Agreed. Most posts I find on the subject were written in the late 2000s or early 2010s so I’m not sure how much of them are true anymore and I don’t want to spam the comments too much experimenting. Still, I’ll try some italic formatting that could work with this line.
Bold sort of works, the SUCCESS! from my previous comment it technically in bold but it isn’t the most obvious. To help compare this sentence is in bold.
To help compare this sentence is not in bold.
It is possible but inadvisable; without proper medical experience, you could crush your own blood vessels between the bones leading to internal bleeding.
Maybe Ferin are built to better withstand this procedure. Or maybe he’s being a bit less cautious knowing there’s a healer nearby to remedy any wounds he sustains.
That Mud-Slap did lower the Burrower Wyrm’s accuracy, but not by enough it seems.
Falst was throwing rocks hard enough to break bones in chapter 10, he would not be above throwing mud in someones eyes. If he starts putting rocks in snowballs, however, then he’s truly crossed the line.
I get the depressing feeling that’s not the first time Falst has had to pop his arm back into his shoulder.
My prediction for later pages: The dragon is facing both Falst and the glowing thing on the horizon, at one point it’ll look scared and run off. Falst will realise it wasn’t scared of him, look behind him, and find whatever was making the light right there.
It does look like a sunrise, but I don’t think it is. People in the comments have discussed this on earlier pages.
First of all, when it showed up, the gradient in the sky wasn’t centered on it. It was brighter off to the left of the object, like the actual sun was offscreen in that direction.
Second, Falst seemed confused by it, even suspicious of it, and told it to “keep its distance”. (I know some people think he was talking to the wolf, but he was obviously surprised and confused even though wolves are normal and he already knew about this one, the wolf had already run off anyway, he started talking immediately after both he and the audience saw the light, he was looking straight at the light, and he was talking ABOUT the wolf in the process. It seems pretty clear to me that he was talking to the light, and that he does NOT think it’s anything normal.
Third, Kendal collapsed in the middle of the day and is still asleep, so unless we’ve missed an entire night, it can’t be a sunrise. It could be a sunSET, I guess – we don’t know exactly what time it was when Kendal collapsed or how long it’s been. But the other two points would still stand, and besides, there are very few monsters that sunset is bad for.
Fun fact: After dislocating your shoulder once, you have a 90% chance of doing it again! Also it hurts like hell the first few times. After that, bearable. I winced IRL when Falst popped it back in.
I think I accidentally dislocated one of my toes once… I popped it back in place with no internal bleeding, but I also nearly passed out from shock, so mixed results overall.
“Fight, little wolf, fight
Show them that you’ve got some
Bite, little wolf, bite
Take advantage now and
Strike, little wolf, strike
Don’t go down without a
Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf!”
Ow, that looks VERY painful.
Tess/bright thing, Falst kinda needs your help right now.
Agreed. Most posts I find on the subject were written in the late 2000s or early 2010s so I’m not sure how much of them are true anymore and I don’t want to spam the comments too much experimenting.
Still, I’ll try some italic formatting that could work with this line.
You add certain html tags to the start and end of sections you want to format, “strong” for bold and “em” for italics. Full webpage detailing it here (
(em)The secret has finally been revealed(/em)
Aw… how did I fuck up?
Ah, ok; use arrows instead of parentheses
Does bold work?
Thank you!
Lol I’m happy for you guys but no one answered my question. S’okay though, the comments on the next page have me covered 🙂
(whoa it autocorrected me emoticon lol) : )
Bold sort of works, the SUCCESS! from my previous comment it technically in bold but it isn’t the most obvious.
To help compare this sentence is in bold.
To help compare this sentence is not in bold.
punchy lightning lady, the girl who fought that dragon in the wasteland that got possessed
Is it wrong that I’ve done a similar thing when my cousin challenged me to a wrestling match?
Thrown mud or dislocated their shoulder?
I threw mud, he went after my shoulder but I rolled him into a pile of nettles. That stopped him pretty quickly
That does not sound fun for him. At least you didn’t dislocate their shoulder.
it’s okay, he experienced lava getting thrown at him
Did he… Did he manage to put him shoulder back in place in the second last panel? O_o
It looks like it, actually. Impressive.
If that’s the case:
1) that looks like it would fucking hurt O.O
2) it’s it even possible to do it without help?
1) yes, it would
2) I’m sure it is, all you have to do is move the joint.
