on January 8, 2021
at 3:00 am
yeah the claws and healing factor are nice, but Falst’s greatest superpower is probably his rare gift of Common Sense
yeah the claws and healing factor are nice, but Falst’s greatest superpower is probably his rare gift of Common Sense
Panel 4 alone ?
That panel is perfect. ^_^
that that 4th panel is the best thing ever
prophecy dreams incoming?
Now that I’ve gotten over my initial reaction of “GOOD GOD KENDAL, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO YOURSELF?!??”, I’d like to take a moment to appreciate how everyone else in the group simultaneously became the mom friend to make sure this himbo starts taking better care of himself. They really care about each other~ ^w^
Alinua is the executive “says person’s name in a voice of panic/confusion” of the party.
1) With every passing panel I love Falst more and more.
2) The 4th panel is maybe the best thing I’ve ever seen, in anything.
With every new comic strip, Falst wonders more and more about the group he’s joined. First, Erin reveals he’s soul-bound to an evil dragon god, now Kendal reveals he’s never slept a day in his life, and he STILL beat Falst up with one arm behind his back. What’s Alinua gonna say?
When you’ve been an outcast your entire life because of that Ferin curse, but suddenly you’re the closest thing to a normal average everyman around
“Wait a minute, so I’m traveling with the Elemental Magus who’s also kinda got a Void Primordial inside it, a life mage who’s also kind of Mama Life, and the reincarnation of a god who hasn’t slept in his entire life. WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO” poor Falst
Aluina doesn’t need to say anything. He was there in the forest.
Himbo!!! Rights!!!
The faces in that panel, that is absolutely priceless.
Is it just me or does Alinua have a look on her face that says I’m not even suprised at this point
And he’s supposedly the best chance the gods have against the Collector.
Trust Falst guys, lions spend a good half of the day sleeping at least, some sources I find say 18-20 hours, so I think he knows best in this field.
While the fourth panel is hilarious I find myself loving the first one more as it communicates perfectly what each character is doing and would do in this situation. Alinua rushes towards Kendal to check on him, Erin undos his sleeves to prepare healing magic and Falst scans the area in case Kendal fell because of a hidden enemy.
While sleep is a good idea knowing Kendal’s luck he’s probably one of those heroes that gets bad and/or prophetic dreams, or deities trying to communicate to him in his dreams.
There are two gods which govern dreams.
I bet he’ll meet both of them.
Let’s not forget what Ilia said about the gods: “The Nightmare Queen has been restless.”
Also I find it too funny that a sleep/dream deity is ‘restless’.
So… Kendal hasn’t slept for a ‘sef and and a half’. That’s what? Ten or eleven days? For reference, the longest recorded time any human adult has gone without sleep is eleven days. It’s generally accepted that after eleven days, a human will die from sleep deprivation, so don’t even try to beat that high score; it’s not worth it.
So…yeah. Kendal must be really, really tired, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Red did a little research into sleep deprivation to time this plot thread just right.
yeah, even taking his god bod into account, this collapse was inevitable.
Hey guys, what was Falst looking at in panel one
I think it was a “oh for fuck’s sake what now?” moment
I think he was scanning the surroundings in case Kendal’s collapse was caused by an attack by a hidden enemy.
With the fighter down and both healers rushing to help someone has to keep a look out.
sleep is god. go worship. also, quality “yup that’s it” faces
aww, he’s gonna hubris them up a new rock tent.
Kendal: falls asleep
Or also
Kendal: falls asleep
Hypos (or Emnis and Erebas, I suppose): Freakin’ finally! I’ve been waiting to give you the orientation dream! *Film starts rolling* So, you’re the newly conscious former vessel of a god…
The Orientation Dream
Presented by Morpheus
(please imagine a FABULOUSLY camp newsreader voice)
So: you’ve had the soul sucked out of you. Hey, it happens to the best of us; how do you think I feel after a Friday night out? As a newborn soulless vessel, you’re probably experiencing a good bit of trauma. Well honey, it’s only going to get worse. And that’s where I come in! I’m Morpheus, your nightly dreamcaster, here to make your life dreamier. This seminar is just going to be a short introduction to the wonders of your newly discovered unconscious mind (oooh, ahhh).
