at Tynan*
noooooo she’s leaving!!!
…ohhhhhh she’ll be back 😀
omg i love her already
She is Great
Don’t worry, after establishing this kind of amazing chemistry with Falst there’s no way Red won’t have her join the Floof Squad.
…Chemistry? Are you already shipping them!? They’ve only “interacted” just this once!
I didn’t mean romantic chemistry. Not all chemistry is romantic, right? Maybe I’ve just misunderstood that term.
Yeah, I know they’re both hella gay and I love that. I just think that they’d be a really interesting duo with Falst’s social reclusiveness and Tess’s… Tess-ness.
Sorry for getting annoyed there; I’m just sick of people shipping characters together when the characters in question have barely/never even spoken to each other, or when the characters actively hate each other, and since I understand ‘chemistry’ in this context to be specifically referring to a romantic relationship, my hair-trigger annoyance got tripped. Perhaps instead of good chemistry, we could say that two characters have a good dynamic, which can be interpreted more neutrally.
Fair enough; premature/overzealous shipping can be irritating. Dynamic’s probably a better word for it anyway, so I’ll bear it in mind in future.
Also, how are you doing these italics? I need to know.
(em)You put the passage you want italicized between these(/em), except using arrows instead of parentheses. You can also replace ’em’ with ‘strong’ if you want bold words, like these.
Thank you, Evil Tree, for revealing this secret to me!
Oh my goodness, this changes everything!
Thank you!
Plus, Red said Tess is a solid lesbian
Red didn’t need to say that, we got it.
Hehe someone’s in TROUBLE
My guess is that metal Lady is a mercenary and she wants that sweet bounty money.
Poor Falst. People are already legitimately a threat and this lady can punch dragons? On top of inspecting one’s social anxiety? What’s next, having to go to the DMV?
So, Dame Dragon-Puncher the Golden wants to find Erin and almost certainly knows about his ancient omnicidal ridealong. Wonder what she wants.
New idea: is Tess coming to take him home? Back to the academy?
Alt text: nah, doesn’t sound familiar
Image source: huh
If anyone is confused about why Falst is hiding, it’s because his life experience has taught him that this powerful stranger will likely stop being friendly the moment she discovers he’s a ferin. He can heal from the dislocation, it seems like a bigger risk to open himself up to more racism, especially from someone who can punch a laser dragon to sleep.
TESS ILY. she’s so friendly XD
Nooooooo! Please don’t go, extremely likable person!