It is possible but inadvisable; without proper medical experience, you could crush your own blood vessels between the bones leading to internal bleeding.
Maybe Ferin are built to better withstand this procedure. Or maybe he’s being a bit less cautious knowing there’s a healer nearby to remedy any wounds he sustains.
He’s fighting a giant komodo dragon creature that dissolves stone with its’ laser breath. I’d say that comes under being ‘a bit less cautious’.
You know what they say: “When you throw mud, you lose ground.”
*unanimous groan*
I actually liked that one…
That Mud-Slap did lower the Burrower Wyrm’s accuracy, but not by enough it seems.
Falst was throwing rocks hard enough to break bones in chapter 10, he would not be above throwing mud in someones eyes. If he starts putting rocks in snowballs, however, then he’s truly crossed the line.
I get the depressing feeling that’s not the first time Falst has had to pop his arm back into his shoulder.
My prediction for later pages: The dragon is facing both Falst and the glowing thing on the horizon, at one point it’ll look scared and run off. Falst will realise it wasn’t scared of him, look behind him, and find whatever was making the light right there.
That looks like a sunrise to me. The dragon could be a vampire though, I suppose.
It does look like a sunrise, but I don’t think it is. People in the comments have discussed this on earlier pages.
First of all, when it showed up, the gradient in the sky wasn’t centered on it. It was brighter off to the left of the object, like the actual sun was offscreen in that direction.
Second, Falst seemed confused by it, even suspicious of it, and told it to “keep its distance”. (I know some people think he was talking to the wolf, but he was obviously surprised and confused even though wolves are normal and he already knew about this one, the wolf had already run off anyway, he started talking immediately after both he and the audience saw the light, he was looking straight at the light, and he was talking ABOUT the wolf in the process. It seems pretty clear to me that he was talking to the light, and that he does NOT think it’s anything normal.
Third, Kendal collapsed in the middle of the day and is still asleep, so unless we’ve missed an entire night, it can’t be a sunrise. It could be a sunSET, I guess – we don’t know exactly what time it was when Kendal collapsed or how long it’s been. But the other two points would still stand, and besides, there are very few monsters that sunset is bad for.
Grr… I hate when I accidentally leave in a mismatched parenthesis. Just pretend that one in the third paragraph isn’t there, OK?
That ‘sunrise’ is below the horizon. It’s something very, very shiny.
Red confirmed on the Aurora tumblr that it’s not the sun (
Has anyone seen the film ‘9’? The one about the little robot puppets? This just reminded me of it is all.
Also, framing the light like that; I have a feeling the Wyrm is about to get CRACKADOOMed by lightning.
Hey Red, on January 8th you said Falst had the rare gift of common sense. WHAT PART OF THIS IS COMMON SENSE?!?!
She did say rare
TL;DR: Catboy is a good doctor. Too bad he can’t see that he needs a shot of common sense.
Well, I mean doctors aren’t supposed to treat themselves…
It’s more characteristic of a paramedic, but… I’ll let it slide.
Well, not always paramedics. Paramedics do emergency, onsite things, while doctors treat you when you get to the hospital.
Oh, is Falst in a hospital? I must have missed that.
that’s some weapons grade snark right there!
Okay, fine. Catboy is good at getting back up when he’s given an otherwise battle ending injury.
(I was just humorously pedantic tbh)
(It was intended to be a bit sarcastic but my people skills stink)
Onomatopoeia, the webcomic
That smile on panel 4 … when you are smiling and fighting monsters and then they break the fun by actually hurting you.
Someone is gunna learn the value of back up real soon.
Fun fact: After dislocating your shoulder once, you have a 90% chance of doing it again! Also it hurts like hell the first few times. After that, bearable. I winced IRL when Falst popped it back in.
I think I accidentally dislocated one of my toes once… I popped it back in place with no internal bleeding, but I also nearly passed out from shock, so mixed results overall.
Oof, my neighborhood’s internet was downed this morning… still, better late than never.
Also, Falst popping his shoulder back into place reminds me of Alex Louis Armstrong: “MY SHOULDER IS BACK!” *manly pink sparkles*
One punch Woman returns!!!
can i just say that that fourth panel is adorable
Alt text: this day could be going better
Image source: sfxftw
“Fight, little wolf, fight
Show them that you’ve got some
Bite, little wolf, bite
Take advantage now and
Strike, little wolf, strike
Don’t go down without a
Fight, little wolf, fight, little wolf!”