You may be thinking: what is the unconscious mind? Well, it’s the part of your mind that wakes up when YOU go to sleep! Oh, what’s sleep? Why, it’s the season of all natures (I got that one from Bill, he has such a way with words! I might even put it on my business card). Of course, as a former god you likely haven’t ever slept before, but as a mortal, you’ll need to sleep to keep your energy up, maintain mental and physical fitness, and (my personal favourite) dream!
Dreams are the canvas of your unconscious mind. They can take you anywhere you want to go—yes, really! You can soar among the fabled Flying Islands of the Cloud Elves, you can master magical powers beyond conscious comprehension, you can even walk into the depths of the Singing Caves or to the heart of the Standing Storm with no fear for safety! Yes, the dream world is truly a boundless banquet of infinite opportunities, and now that you exist, you’ll have the chance to savour them all. In fact, let’s have a short sensory representation of the possibilities:
Here I am in space!
Here I am at home!
Here I am conducting the very weather that rolls across the world! (Oh, what a truly majestic sky).
I bet you can’t wait to start dreaming! Well, myself and my friends here at the Dream Society are more than happy to oblige you—we revel in our work (truly, we revel in it!). And for the low, low price of ‘free’ we’re willing to give you dreams on a… varying schedule (please understand—we’re a mainly freelance organisation, understaffed and overworked, we simply can’t give EVERYONE dreams EVERY night but trust me, we’ll do our best). No, no, we don’t ask for anything in return—it is a absolute joy to sculpt your dreams (an ABSOLUTE JOY). Don’t worry, we’re the best of the best; you just lay back, relax, and let us artists hone our craft in your mind.
That concludes the Orientation Dream, and from all of us here at the Dream Society: sweet dreams!
(The-Dream-Society-is-not-liable-for-any-prophecies-nightmares-or-sleep-paralysis-demons-resulting-from-our-works. Please-note-that-we-have-changed-our-membership-system-to-an-‘Opt-Out’-system. Contact-your-local-psychoanalyst-for-more-details. Terms-and-conditions-apply.)
Oh my god this is amazing. *chef’s kiss*
It even has the disclaimer at the end!!! Ah! This is so good!???
Fantastic! It’s everything I dreamed it would be!
Huh… I had assumed that it would have come up before this and Alinua would have explained it to him. Although this is much better then the scenario I had in my head for most of which was Vash getting dissected.
Notice how Erin’s got that white glow of stone magic. The Ruunaser Stone Mansion Camp is making a comeback!
Yeeesss! Erin makes the best campsites!
Erin: I present to the floof squad our campsite: a humble one-storey villa with an outdoor swimming pool, 4 bedrooms , a bathroom and one living room, as well as an indoor courtyard and central heating. Enjoy.
What do you want to bet that Falst will still sleep outside.
“What’s a…. bedroom?”
that four-panel joke is S+ tier lmao
TL;DR: Sword guy doesn’t get the concept of sleep, everyone else has to explain it to him.
Its been multiple pages since I’ve seen another TL;DR. Thank you for your service, Nobody. You’re a real one.
Obvious next question is what else he hasn’t been doing. “When’s the last time you pooped?” “Why would I need to poop?”
Kendal: “Why would I need to poop when I’ve never eaten?”
Everyone: “…”
Everyone: “WHAT THE FUCK, DUDE??”
I think he ate a corn dog back in wind crest, but that was several days ago at this point, so he must have had to do that by now. Man, it must be hard to be a body when the consciousness has no concept of self-care.
I love how Kendal is the wisest of the group and has a god’s experiences to draw on, but is still less than a week old and doesn’t understand the concept of sleep.
Tracks for babies, honestly
Can I just say that I love how completely unimpressed Falst is with Kendal right now? You can just feel how sarcastic he is when he says ‘Well, that’d do it.’ I don’t think he really expected to be right when he asked about Kendal’s sleeping habits.
