I was just going back through the prologue (as I’ve done several times now), and I think this is the first time I understand it. In the early days of the world (probably after the death of the primordials), the Twins were working with the Void Dragon to create a body that could control all of the elements (as shown by the body channeling all 6 colors).
All of the bodies made were empty shells. However, in a process similar to what happened to Kendal, the shells gained consciousness (and either became gods or people). The dragon is quite frustrated at the birth of consciousness, and (verbally) lashes out at the Twins at this unexpected predicament.
I bet that the dragon could/would only posses an elemental magus (as he’s only satisfied with an elemental magus body, as shown here), so if someone else had made it to the center of the storm, they probably wouldn’t have gotten possessed, even if a team had tried to repair the containment device.
It’s interesting that the Twins were working with him, as it makes it seem like he might not have been a threat to all life, like most void dragons in other works (I’m looking at you, Divinity: Original Sin). Like even if the Twins were doing this to appease him, he seemed like he might have been happy with the body, and kept the world around. So not all-consuming, just hungry.
Wonder how he eventually got contained by the Ancients, as there would be quite a bit of time between this scene and the time of containment.
A very interesting theory. There are some things I’d like to add to it.
SPOILERS FOR PRE-5/11/20 Comics
While the Twins working with V.D. is certainly intriguing, it’s possible they may have done so without knowing exactly who they worked for, and we don’t know whether this cooperation was of the Twins’ own volition. Seeing as it wants to be free of its cage (plus the fact that said cage is the planet’s core), V.D.’s escape would almost certainly be catastrophic for the world’s inhabitants. Also, it wanted to eat the sun. Life doesn’t really have a way of getting back up from that.
I agree with the Elder Races being empty shells at first. And while I also agree that the process of them gaining self-awareness/sentience does resemble Kendal’s situation, I believe this is the effect (or possibly a side effect) of some outside entity’s intervention. This entity, whom I’ll call Light-Eyes for lack of a better or official name (readers who read Chapter 6 will know who/what I’m referring to), seems opposed to the Void Dragon and appeared to thwart its attempts at escape. I have some speculation on Light-Eyes’ possible identity (see the post on the origin of the Twins on the official Aurora tumblr), but not much beyond that.
I’m also wondering about the pedestal, though I disagree with the opinion that nobody would’ve been possessed had a team of mages tried to repair it. If V.D. has been stuck for as long as some people have estimated, it probably would’ve taken the first opportunity to possess someone and then, assuming it’s capable of that, jump between hosts until eventually it would find the perfect one.
As for the pedestal itself, I have a hunch it is connected to the Ancients’ civil war in some way.
The fact is that the pedestal was at the middle of the storm, which contained all elements therefore it is stated that only a mage capable of protecting himself from all of them and purging from the side effects would have been able to reach it.
VD’s Mark was there specifically because only a mage capable of welding all six elements would have been able to reach it.
I would like to add a little more to this. Erin had mentioned a seventh element was known to exist but had not been encountered. We know this to be void. but the seven elements all together still don’t account for the composition of living beings. The soul barrier has been mentioned, notably as a separate thing that prevents magic from interfering with what it’s bonded to. Further than that, we also se that souls are a real thin in aurora distinct from the other elements. With the soul shaper monks who are stated to manipulate that aspect of being. it is also stated that the soul is separate from the body or the mind. I think the soul is the eighth element and that the “other” dragon who is the light counterpart to the void, is soul.
I also forgot that since the soul barrier prevents magic from tampering with the body, it would stop the void dragon from possessing these shells made by the twins. We hear the void dragon explain the beginnings of humanity to Erin, and he says that his “other” had tampered with humans and gave the living things sentience. i think this is the shells gaining free will and a soul.
PS> Void dragon told Erin that his “other” had tampered with humans in a way that thwarted him. the soul barrier stops magic from messing with the elements that it is bonded to, hence not being able to use water magic to blood bend a person. Giving these shells a soul and free will would make it so that the void dragon can’t control them without a link.