Thank you Red, for making me change my phone background twice in a month(panel four)
“It feels like almost two years”
You know I gotta say, I wasn’t sold on Falst as part of the party at first but he’s already grown on me a bit
I love Kendal’s face. “Why would I need to sleep?” Priceless!
We all called it. We alled it.
that’s what I’m going to say from now on
Love it
It’s ok Kendal I have been alive 29 years and I still have not got the hang of sleeping the right amount sleep is hard XD
Take a long rest ya dink lol, gotta re-up those hit dice and ability cooldowns
HA! Sleep is for the weak. *proceeds to pass out for 20 hours*
Ooh, is this chapter going to be a chill, group talks to each other sort of chapter? I certainly hope so, we haven’t had one of those in a while.
Tynan, you stay the fuck away for now, Kendal is as sleep deprived as a college student.
Oooh Falst is already such a marvelous addition to the group.
University students:Amateur.
well considering Erin’s past, probably more of “You at least need to power nap and caffeinate!”
Me, reading this at three in the morning: WhY HaSn’t hE sLEpT?!?
On this week’s thrilling episode of Learning to be a Person, we learn about sleep!
I wonder if Erin & Alinua are going to give him a verbal checklist of things he might have to do now that he’s a person. That way they don’t have a repeat of this incident wherein they learn he hasn’t been staying hydrated or the like.
I love this squad’s dynamic so much! I’m already sad thinking about how Kendal is going to have to cease existing if Vash returns :'(
Wait a minute, Vash can just make new incarnations right?
Yes. It takes a little while apparently, but gods are fully capable of constructing their incarnations from scratch. For that matter, there is nothing to suggest that Kendall will cease existence upon rescuing his god provided Vash is in decent health for a deity.
Alinua is the focus of the first panel, but the others’ reactions are super in character.
Erin: immediately goes to cast every spell because it’s actually fight/flight/freeze/fireball
Falst: immediately looks for an instigator to claw/yell at/point out
10 days, since a sef is just an earth week
but yes
I love Erin is like “nOt anOtHeR StEp bEfoRe YoU tAkE A frIcKiNg nAp”
YES. In my mind, if Kendall can’t figure out how to sleep, Erin reads aloud from a really boring textbook while Alinua makes him soothing tea. Flast? Probs affecting boredom while keeping guard but don’t know him as well yet.
I guess the “Kendal never sleeps” meme is officially canon
How the hell has he been so functional on literally no sleep?!
Probably a similar reason as to how devastatingly lethal disintegration magic only burned him, or how he just dusted off his shoulders after sustaining an impact that normally would shatter every godsdamn bone in a person’s body, or how he walked away from a blow that would’ve crushed an ordinary person’s windpipe with nothing more than a bruise.
He’s in the body of a literal god, and one built for war at that. He’s mortal, but he’s incredibly durable. I wouldn’t be surprised if that durability extended beyond his ability to heal.
He’s got good fuel economy.
Hahaha, Panel 4 is so delightful!
*Guitar String Snap*
Erin spends so much time doing/undoing his sleeves. Just invest in a less fancy shirt, my dude!
But then, how would he dramatically roll up his sleeves? You would take away that great pleasure? 😛
It is highly adorable, especially when his billowy sleeves are all flappity flappity. But it’s a crime against efficiency!
I’m currently working on a drawing of Kendal sleeping in my chibi style. It will be on my twitter once I’m done. I’ve already drawn the floofy squad once. If want to check out my page just click on my name.
Short list of things Kendal might not have figured out since his body was inhabited by an immortal spirit since a couple of weeks ago:
Remember to always breathe.
Remember to avoid breathing underwater
Food is edible, and you need it.
You can’t regrow limbs without your magical healer friend.
Losing your head is usually a bad thing to happen since you can’t recast your body at will.
You are not your sword in a literal sense, use the poity bit of the sword against bad things, don’t use your head against them.
And here ends the list for the literal toddler with some useful memories from a thousand year old entity.