P.S. This “other” had thwarted the void dragon by adding something. The soul presumably would give free will as well as block the influence of the void dragon.,. as seen with soul barriers overcoming other magical influences). Giving these empty shells free will my have been purposeful or a side effect.
I will add that the Lore states that the Twins have continued to create life to the present day, they seem to genuinely enjoy doing so. So, for them, their creations having Soul and free will also means that they Void Dragon can’t get out to destroy the world, and they can keep creating. They made his perfect tool, but it’s not their fault that he cant use it(presumably not their fault anyways)
Mysterious Voice: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
Me: They seem to have created the worlds first nudist colony but didn’t tell any of the occupants until after they were granted sentience. Awkward.
Ok now the poor guy has PTSD from almost being possesd by VD like thats got to be traumatic. You shall not destroy any planets today VD –
The Twins being dramatic.
Check out how everybody in the background goes from all black eyes (prev page) to glow to normal eyes. So /none/ of the races had a soul until there was a need for them to exist and that activation energy was the threat of the void dragon escaping. Seems like something is always stopping him, maybe that’s part of his true aspect/power: constant creation of opposition.
“What’s happening to it?” The person’s eyes turn to a white sclera with brown irises, human eyes. They stare at their hand, the wisps of orange energy fading. “It won’t–” The other people’s eyes glow the same blue, before fading to normal colors. They start whispering among themselves, nervous.
“Listen to me! STOP!” The people start to panic and flee, leaving the two beings alone in the snow.
“It was perfect! What HAPPENED?!” the Voice roars. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
TL;DR: God gets head bitten off by the Holy Spirit and the Heavenly Host for breaking Jesus.
alt-text: Someone’s in trouble~
SPOILERS FOR PRE-5/4/20 Comics
I was just going back through the prologue (as I’ve done several times now), and I think this is the first time I understand it. In the early days of the world (probably after the death of the primordials), the Twins were working with the Void Dragon to create a body that could control all of the elements (as shown by the body channeling all 6 colors).
All of the bodies made were empty shells. However, in a process similar to what happened to Kendal, the shells gained consciousness (and either became gods or people). The dragon is quite frustrated at the birth of consciousness, and (verbally) lashes out at the Twins at this unexpected predicament.
I bet that the dragon could/would only posses an elemental magus (as he’s only satisfied with an elemental magus body, as shown here), so if someone else had made it to the center of the storm, they probably wouldn’t have gotten possessed, even if a team had tried to repair the containment device.
It’s interesting that the Twins were working with him, as it makes it seem like he might not have been a threat to all life, like most void dragons in other works (I’m looking at you, Divinity: Original Sin). Like even if the Twins were doing this to appease him, he seemed like he might have been happy with the body, and kept the world around. So not all-consuming, just hungry.
Wonder how he eventually got contained by the Ancients, as there would be quite a bit of time between this scene and the time of containment.
A very interesting theory. There are some things I’d like to add to it.
SPOILERS FOR PRE-5/11/20 Comics
While the Twins working with V.D. is certainly intriguing, it’s possible they may have done so without knowing exactly who they worked for, and we don’t know whether this cooperation was of the Twins’ own volition. Seeing as it wants to be free of its cage (plus the fact that said cage is the planet’s core), V.D.’s escape would almost certainly be catastrophic for the world’s inhabitants. Also, it wanted to eat the sun. Life doesn’t really have a way of getting back up from that.
I agree with the Elder Races being empty shells at first. And while I also agree that the process of them gaining self-awareness/sentience does resemble Kendal’s situation, I believe this is the effect (or possibly a side effect) of some outside entity’s intervention. This entity, whom I’ll call Light-Eyes for lack of a better or official name (readers who read Chapter 6 will know who/what I’m referring to), seems opposed to the Void Dragon and appeared to thwart its attempts at escape. I have some speculation on Light-Eyes’ possible identity (see the post on the origin of the Twins on the official Aurora tumblr), but not much beyond that.