Also panel 4 Alinua is so over all of this.
She’s like no, he can’t really not have figured sleeping out.
Erin clearly lost it again for a sec but regained his calm after brief moment.
This scene raises some questions:
Do Gods’ bodies automatically come with an emergency replacement soul or is it an instance that occurs solely when they are unwillingly left empty?
Like, if Vash created a body and never actually filled it, would it animate because it has al the structures needed for life, resulting in a literal toddler or would it remain an empty shell?
Because I feel the gods have a tendency to mistreat the body they create for themselves since every time it gets worn out they just dissipate it and build it anew.
Which in a case would be killing a being different than them or just disintegrating a husk.
If that is not the case then a new question arises:
What is Kendal?
He’s using vash’s body, but why is he Not Vash?
Did Vash create his soul on the fly?
Is he but an echo or a leftover?
If Vash were to die, would he just feel the severed connection because he’s a different being or would he die because he’s actually really an echo of Vash, a part that the collector couldn’t sever?
That’s a lot of questions, but:
It’s unclear if a god’s body has a ‘replacement soul’ since Vash is basically the only significant god this has ever happened to. But judging by the intrigue and concern of the other gods, we can assume this is a unique occurrence.
I doubt any god would create an unfilled vessel in the first place, but they may not even be able to. It’s might be that a god inhabits a vessel necessarily as they create it with a fraction of their own power, and that power has to go somewhere.
Yes (if your body’s replaceable, why attached to it?).
I imagine destroying your incarnation could be seen as cutting your hair or having teeth extracted. You’ve lost a small part of yourself but that part doesn’t live on it’s own, and it doesn’t take away much from your whole existence.
Well that’s the question, isn’t it? No-one’s sure what Kendal is, but I expect we’ll get some more exposition on that at Erin’s soul-shaping monastery.
Vash got evicted from his body by the Collector; is Kendal like the new tenant, or the landlord? Did some ‘soul energy’ collect in Vash’s body after the city was destroyed? I don’t know.
Vash doesn’t create his soul, it exists in his city and citizens, just as Gleicann’s soul exists in his forest. Their true bodies are far vaster than a mortal could comprehend. But when they incarnate, a fraction of their soul controls the body, which allows them more tangible, practical use of power and a clarity of mind. The Collector lured Vash into an incarnation by laying siege to his city, then destroyed the city, forcing the totality of Vash’s soul into his incarnation, which she then ripped out.
Echo, leftover, aspect; we’re not sure what Kendal is.
The Collector won’t kill Vash, she’s too interested in playing with him, but if she did… Maybe Kendal would just have the connection severed, lose his memories of Vash, and any other demigod powers.
The fact is:
We don’t actually know.
Since gods, as you pointed out, exist as a manifestation of the whole area they represent and what happened to Vash is unprecedented we don’t know if Kendal is a part of Vash that remained attached and became independent from the original soul or if in this universe a living body requires a soul so when vash’s body became empty a new one was automatically generated because it still had a functioning brain. In the second case Kendal is actually his own unique being but connected to the original owner, while in the first case he is still technically a part of Vash and we don’t know what would happen if the main soul were to die.
We know for a fact that gods change their incarnations regularly and aren’t restricted to a fully physical human form that would work without their soul inside it. We know this by reading the extra lore regarding the battle between Tynan and Vash where it’s stated that Tynan could lose a limb or two since he’s made of clouds and thunder and can reform quickly while Vash’s body isn’t that quick to rebuild so it’s more valuable during combat.
This probably means that if Tynan was to be evicted from his body the physical form would dissolve since it’s thunderclouds held together by his power while since Vash is consistent, well, we know.
Knowing that I would argue that the possibility of a new soul to occupy a God’s empty husk depends on the god. If one’s physical form is built internally capable of self sustenance then it would be possible.
By further analizing the scene where Vash get’s kidnapped and Kendal comes into being I propend for the “it has a brain so it gets a new soul” option.
Because it takes a lot of time for Kendal to come into being and his personality is totally different from Vash’s.
The soul was ripped out and some remains lingered maybe in the sword since it technically was part of his body once, and it would explain why Kendal feels a stronger connection when holding it but the body was empty but was still breathing so the brain rebooted having lost it’s puppeteer and started anew, Vash noticed and since he had nobody else to call upon he jumpstarted Kendal by leaving him the memories on how to talk and move (but since Vash was a warrior he probably creates a body with a good amount of muscle memory installed or he would have to train again every time he reforms) and let him figure out the rest.
I would exclude that he was a leftover or an echo because he clearly sais that he doesn’t feel his body was his own when he woke up.
Probably the twins made it so that working human bodies require a soul in order to prevent Void Dragon from claiming them as seen in page two.
New here, aren’t we?
Well, welcome to the comment section, where we give links to our fan art, make really complicated theories about the comic and have a mum club reunion every start of a new chapter! We welcome a new theorist and have probably answered at least one of those questions previously in other conversations on other pages.
It doesn’t let me reply but no, I’m not that new, been up to date with the comic for a while (I went up to date since Erin’s first appearance) and already commented a few times, you just probably haven’t noticed.
Oh! Sorry about that.
Red, common sense is a burdensome curse, and you know it.
Kendal: Collapses
Mage friends: oh shit oh shit oh shit- is this about being Vash’s vessel?!
Falst: Maybe he just needs to be a regular dude for a moment?
The party: …oh…right…
Kendall is officially my favorite himbo
I love the look on everyone’s face when they discover this epic case of sleep-deprivation
Kendal: I don’t sleep.
everyone else: 0_0
I love the panel 4 expressions! 0_0
Why is Kendal literally me in this scenario? I don’t sleep enough and my friends are concerned.
Wait so not only did Kendal kick a tree in half, beat up a fully-grown bear chimera & give an inspiring speech last night, but he did it on a WEEK’S WORTH OF SLEEP DEPRIVATION? Dude!
Help that’s so funny
alt text:
only a sef and a half? weird. feels more like almost two years
rereading the series and that 4th panel will always be absolute gold
Image source: sleep
Lol, that 4th panel gives me, “Trying to go somewhere private just to realise someone is already there/Walking in on an private conversation,” vibes
Lol, when I first saw the top of your comment I thought you were gunna make anouther Harry Potter reference
Also, still got the, my posts are saying they are posted 1 hour before they actually did, glitch, is this happening to anyone else
Well I couldn’t think of any reference that would fit besides the book scene where Ron and Lavender walk in on Harry consoling Hermione after Ron kissed Lavender in the Gryffindor common room, but most people don’t know about that scene as it’s overshadowed by the scene that happens after where Hermione summons a bunch of birds to attack Ron, so I didn’t put it, but I love that panel and wanted to comment about it
(Also I’m not getting that glitch, might wanna check out your phone there buddy)
Lol, I don’t use my phone to view this comic or comment, I use my computer, either way I’m not sure what would cause this glitch to happen, it’s not like it matters that much just confusing
Oops that was ment to be a reply
Common Sense! Falst is my favourite character, and not just because he’s canonically gay(rereading btw, he gets even better later on)
I love Kendal so much. He has an incredibly fascinating position in regards to himself and his body, really good writing on Red with the fact that he actually was born like 11 days ago. Vash didn’t need sleep, so why would he? Vash didn’t worry about dying, so why should he worry? It’s really good setup, I love how much sense his actions and current personality make with him having memories of a god. Like, yeah, I’ll go head-first into danger, whatever.
And he also wouldn’t have an understanding of being tired, so it’s neat he just like “Oh it’s this weird sensation in my head, and my eyes ache for some reason, also the body seems weak somehow, why would that be?”. He is a vessel, so it very much believable he COULD go for so long without sleep, but he doesn’t have the power to disregard his needs entirely as Vash did.
Somebody* holy hell my brain cant compute-
Kendall just casually destroying Odysseus’ record of 9 days awake and sprinting for the current world record. Bro please take a nap.