I’m also wondering about the pedestal, though I disagree with the opinion that nobody would’ve been possessed had a team of mages tried to repair it. If V.D. has been stuck for as long as some people have estimated, it probably would’ve taken the first opportunity to possess someone and then, assuming it’s capable of that, jump between hosts until eventually it would find the perfect one.
As for the pedestal itself, I have a hunch it is connected to the Ancients’ civil war in some way.
The fact is that the pedestal was at the middle of the storm, which contained all elements therefore it is stated that only a mage capable of protecting himself from all of them and purging from the side effects would have been able to reach it.
VD’s Mark was there specifically because only a mage capable of welding all six elements would have been able to reach it.
I would like to add a little more to this. Erin had mentioned a seventh element was known to exist but had not been encountered. We know this to be void. but the seven elements all together still don’t account for the composition of living beings. The soul barrier has been mentioned, notably as a separate thing that prevents magic from interfering with what it’s bonded to. Further than that, we also se that souls are a real thin in aurora distinct from the other elements. With the soul shaper monks who are stated to manipulate that aspect of being. it is also stated that the soul is separate from the body or the mind. I think the soul is the eighth element and that the “other” dragon who is the light counterpart to the void, is soul.
I also forgot that since the soul barrier prevents magic from tampering with the body, it would stop the void dragon from possessing these shells made by the twins. We hear the void dragon explain the beginnings of humanity to Erin, and he says that his “other” had tampered with humans and gave the living things sentience. i think this is the shells gaining free will and a soul.
PS> Void dragon told Erin that his “other” had tampered with humans in a way that thwarted him. the soul barrier stops magic from messing with the elements that it is bonded to, hence not being able to use water magic to blood bend a person. Giving these shells a soul and free will would make it so that the void dragon can’t control them without a link.
P.S. This “other” had thwarted the void dragon by adding something. The soul presumably would give free will as well as block the influence of the void dragon.,. as seen with soul barriers overcoming other magical influences). Giving these empty shells free will my have been purposeful or a side effect.
Hollow Knight?
I will add that the Lore states that the Twins have continued to create life to the present day, they seem to genuinely enjoy doing so. So, for them, their creations having Soul and free will also means that they Void Dragon can’t get out to destroy the world, and they can keep creating. They made his perfect tool, but it’s not their fault that he cant use it(presumably not their fault anyways)
Mysterious Voice: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
Me: They seem to have created the worlds first nudist colony but didn’t tell any of the occupants until after they were granted sentience. Awkward.
Anyone else notice the three familiar faces in the background?
At first I saw a sky elf Like our lead life mage, but I see kendal and Erin too?
Today’s Alt Text:
Someone’s in trouble~
Ok now the poor guy has PTSD from almost being possesd by VD like thats got to be traumatic. You shall not destroy any planets today VD –
The Twins being dramatic.
Check out how everybody in the background goes from all black eyes (prev page) to glow to normal eyes. So /none/ of the races had a soul until there was a need for them to exist and that activation energy was the threat of the void dragon escaping. Seems like something is always stopping him, maybe that’s part of his true aspect/power: constant creation of opposition.
I just found out this comic exists and am binging it immediately
“What have you DONE?!” is
a great question. Shame it seems
they don’t know either.
So if the light dragon and void dragon both created the twins, does this mean that they chose their mom’s side in the divorce?
No, what?! It was so good?
If only what they did he understood
“What’s happening to it?” The person’s eyes turn to a white sclera with brown irises, human eyes. They stare at their hand, the wisps of orange energy fading. “It won’t–” The other people’s eyes glow the same blue, before fading to normal colors. They start whispering among themselves, nervous.
“Listen to me! STOP!” The people start to panic and flee, leaving the two beings alone in the snow.
“It was perfect! What HAPPENED?!” the Voice roars. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!”
Godly dude cries his heart out, lashes out at the lesbian couple
Eldritch Satan: this is why unions suck
Make it Double: Yeah!
Prepare for Trouble: dude, what if we unionized?
Make it Double: duuuude. Yeah
Seriously, what are they standing on?
Sin Count: 2
So, this is where it began?
So, this is where it all began?